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A Drunk Pilot

There were 102 passengers on the plane. They were waiting for the plane to take

off. But the plane was just sitting there. The plane could not take off without a pilot.

The co-pilot was already on board. But the pilot was not. Where was the pilot? The

flight attendants didn’t know. The co-pilot didn’t know. The passengers didn’t know.

Finally, the pilot got on the plane. He was singing and laughing. He waved to all the

passengers. He said hello. He told them his name--three times. His eyes were

bloodshot. His breath smelled of alcohol. He said, “Are you all ready to fly? We’re

going to fly. We’re going to fly high into the sky.” A passenger close to him was

angry. “Why are you so late?” The pilot said, “I’m not late—you’re early!” He laughed

at his own joke. “You’re drunk,” the passenger said. He dialed 911. The police came.

They talked to the pilot. They took him off the plane. He was still laughing and

singing. “Mom, if the police take the pilot to jail, who will fly our plane?” a little boy

asked his mother. The flight attendant announced that a new pilot would arrive

shortly. Many passengers looked at their watches.

A Wedding

“Tomorrow will be the best day of my life,” Betty said. “Yes, it will be,” said her mom.

“I’m so happy for you. Paul is such a good man. He will make a great husband and

father. And he’s so nice. Your dad and I both love him.” Betty met Paul after she

broke her leg. She broke her leg skiing. Paul was the doctor who fixed her leg. He

visited her every day in the hospital. Then he visited her at home. He brought her

Get Well cards and gifts. They fell in love with each other. “I never thought a broken

leg would be a good thing,” Betty told her mom. “But it was the best thing that ever

happened to you. Life is strange sometimes,” her mom said. After Betty’s leg healed,

she and Paul started dating. They went to movies and restaurants. They went to the

beach. They even went skiing. They were so happy together. One day Paul asked

Betty to marry him. “Can we have lots of kids?” she asked. “Of course,” he said. “But

let me teach them how to ski.” They both laughed.

A Windy Day

It’s a windy day. The wind is blowing hard. Paper is blowing everywhere. The wind

blew the man’s hat off. It blew the woman’s hat off. It blew a bird off the telephone

wire. The other birds laughed. The wind keeps blowing. The trees are bending over.

The people outside are bending over. The wind makes it hard to walk. The wind

makes it hard to drive. The big trucks have to pull over. They have to stop on the

side of the freeway. One driver did not stop. He was in a hurry. The wind blew his

truck over. The big truck is on its side. The wheels are spinning in the wind. The

driver was not hurt. He is waiting for a crane. The crane will pick up the truck. The

crane will put the truck on its wheels again. The driver learned his lesson. He will

never drive in the wind again. The wind makes it hard to fly, too. Pilots know the wind

is dangerous. They do not fly their small planes in windy weather. They do not want

to crash into the ground. A crash will kill them. They sit at the airport. They drink

coffee. They wait for the wind to die down.

Bus Accident

There was a bus accident. The bus accident was near a dam. The bus ran off the

road. The bus tipped over. Two people died. Eight people were hurt. The bus driver

was going too fast. The road is a two-lane road. It is a narrow road. It isn’t a wide

road. The road is not straight. It bends a lot. It curves a lot. The road looks like a

snake. The speed limit is 25 mph. The bus was going 50 mph. The passengers were

afraid. The bus ran into a guard rail. Then the bus tipped over. Passengers yelled.

Passengers screamed. Passengers fell down. Passengers fell on other passengers.

Luggage flew through the air. Luggage hit people. Luggage hit people in the face.

Luggage hit people in the head. The windows broke. The windshield broke. Glass

was everywhere. Bodies were everywhere. Luggage was everywhere. The

ambulances came. They took people to the hospital. The police came. They took the

driver to jail.

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