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Management of Bulk Carrier Structure Appendix 24.

This app€ndix contains edtted eLtl€,cts from the excellent pnacucal p€lper tuenag6',i?'t d Bt IE Cuatc
Strncarrc, by Pet€r A Bryson pr€sent€d at the RINA Mt* a!]d Opc,fafrf'a d ErrIE Cata'l3r:' Seminar'
Iondon, October eOO5. These exbra,cts focus on infom.ation Ukely to be most useful to shiTs' perso-nne
but tlre paper is w"itten frcm tJle per€pective of a Fleet MaJra€er - HUI and aDJ/one wentin{l that level
of detail is w€[ advised to r€8d the ori€Fr€,I paper.
lt€ lrlss ol a tulk ca}?lds stnrotural €I@€ots

3ulkheaC uppor stool

Comrgated hold
bulkhead Bailast

BulKlead lower stool

(internal mernbers - d'aphragms or stitfeners)
Tiipp,rrg \ frarnes /-
brAcket Side
-Eidshelframe \
'l\. #j;i"a Blse welt

Doubh txrtlom

Longitudinal sde
Bottorn shell
grrdsr of dwl ke{,
Non-watertlght :

transverse floor

Fig. 24E Bulk carrier hold showing the names of structural parts.
Drawing courtesy of Peter Brys'

Shrcttrral defec'ts
Structr:ral defects: Th,ese are caused by poor desilfl detail, poor detailed desi$n, Iocal stress
concentration, poor repair workmanship, comosion, bperational incident and wear a,rld tear.
Wrere to look for stnrctural defects:
In Eleneral:
a Note the condition of the access ladder
o Always check both sides - poft and starboard
a IIIIa€e spaces - a ver5r comosive envForlment
o Common br:tkhead.s b-etween water ballast t€nks and heated fuel tanks/warm machinerT/ spaces
o Excessive a,rrrounts of accr:mr:lated loose scale and/or residual ballast mud lying at the bottom of
a tarik entraps water ballast, creates a da,mp and comosive environment, that results in coating
breakd.olrm and subsequent, structural diminution. Excessive a.mounts of loose scale also sug$est
diminution has occurred at some location(s) within the tank.
o Bottom plating in way of suction bell mouth and sor:ndingi pipe strildng pfate.
a Bottom plate pittrn€ ie microbial water ballast cont€,Inination.
o TArtrere iiternat members fail, platin€ becomes unsuppofied. Thris leads to flrrther det€chment of
adjacent internal members and subsequent failure of the platin€.
. Areas of stress concentration, usua$r with associated local coating breakdovtm.
. Both of internal structural elements in water ballast tanks are subjected to comosion. The
bor:ndary platingi only one side.

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