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Reproductive System

The reproductive system or genital system is a system of sex organs within

an organism which work together for the purpose of sexual reproduction. Many
non-living substances such as fluids, hormones, and pheromones are also important
accessories to the reproductive system.[1] Unlike most organ systems,
the sexes of differentiated species often have significant differences. These
differences allow for a combination of genetic material between two individuals,
which allows for the possibility of greater genetic fitnessof the offspring.

Table I. Differences between Vertebrates and Invertebrates


Vertebrate animals all share Invertebrates have an extremely

Definition key elements of their diverse array of reproductive systems,
reproductive systems. They all the only commonality may be that they
have gamete-producing organs all lay eggs. Also, aside
or gonads. In females, these from cephalopods, and arthropods,
gonads are then connected nearly all other invertebrates
by oviducts to an opening to are hermaphroditic and
the outside of the body, exhibit external fertilization.
typically the cloaca, but
sometimes to a unique pore
such as
a vagina or intromittent organ.
Dog (Canis Lupus) Squid (Teuthida)
Function of The first is to produce egg Cephalopods are not broadcast
Reproductive System cells, and the second is to spawners. During the process of
protect and nourish the fertilization, the females use sperm
offspring until birth. The male provided by the male via external
reproductive system has one fertilization. Internal fertilization is
function, and it is to produce seen only in octopods. The initiation
and deposit sperm. Humans of copulation begins when the male
have a high level of sexual catches a female and wraps his arm
differentiation. In addition to around her, either in a "male to female
differences in nearly every neck" position or mouth to mouth
reproductive organ, numerous position, depending on the species.
differences typically occur The males then initiate the process of
in secondary sexual fertilization by contracting their
characteristics. mantle several times to release the
spermatozoa. Cephalopods often mate
In domestic canines, sexual several times, which influences males
maturity (puberty) occurs to mate longer with females that have
between the ages of 6 to 12 previously, nearly tripling the amount
months for both males and of contractions of the mantle. To
females, although this can be ensure the fertilization of the eggs,
delayed until up to two years female cephalopods release a sperm-
of age for some large breeds. attracting peptide through the
gelatinous layers of the egg to direct
the spermatozoa.
Through the union of a lucky Reproduction in invertebrates differs
Reproduction Method sperm cell and an egg depending on species. Asexual
cell. Vertebrates have the reproduction (having no sex or sexual
ability organs) is quite common, however,
to reproduce themselves sexual reproduction is more typical.
through sexual reproduction. Hermaphrodites are common
When a male ejaculates in invertebrates, this means that both
millions of sperm cells into a male and female sexual organs are
female's reproductive organ, present in one individual.
fertilization takes its place
within a snap of time.

Table II. Differences between Vascular and Nonvascular Plants

CRITERIA Vascular Plant Nonvascular Plant

Definition Are higher plants, form a Are plants without a vascular system
large group of plants that are consisting of xylem and phloem.
defined as those land plants Although non-vascular plants lack
that have lignified tissues for these particular tissues, many possess
conducting water and simpler tissues that are specialized for
minerals throughout the plant. internal transport of water.

Scientific Name Tracheophytes Bryophytes

Fern (Pteridophyta) Liverworts (Marchantiophyta)

The arrangement
Function of Reproductive Tracheophytes are plants of antheridia and archegonia on an
System with roots, stems and leaves. individual bryophyte plant is usually
Some tracheophytes constant within a species, although in
reproduce with seeds and some species it may depend on
some reproduce with spores. environmental conditions. The main
division is between species in which
the antheridia and archegonia occur on
the same plant and those in which they
occur on different plants. The
term monoicous may be used where
antheridia and archegonia occur on the
same gametophyte and the
term dioicous where they occur on
different gametophytes.

Process photoautotrophic photoautotrophic

Seedless vascular plants, Reproduction in Liverworts.
Reproduction such as ferns and horsetails, Hornworts alternate between
theplants reproduce using a gametophyte phase and
haploid, unicellular spores a sporophytephase in their life cycle.
instead of seeds. ... The life The thallus is the
cycle of seedless vascular plantgametophyte and the horn-
plants is an alternation of shaped stalks are the
generations, where the diploid plant sporophytes. Male and female
sporophyte alternates with the sex
haploid gametophyte phase. organs(antheridia and archegonia)
are produced deep within
the gametophyte.
Asexual or Reproduction in invertebrates differs
Reproduction Method vegetative reproduction, and depending on species. Asexual
sexual reproduction. The reproduction (having no sex or sexual
sexualreproduction for organs) is quite common, however,
leafy liverworts is very sexual reproduction is more typical.
similar to the mosses. The Hermaphrodites are common
sexual parts are contained in in invertebrates, this means that both
small and inconspicuous male and female sexual organs are
structures known as present in one individual.
antheridia (male) and
archegonia (female), which
develop on separate plant
Table III. Differences between Higher and Lower Vascular Plants


These are plants that grow mostly Lower vascular plant, formerly
on land, although there are a few pteridophyte, also called vascular
Definition exceptions. They have a complex cryptogam, any of the spore-bearing
structure of the tissue, allowing vascular plants, including the ferns,
them to lead a rich life: they are club mosses, spike mosses,
developed manual, the coating, quillworts, horsetails, and whisk
conductive tissue. This is because ferns. Once considered of the same
the plants living on land air, evolutionary line, these plants were
unlike water, less comfortable formerly placed in the single group
living environment - need to Pteridophyta and were known as the
protect themselves from drying ferns and fern allies. Although
out, provide heat, a firm foothold modern studies have shown that the
in one place. plants are not in fact related, these
terms are still used in discussion of
the lower vascular plants.

White Spruce Red Algae


Kingdom Plantae Plantae

Scientific Name Picea glauca Rhodopyta
Produces Seed, and Yes No
Xylem and Present Present
Reproduction Seed Spores
White spruce is the northernmost In its diploid phase, a carpospore can
Reproduction tree species in North America, germinate to form a filamentous
reaching just north of 69°N "conchocelis stage", which can also
latitude in the Mackenzie self-replicate using monospores. The
River delta.[41] It grows conchocelis stage eventually
between sea level and produces conchosporangia. The
an elevation of 1,520 m resulting conchospore germinates to
(4,990 ft). Its northern form a tiny prothallus with rhizoids,
distribution roughly correlates to which develops to a cm-scale leafy
the location of the tree line, thallus. This too can reproduce via
which includes monospores, which are produced
an isothermic value of 10 °C inside the thallus itself.[2] They can
(50 °F) for mean temperature in also reproduce via spermatia,
July, as well as the position of produced internally, which are
the Arctic front; cumulative released to meet a prospective
summer degree days, mean net carpogonium in its conceptacle.
radiation, and the amount of light
intensities also figure. White
spruce generally is found in
regions where the growing
season exceeds 60 days annually.
White spruce seed is initially Red algae store inorganic nitrogen in
dispersed through the air by wind. the form of phycobilin
Reproduction Both the initiation and pattern of pigments. Red algae reproduce both
Method seed dispersal depend on the asexually and sexually. Methods of
weather (Nienstaedt and Zasada asexual reproductioninclude
1990),[6] but these can vary discharging spores and fragmentation
among trees in the same stand of the algalbodies.
(Zasada 1986).[22] Small amounts
of white spruce seed are normally
dispersed beyond 100 m from the
seed source, but exceptionally
seeds have been found more than
300–400 m from the nearest seed

Table IV. Differences between Animals and Plants


A plant is a living thing that grows
Reproduction (or procreation or
Definition in the earth and has a stem, leaves,
breeding) is the biological
and roots. Living cells respire.
process by which new
Aerobic respiration is the chemical
individual organisms –
reaction used to release energy from
"offspring" – are produced from
glucose. It is called aerobic because
their "parents". Reproduction is a
oxygen from the air is also needed.
fundamental feature of all
Plant cells respire, just as animal
known life; each individual
cells do. If they stop respiring, they
organism exists as the result of
will die. Remember that respiration
reproduction. There are two
is not the same as breathing, so take
forms of
care - plants do not breathe.
reproduction: asexual and sexual.
As we can see from the word
In asexual reproduction, an equations respiration and
organism can reproduce without photosynthesis are opposites.
the involvement of another Respiration uses oxygen and
organism. Asexual reproduction produces carbon dioxide.
is not limited to single-celled Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide
organisms. The cloning of an and produces oxygen.
organism is a form of asexual
reproduction. By asexual
reproduction, an organism creates
a genetically similar or identical
copy of itself.

Scientific Name Animalia Plantae

Dog (Canis Lupus) Squid (Teuthida)

Reproduction may be asexual Plant reproduction is the

Reproduction when one individual produces production of new individuals or
genetically identical offspring, or offspring in plants, which can be
sexual when the genetic material accomplished by sexual or
from two individuals is combined asexual reproduction.
to produce genetically diverse Sexual reproduction produces
offspring. offspring by the fusion of gametes,
Asexual reproduction in animal resulting in offspring genetically
s occurs through fission, budding, different from the parent or parents.
fragmentation, and
Females do 85 to 90 percent of The instinctive behavior of a plant
Behavior the pride's hunting, while the depends mainly on growth or
males patrol the territory and movement in a given direction due
protect the pride, for which they to changes in its environment. The
take the "lion's share" of the growth or movement of a plant
females' prey. When resting, lions toward or away from an external
seem to enjoy good fellowship stimulus is known as tropism.
with lots of touching, head Positive tropism is growth toward a
rubbing, licking and purring. stimulus, while negative tropism is
growth away from a stimulus.
Tropisms are labeled according to
the stimulus involved, such as
phototropism (light) and
gravitropism (gravity). Plants
growing toward the direction of light
exhibit positive phototropism. Since
roots grow downward (with gravity)
The first is to produce egg cells, Asexual reproduction may happen
Function of and the second is to protect and through budding, fragmentation, fiss
Reproductive nourish the offspring until birth. ion, spore formation and vegetative
System The male reproductive system has propagation. Plants have two main
one function, and it is to produce types of asexual reproduction in
and deposit sperm. Humans have which new plants are produced that
a high level of sexual are genetically identical clones of
differentiation. In addition to the parent
differences in nearly every individual. Vegetative reproduction
reproductive organ, numerous involves a vegetative piece of the
differences typically occur original plant (budding, tillering,
in secondary sexual etc.) and is distinguished
characteristics. from apomixis, which is a
replacement for sexual reproduction,
Through the union of a lucky and in some cases involves seeds.
sperm cell and an egg Apomixis occurs in many plant
cell. Vertebrates have the ability species and also in some non-plant
to reproduce themselves through organisms. For apomixis and similar
sexual reproduction. When a processes in non-plant organisms,
male ejaculates millions of sperm see parthenogenesis.
cells into a female's reproductive
organ, fertilization takes its place
within a snap of time.
Asexual or Sexual reproduction involves two
Reproduction vegetative reproduction, and fundamental processes: meiosis,
Method sexual reproduction. The which rearranges the genes and
sexualreproduction for reduces the number
leafy liverworts is very similar to of chromosomes, and fertilization,
the mosses. The sexual parts are which restores the chromosome to a
contained in small and complete diploid number. In
inconspicuous structures known between these two processes,
as antheridia (male) and different types
archegonia (female), which of plants and algae vary, but many
develop on separate plant bodies.
of them, including all land plants,
undergo alternation of generations,
with two different multicellular
structures (phases), a gametophyte
and a sporophyte.

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