Positon Paper About War On Drugs

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Positon Paper about War on Drugs

By: Carl Emerson Daep

War on drugs have been a critical issue in our country nowadays. Drugs is the worst thing that will ruin your
entire life. Avoid drugs because it will destroy your life and also the community where we are living. We can
prevent the drug abuse in this country if we cooperate in our President Rodrigo Duterte campaign. Duterte’s
Administration has a well planned campaign against drugs . It is the easy way to resolve the drug addiction and
the crimes that are involved in using illegal drugs. I agree to the campaign of President Duterte in war on drugs
because for me it is the only way to resolved the drug addiction here in our country.

According to 2019 Narconon International, there’s not a drug out there without some harmful effects as all
drugs are basically poisonous. The exact effects vary by drug. Heroin or painkillers suppress the action of the
lungs and this can lead to tuberculosis, pneumonia or abscesses. Marijuana causes changes in the brain similar
to those that occur with schizophrenia. Cocaine is very stressful on the heart and arteries which can trigger an
immediate cardiac arrest or heart attack. So many people become aggressive when they take drugs, stimulants
like cocaine and methamphetamine often make people aggressive and paranoid.

If this campaign will succeed more lives will be saved. Lessen drug-related crimes, when drug addicts will not
have access to illegal substances,they will not experience highs or hallucinations that will drive them to commit
crimes. Based on 2019 Channel New Asia, government has not shield away from inconvenient truths like the
fact that the Philippines is becoming a transshipment point for the global drug trade, and the high number of
1.8 million drug users in the Philippines. Duterte has also courageously and rightfully identified the
involvement of politicians in the drug trade. Duterte’s attention on drugs has also challenged health officials to
offer rehabilitation services and even consider targeted and sustained community-based interventions. Despite
international criticism of the Philippines’ deadly anti-drug war , the majority of fellow Filipinos continue to
support President Dutert’s campaign that killed thousands of mostly poor drug suspects. The SWS survey,
involving 1,200 adult respondents across the country, found in March that 78% were satisfied with the
administration’s performance in its campaign against illegal drugs, with 43% are very satisfied and 35% are
somewhat satisfied, 10% were undecided, while only 12% were dissatisfied.

Althrough in today’s society there so many against of Duterte’s campaign on war on drugs, the majority of
Filipinos is still strong to support the campaign because it has a big changes to our country. The big real
evidence is that there are thousands of surrenderies of drug addicts due to this campaign. Maybe you’ve been
convinced that you can use drugs and still keep things together, but by the time one’s drug use reaches the
point of being an addiction, one’s life has already begun a downward slide .

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