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Leave Management System – PHP Project

Team Members:
Abhishek Acharya (CE-001)
Aditya Krishnakumar (CE-002)
Raj Baraiya (CE-003)
Nilesh Bhadane (CE-004)

About The Project:

In this project, the members are creating a leave management system. The project has
the following components:


Before accessing the CLIENT CONSOLE, the client has to register himself/herself using
the CLIENT REGISTRATION COMPONENT. The registration component consists of a
simple HTML form and the confirmation page for the same. Also, the registration details
of the same are mailed to the client’s registered email address. The mail feature is
present in all the three components and is used as required.

The CLIENT CONSOLE consists of the following features:

 Requesting for a leave

 Password recovery option (through email)
 Seeing the number of leaves available to him/her and all the details about
 Viewing the complete profile of him/her with his/her profile picture along with
the all the types of leaves (Casual, Sick and Earn) sanctioned to him/her by the

The ADMIN MANAGEMENT CONSOLE consists of the following features:

 Removal of an employee (if he/she has quit the company)

 Power of granting/rejecting the leaves requested by the client with/without
specifying the reason. Also, searching and deleting the employee as per his/her
department (if the application is used in a college/university) associated with

 Mailing the leave grant/reject status along with the reason to the client’s
registered email address.
 Seeing the type of leaves sanctioned by him/her to the client

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