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IS 808 : 1989 (Reaffirmed 1999) Edition 4.1 (1992-07) Indian Standard DIMENSIONS FOR HOT ROLLED STEEL BEAM, COLUMN, CHANNEL AND ANGLE SECTIONS (Third Revision ) THT ATE are fener Seat SA, wave, eT ce TAI AT & Ta CART FRAT) (incorporating Amendment No. 1) UDC 669.14-428.2-122.4 : 006.78 © BIS 2002 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Price Group 7 Structural Sections Sectional Committee, SMDC 6 FOREWORD This Indian Standard (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on 6 April 1989, after the draft finalized by the Structural Sections Sectional Committee had been, approved by the Structural and Metals Division Council Under the steel economy programme, a rational, efficient and economical series of Indian Standards on beam sections, channel sections and angle sections was evolved in 1957 and TS 808 : 1957 was published covering junior, light weight, medium weight, wide flange and heavy weight beam sections; junior, light weight and medium weight channel sections and equal and ‘unequal leg angle sections, This standard was revised in 1964, In the second revision of this standard, parts relating to medium weight beam sections — MB series, column sections — SC series, channel sections — MC and MCP series and equal and ‘unequal leg angles were revised and published as Parts 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of IS 808, respectively. Sections not covered in these parts, however continued in IS 808 ° 1964. In the present revision, the Sectional Committee felt it convenient to merge all the five parts into one standard. The acctions which were retained in IS 808 : 1964 subsequent to ite second revision, in five parte are included in this standard with a view that these sections although not being rolled. in the country at present may in future be rolled owing to their efficiency and resultant economy in the use of steel. However, the designers are advised to check from JPC/producers regarding availability of such sections. Following additional modifications have been affected in this revision: a) Medium weight beam sections MB 100 having the flange width and web thickness of 70 mm and 4.5mm, respectively, has been modified to 50mm flange width and 4.7mm web thickness; b) Two sections, namely, BFB 150 and RSJ 200 which are mainly used in railway electrification have been included as SC 150 and WB 200, respectively; ©) Additional equal leg angles 60 60 x 4, 100 100 x 7 (in place of 100 100 x 6.5), and 130 130 x 9 hhave been included in the supplimentary list; 4) Amendments issued so far to the various parts of the standard and to IS 808 : 1964 have been incorporated; and ¢) Masa, area and other sectional properties have been expressed in three significant places. This edition 4.1 incorporates Amendment No. 1 (July 1992). Side bar indicates modification of the text as the result of incorporation of the amendment, IS 808 : 1989 Indian Standard DIMENSIONS FOR HOT ROLLED STEEL BEAM, COLUMN, CHANNEL AND ANGLE SECTIONS (Third Revision ) 1 SCOPE ‘This standard covers the nominal dimensions, mass and sectional properties of hot rolled sloping flange beam and column. sections, sloping and parallel flange channel sections and equal and unequal leg angle sections. 2. REFERENCES ‘The Indian Standard IS 1852 : 1985 ‘Rolled and catting tolerances for hot rolled stee] products (fourth revision ) is a necessary adjunct to this, standard, SECTION 1 GENERAL 3. TERMINOLOGY BLY-Y Axis A line parallel to the axis of the web of the section (in the case of beams and channels) or parallel to the axis of the longer flange (in the case of unequal angles) or either flange (in the cease of equal angles) and passing through tho centre of gravity of the profile of the section. B.2XX Axis A line passing through the contro of gravity of the profile of the section, and at right angles to the ¥-Y axis, 3.8 U-U and V-V Axes Lines passing through the centre of gravity of the profile of the section, representing the principal axes of angle sections. 4 SYMBOLS 4.1 Lotter symbols used in this standard have been indicated appropriately in Sections 2 to 6. More explicit definitions for certain symbols, used in the figures and tables of Sections 2 to 6 are given in 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, 4.1.1 Symbols for Dimensions A,B = the longer and the shorter leg length of angle section, respectively; B= flange width of beam, column or channel sections; D_ = depth of beam, column or channel Ry = radius at Ry = radius at toe; f= thickness of web of beam, column or channel section; thickness of leg of angle section; and T = thickness of flange of beam, column or channel section, 4.2.2 Symbols for Sectional Properties a = sectional area, (with subscripts x, y, u or v) = distance of contre of gravity, stance of extreme fibre from XX distance of extreme fibre from YY I, = moment of inertia about X-X axis, I, = moment of inertia about ¥-¥ axis, moment of inertia ( Max ) about U-U Jy = moment of inertia ( Min ) about V-V M_ = mass of the section per metre length, modulus of section about X-X 2 axis, _4y = modulus of section about ¥.Y a7 ais, [I radius of gyration about X-X Ag Taxis, IS 808 : 1989 Jf, _ radius of gyration about ¥-Y radius of gyration about U-U [F, _radius of gyration about V-V angle between U-U and XX axes of angle section; slope of flange in the case of beam, column or channel, 5 CLASSIFICATION 5.1 Beam, column, channel and angle sections are classified as follows: 5.1.1 Beams a) Indian Standard junior beams (ISJB) b)Indian Standard light weight beams SLB) o)Indian Standard medium weight beams (SMB) 4) Indian aswE) 5.1.2 ColumnsiHeavy Weight Beams a) Indian Standard column sections (SSC) b)Indian Standard heavy weight beam (sHB) 5.13 Channels a) Indian Standard junior channels (ISJC) b) Indian Standard light weight channels asLc) ©) Indian Standard medium weight channels dsMc) 4) Indian Standard medium weight parallel flange channels (ISMCP) 5.14 Angles a) Indian Standard equal leg angles (ISA) b) Indian Standard unequal leg angles (ISA) Standard wide flange beams 5.2The following abbreviated reference symbols have been used in designating the Indian Standard sections mentioned in 5.1: Section Classification Abbreviated Reference Symbol Beams ISJB JB ISLB LB ISMB MB ISWB WB Columnshheayy SSC sc beams ISEB HB Channels Issc ac ISLC Le ISMC Mc ISMCP MCP Angles ISA Zz 6 DESIGNATION 6.1 Boam, columns and channel sections shall be designated by the respective abbreviated reference symbols followed by the depth of the section, for example: a) MB 200 — for a medium weight beam of depth 200 mm, b) SC 200 — for a column section of depth 200 mm, ©) MC 200 — for medium weight channel of depth 200 mm, and 4) MCP 200 — for a medium weight parallel flange channel of depth 200 mun, 6.2 Equal and unequal leg angles shall be designated hy the abbreviated reference symbols (2) followed by the dimensions A, B and f. For example, 200 100 x 10 represents tunequal leg angle of dimensions 200 mm, 100 mm and thickness 10 mm. ‘7 DIMENSIONS, MASS AND TOLERANCES TANominal dimensions and mass of beam, column, channel and equal and unequal angles shall conform to the values given in Sections 2, 3, 4,5 and 6, respectively of the standard, 7.2 Dimensional and mass tolerances of the various sections shall conform to the appropriate values stipulated in IS 1852 : 1985. 8 SECTIONAL PROPERTIES Sectional properties of the beams, columns, channel and equal and unequal leg angles are given in Sections 2 to 6 for information, seo essen om oot see ot sz POL sess s sone. vec 0s sez tee tz one on see. vic tee eet oor ove ost moet ate ost se ut sat se ust. aT? wap LL se ost om or OIST. gts see oH tt ers 998 = ST oy water os oot op Ce eG) © © ee oe Oy ‘ a vepiedend wuopeeg coISUOUNIG [EUIWON 1% O14EL, sureog oSuepy umypayy prepueyg werpuy jo sensodorg euoyjoag pur Sse} SNOLLOAS WVHE % NOLLOAS: IS 808 : 1989 owe ose ozo ak sepnedong (ruonaeg toe we st ut zm m oo 00s oor oF 008 0% 09 et a st oe oe ty (Papnpueg) VEAL v6 ee a ost on on @ or oor ose Ht ze van 199 © b-waay rewon aos va st9 vee wy oss ait 00s ait ost ant oF ant ose a wopeutieod oqabeyeuc asd 19 pu (g) — LON ft oe eee ast oo8ze oor oe sot sor oa sat $66 09 su onet ors osor oosss¢8 out ty 6 ost ons 95 ose 08 #1 oor owt ace ss osc 0 OT ver 98 oto roe ess osp a so e868 ore StL onget 08 Ot str 08 sat ony va 638 on a7 se tut we onget 8st nn or oer ose aT a er me uss 08 ost 88 oe atte one od res sont wy ors stot str oe ome sts ste one aT ros eee ote set ote Sto Fe esse vr gue oe aT ow tee t9t se oom ss Ps om sz oy ee seca or kez eet set so ost cer) stk ase wuz 9c ost Se su os 86 of 98 oor moe wee rete st ot 86 eh Sook onze et opet eis ot 6 nr eet run st tet 60 ot a6 68 rs 08 sur cnet vr 8te et zee ot 66 89 aF ok ast vet zat eu rs oat re ot os ee rat ett es use ort ze ot os oe ee os ot ou 98 oy verse oor ozs os eos we rs sea suooa 108g, IT ror et ast so ot st s8 sts eee at scvar vs orm ourt rin LST STS sa 66 oe ar et sys u60 os ay STS THs et rotors sitar we 6m wr ove mt STS Tost te ost ar spay coun o> Gp oD wD @ a oO & E » © © © © ee wey a ety 1 aoa peo ow wenindong mueneeg roma reuonss tg uopeutieog (Eee 0 wos 9 sore emia sureog 74319q 1YS¥T pus 1oluNp pavpueyg UEIPUT Jo sonrodorg [eUOTa0g puE SEY ‘SUOISHOUTG [EUTUON ZZ 918, IS 808 : 1989 “eoneagioye Seas 95 porn A erm (UOT9S PSH) 008 Ah yey ost 9890s «cons ooostr os © orotate wea T(t se ost e906 ~~ oOLY ooosor Ss —LT_=Ote Sate etT seek aet(on a ee cuz Ws et ont coon. 08 osm SuT_ Sor asese, mae ossan, siz woz sey uz owez conze | GL Ost ome we ose ta ese osah Ut et 98t OLE ooree oz ost ome rete tae wo Fee sham rr ee er cre rie uy mY OTROS wee wee tyre, ves owt owee Hy atss ST swe Sweet sre th lo Up wee RFR Bw Lo Ser wee Sa wR ts meats one aa, ou me cez as et ez eY sweet eto a roc ut estate oF steaks sut am hog 404g ot ® @& o @ @ a Oo © © © © © & © @ a a woe te te t eaary vopnodoag rwon2eg Tawar : oped (Papmeuog) 7% Tae, caopyespsops Genes 10) porn Sure UORIES Gla) s08T OS oo: 168 OFS LOT. ae ooseT TT eeu mrs se core oszas sel SLY Sheu ORL Ow st 08 = ost 6 wee ae HL owes est S98 FY Gy oesT ssw st 086 Osteen oz 98 Lm ste Fee OK OES st 085 ot sweat rye sos ost as soe tse ors seh auto. a 0% ome ot ve ow oon ews see we aOR OTT 9 asta pee u9e a nC) a O86 outs aot se 007 suoipg weamyeg op oo @ aw om & ® © © © = mo woe ar woe way yoo yw 1 aa werederg aos aor stig wonwatied sureog 74219M Savoy] pue suumjoy prepueyg uerpuy Jo sonredoag feuoHseg pur ssujy ‘SuOISUOUNIE [EUTWON TE a1qeL, SNOILOUS WWI LTDTAM AAVAH/NWATOD € NOLLOAS: IS 808 : 1989 “uotjoe nao ev pasn off ae rUeH29¢ aH — LON we ot 0s sos oot or en str Sz. s0svan ee ont ars 00 ooze en mtu os a we owt srs oz ones va gor ose OF sor te 00" aE wiz corr see oe oorse vm re ose Orb ‘oF ait fet ost aes orsz user om Tor ase ose re PL 098 aH set sot $09 ose ooze om ee oes ese us ose a fur se gee osez 00st sor re ose aoe coe ote 008 aH su 9st oz ooze gor 94 ose aoe am 88s ‘oot aH ost 69 ues 086 ne 88 ose ose vv ose aH ost 619 ors ores ue 69 ose ase, ost alt et usp ue oor ors Te 98 sez sez vss PP sean ocr 6 86 oset —o0es Te $9 see sez ws se aH os utr see oat oe ee ane one eos OF 008 aH 19 te 1S 19009 oe re oes Saya 02 aH ris ez see seh OFT os | em ost ast TH ose ost aH zoo sears os ore os re ost ost ose gos sot aH sounpeoprne » wD al oo ® c @ © ® ) @ > wm wo weep mmm wey ‘ , ‘ . 4 ales nA a a n 1 ety 1 a a piwaay on sepnedong (ruonaeg (Papnpueg) VE ONAEL 2 “oro Boros 6qdnoud oe yous uy wonsveyeoyysy apuodearios ays oe jou yo soe owes wow, pouteygo og ue Aiseepuuedea ut v2.10} popuayul oat yi UT euEKpOE LoUANDY BL g 4 7 7 , 004 . sm ut wz oe oH Ie ser oot «HZ ze woot ert ore rol ou uw SLT OW 9% ror eT ad set 96926 vie oh eT FE 96 re 08 99 set our ver 189 TT Te sy ete ec? ust te gee wT vs were 9 bh ss zat wer oz ert 6a oo oat he 9 $k) Oh eT apron SFP wg op ep @ apo @ c o = = > ome om 0p may 4 4 bo nsedeis weet : a yw ronrodera Teuoneog, soowwomna os atthe wonwadieog spouuegy oSuey Surdojg Jo sonsodorg euoHseg pur sseyy ‘SuoIsMOUN TF >4EL ‘SNOLLOGS IANNVHO ¥ NOLLOGS IS 808 : 1989 ees set vor 982 a ost oor 186 Fes ez out ew ow uerox6q "dood sot aor rer 96 en se zor 6 we ol sor eer srs tu sre for sos zIs sor ye wt tt sz aoe re yey: wy Hor 96 yeoyyan Surpaodeasz09 aye ores ores 108 oon ose oe za 859 us 199 es zur wet ae wt 9st rt st yz ert ist set wet set ust a ze ze ze #2 ve ve vz ze oe ve ont 96 om 96 oz 96 on 96 1 96 se 96 08 96 oe ste 1 96 oo ste os ste oe ste OL ste oo ste 115 90 ates sao parm onan ruses 3) op ose 8 ose st one ost ost sz si 02 sur ost sor uF ze vss sus vue sat vat vt see eu oH re eve Tee ow ov st oot sro soup 99 90 a8 SxyonpuruaBe wr 9en 20} popUyEN sas GIES WY FURR TAHOE ML ou 0 ez st~ Sos ooest aE ge OST 9 est Se oT P eee ros zs Oe OT TT ut we ote ott 96 oz ‘oot see zy Sor OF go FTT Se store ORT 96 oor oF ez STF Tuy sth og FIT Fe ages sez 96 eL one ror 9F Sor SUE LPTSHSCO HECK eZ ERT 96 06 a ost oe aye Se Ok ue: wREOZ ze 96 ZL Ok se vet 908 9 © fe eT GIS yez mT T 96 oe meee oer Loe siz tet ee we oer ae te OTT 96 en on 08, ow ere vO ol we oot oz ee OTT 96 zone sx ewe a en «wD wm wm o © @ » © © « a = wow ow au aw =“ uw ye way wa wo yf we 2 2 a a L . - ropuederg Teuonaeg So oy woneasisog (papnpueg) VP TAP, 4 aeox3 on yy 2 wons9e Yeon Sexpodeox19 aqy ew sor J 398 ome OM THON aX 0} are yenpur woBea ct opm 2y papragat ont y>e9 Wt SUORPIE f om col sez: wZSOTT Lt se Gol uez Owe: akSsZ OT so 669 oz oss se 1808s ws, eT wee etT sch @ ep oD sD @ » @ © © ye "9 2 2 a a sopaodorg jeuonsag saopreoma, 9 st ors. ovary reuonaes Lut 91 vot uy x te et omy 3uerer uopeasisog spouuegy oSuels [orTered Jo sonsodosg [euoroog pur sseyy ‘suoFsuOUN ZF OT4SL, IS 808 : 1989 4 dnosd one eH oro Seer por aeoved,Serpuodeason oy) xv aes 4 sues ogy wosy paurvigo oq oy axe Cryenpur oem ut om 29) papoose are yea wt au9e JaFAEOH Se eu 068s oorst 09g of. FSt. BOTS 0S ooh sis us msg corer sez oR OMS SST. eR oT se sate ost aa os Ter se ET ou. 9% OL ORT Tmt z For AO wus te ev ous we OLCOTT OmTS SS oeSes SH ar aN, sys te zg ore 592 OL OST, eT Loe or AON ver ee uFz Fe oer 182 OL OT, oce aN or ae arz Ove omy oz ou ozt THRs eur ost we $9 omt:et skate re it out 9% 80 OM oT Se oo ote eo aa zor wt wt 08) om hE Lower ON 99 set we 09 sor work kk att OW ow sez wz 08 sor zor out eer ic 0 oo ® w ® © = ms wo wom wa ww way % & ow ty 2 1 a a pivory oe aon rewonees (PapnpD) TY NAL ut eet ost fet rst tet ft wt et 160 #60 0 fo on oe eT se ert rer wor ot seo ero wo eL0 a0 #00 ow so £0 zo to ep cant oat oF oor ss a8 oe rs ee n a #0 30 @ ee Cont ss ss os os ov or ® ovsov coxse oexoe sexe, exo, 0 onedond feuoRDeS sniave 30123 ser oe we ur wot we we tot we wt sez wT srt ® ™ wuonseg uoreusisog sojduy So7 fenbg prepueig werpul jo sonaedosg jeuonoeg pue SHEN SUOHUOUNG TEUTWON TS 9146. SHIONV DAT TVD $ NOLLOTS wer fos sur yer toe uae te woe ae at be ine fas ett we be oe srt we ae Sin ise ive 5808 ooroot 3 S00: oot 7 ur wt we 60 ome tat ae see ae 1 ie Ge oe on for or tee fee oe st ie ite oe Ret oron ror Ge are ss ox06 3 060s 7 wer sec ere rey mt eta we et ae st He fe fe ost Sa iu ie lee ee ot mee Seeger one oes are tre os oxsor 3 toro 7 srt et we ove om ru ru we ae # ox at fe fe or ote oe oe we ne E es ot oe tee opt ote ode Lee bor soe & a ot we fee EN ots te Iw me me ¢ suse Stas 7 ser wz ot re ewe ps rus are one ox set te we fe Se bur Flr are 3 st ee He a3t testa ae Get 3 3: ot meee Sore oe Ti or Boo ovo Stoo 7 sr ser eet eer ses rut vue att “ oe wt fet omei iit sey fee Fee tet 3 3° xt cet cet ee fee te Lye Let ; i st tot Se oe Ofte ltt Otte wt 5 oss sss Ftsos 7 scr ost oft etl os ost owe wt ex sit a a a: xt it it 12 soe tet otet tot ss 2: nt ft Gri ves eats Get a aos Ftos0 7 wor Wr wt te er oz ow eet oe sor mt mr oot eta fat it 3: sor Bt ist es $e th in at He sor St ott oy eter bet ore Ort s9 sons ptssss 7 seo wt wr ore go et sat art os iso Brot oS sutoon oon Tr e: iso Brot Fe ess at os ostos ftosos 7 a oo aD ww DD © » © ® © se camty ont" Tepiodond eeen2es et Cage Com wopeutieon IS 808 : 1989 (panuquog) VS O14, om 8 16e 19 408 OT Ose OLE aur oe tos to ee. tre pre Ot | olsp owe ose oe wal Halse Gro ats He) OE Lee ae oat set Set 66t we We uk tee ERT ore ey OST OZ onex00e our om sez, sor RF Tey ose T Ost oat oo use v6 ser fe Soe OST SE oot 99 Wee sor fo Soe BLL She bat 09s fez sr 99 os =O SS ey oz OOT ost=asr £99 s92 a ee ost or ot Ser 6S Brg LYS oat ts ise sor foe ats SUF SF oor on ese wor Wor ot west TE 8% oor OF ortmorr so wz, ors ore ost, ages ase ost esr ste set Sef ot ory tez Te oat bor ate Is Lee eee tse One Oe oot ow ee Ore Ore OTe ate eT. Lat ey oor OF orrsorr « 2 @ ow « @& a @ © ® © ® © ® “ye oo om ee ee a ee 2d ew 609 Sar ear ur oF ue ea Loe ste Let ea ve ter vet i ex ocx ot Zr* 00% one 7 vx OFxost ost 7 or a ot fF xost ost 7 or ze fe rorott 7 o wopeumieod (pepnjaueg ) Vs ote, IS 808 : 1989 est on zat a6 oes vas ow 09 16 oat sur we eat sm zat 296 ose vas ue oa oat su we owe avez. ocaz, oust 89 sot 9s usr sor set oor vs er sw aw onoz oust oss oso 996 sw 990 ete at ow oe v9 a as Tors 1 ey uy see 1st ove ie we 92 bet set wt © srs ors 36F or ser ist ove we ws oz wt set wt ey ey © ores qqranrearag pos ont ost ost oz 08 99 ® by ove owt ost ost 06 ost oz oor oF ost on o oor oor osrxost oetxoet ootxoot ouxou 09x09 sess o oy ues oar sor ror eu 992 ow zt om ow Lot eee 98 et ow atx soar o8t 7 ax 6 ost ost 7 so a or B ort ost 7 2 *001 oo 7 bxoLon 7 orxoo0s 7 orxssss wopeumieod soniodorg [euonoeg pur sseyy ‘suoysuouNd TeuTWON — sojSuy #07 fenby prepueig werpul Jo IST] ArejuoMO[ddng ws ores, 10 wo seo 90 ‘90 $90 90 £90 70 wo wo io 10 wo eo ue ser eet ovo ones sexo oxo o wo we os oo er os sro wr B o9 sro wr & oF sro ft og 99 oF aro set os iro ee os mo bt § ov wo ai Eos ot iso wr & os sto si? oF wo ar Eos oF wo sot os mo aot oF iro seo Voor ot oo ® 2 © snigva 301 2 wee 598 uy 108 sez wt od ste ot et eI wt © ay x ruonoos tHe ocsy 7 scor 7 oor 7 0 woneuzieod sopsuy 307 [enboun prepueyg werpuy jo sonjsodorg [euoTo0g pue ssEIK SUOISMOUTG [EUMION 19 1qeL, SWIDNV DUT IVADINA 9 NOLLO’S sb IS 808 : 1989 cr Ist er woz wee ver setter oor wet ert ore su i> 60% oF 00 eerste os rer ta a Le wt sh ore wor soe oo exer LIT 6 9 xeLeeL 7 zu est are ste are gee wet ore os ret sol ex 98 est ose gre ste 9 st we 09 sxo0r ror 08 8 XSL OOK 7 se ser see sre a ser eee os ea 66 ex vor ist 67 zeae ot ror awe oz gor ost atx v8 wet we we ett set 90s. oor ov otr ore z sero vee ost sor et 962. os pr 6s ax 09 sot 89% oz seen wer ee oor owt 6 ore 8 sot 99% wt oot Fee wr we oF 6 ax Be wot 69% wz se 6s srt 99%, 09 re ax 09 sor ee ez sul Tu ser os, oor stl 06 or 6 sor we Sez gor Pes ser 392 08 we mL ge Be yor s8% wetter oct wa 09 ore 8s x ze mot 98% wz 69 Fer srt oe, 0s oss, = <9) LS MOSSE 7 er seo eee srt 96 PSs wr owe oor sor 68 ore ee seo tet ert RL ert ove, 08 we 19 ge oF ed ez 08 For sor wz 09 eo ts gx st 960 9Fe uz ors 60 wor 1s os smo, ws SOL 7 er seo ete wz reba oct era os we 99 gx os seo ee wor 4s For ata. os seo by ax st 0s #0 wee soz FF 6st sor 107, a ec m 6 @D ap @D @D GD «Dv © @ os * © @ »D mm msm mm my Yom ew Cin) apr “ tg CUP CRO ga, CHD ON ven 9 feo opaedaad aaReeg opm wopeutieod ) rested, na IS 808 : 1989 vr eer 1s H89 eco 89 OTE. ONT OTHE wr are oor ozs oe zee oust ee ToL ero 19 OFT OFT ost elt ue oot se ot YU ost sce LOL SPY rs eF OFZ IR La ver te om ver ae os tor seek SPY 99TH OTT Set G09 8y Set OT ostxo0e 69% oTxosr o0@ 7 eu ust sre 69 98z OFS ure OLR we ee ost sar ot ete ZIT sz $99 G8z_ OFS OTR Tee OSFT we we ow eu ax a9 UZ sre ee woeT Ste Oe 80% 869 9% OZt OOL oOLxO02 68 ot ¥00t ove 7 ee ows we zs vet ust oor toe or ose ses re ve steve 108 ortmost ea 8 estos 7 net 667 86T BLT 06s ot ows oz soe mx 19t 968% oot eY 0s wer ees oor our oe woz ey eter sae re we ow ver a wz ay Leet see oe ore. oor Sor ore soz Wy Re wet LL Tet att aa. wer ore 08 vers wot YR SE TSS HST oT 0. 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No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS, Review of Indian Standards Amendments are igeued to standards ae the need arises on the basis of comments, Standards are also reviewed periodically: a standard slong with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed: if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is takon up for revision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’ ‘This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No, SMDC 6 (3156 ) and amended by CED 8 Amendments Issued Since Publication mend No. Date of farue Krad. No Taly 1092 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters ‘Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shab Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002. Telegrams: Manaksanstha ‘Telephones: $28 01 81, 323 33 75, 328 94 02 (Common to all offices) Regional Offices: ‘Telephone Central; Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg (gern NEW DELI 110002 323 38 41 Bastern. : 1/14 C. 1. Scheme VIIM, V. I. P. Road, Kankurgachi { 937 84 90.337 5 01 KOLKATA 700054 397 86 26, 337 91 20, ‘SCO 395-896, Sector 24-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 (oasas 160 20 25 Southern : C.1.T. 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