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SESSION BFC 32501/ SEM II 20172018
MARKS CLO 1: 10%
CLO 2: 15%
COL 3: 20%

Lab Report Assessment Rubrics


Assessed by: Dr Nur Shaylinda Mohd Zin
Section: 6
CLO 2: Organize ideas and method to carry out suitable testing in solving the assigned problems [P4].

Assessment Criteria Sub-criteria Level 1 2 3 4 5 Weight Score

Objective P4 1
Sample location P4 1
Parameter P4 1
Sampling Procedure P4 1
Proposal Perform the proposal
On-site measurement P4 1
Laboratory Procedure P4 5
Total /50
Percentage /10%

CLO 1: Prepare reports of environmental and transportation tests based on relevant test standards and compare with theory [C2].

C2 2

Graphical analysis of result (if needed) C2 2

WQI analysis C2 2

Full Laboratory Writing a full laboratory Discussion C2 4

Report report C2
Conclusion (purpose suitable treatment) 2
Reference (min 10 & cited in report) 1
Appendix 1
Writing Format 1

Total /75
Total /15%
CLO 3: Describe the laboratory testing procedures among group members throughout the experiments. [PLO5, A2]

Assessment Criteria Sub-criteria Level 1 2 3 4 5 Weight Score

Safety attire (PPE) A1 4
Team work: contribution from all members A1 4
Convey information in Follows the testing instructions including
Observation A2 4
group safety cautions
Bench organization (during & after test) A2 4
Data collection method (datasheet, etc) A2 4

Total /100
Total /20%

Assessor signature/ date: Total (%)


Water Quality Index (WQI) is a single number (like a grade) that expresses overall
water quality at a certain location. The main objective of Water Quality Index (WQI) is to
turn complex water quality data into information that is understandable and useable by the
public. Water Quality Index also will be used to determine the suitable treatment for the water
and its application. Water Quality Index (WQI) can be calculated using a formula of:

WQI = (0.22 * SIDO) + (0.19 * SIBOD) + (0.16 * SICOD) + (0.15 * SIAN) + (0.16 *
SISS) + (0.12 * SIpH)


SIDO = Sub index DO (% saturation)

SIBOD = Sub index BOD

SICOD = Sub index COD

SIAN = Sub index NH3-N

SISS = Sub index SS

SIpH = Sub index pH

Table 1: Water Quality Index Classification.[2]

Table 2: Water Quality Index (WQI) and Its Suggested Treatment.[2]


To analyze the water quality in sediment pond G3 according to Malaysia Water

Quality Index (WQI) and to determine whether the water from sediment pond G3
is suitable to be used as alternative water resource for plant watering in UTHM.


The proposed location to take the water sample is sediment pond at G3, UTHM.
Sediment pond at G3 is the biggest pond in UTHM and also functioned as
catchment area. The pond is located in front of block G3 where many classes were
held, all drainage in the nearby block were all connected to the sediment pond.
This sediment pond also used as the place where students perform various
activities such as rowing.
Figure 1: sediment pond at G3


There are several important parameters that need to be measured in order to

calculate Water Quality Index (WQI). The parameters are Dissolved Oxygen
(DO), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD),
Total Suspended Solid, Ammonia Nitrogen (AN) and pH Value.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is the value of oxygen that dissolved in the water. The
oxygen from surrounding air dissolved in the water by diffusion method. There
are several aspects that can affects the value of dissolved oxygen such as
temperature change and overfertilization of water plants by run-off from farm
fields containing phosphates and nitrates (the ingredients in fertilizers). Biological
Oxygen Demand (BOD) can also be called as Biochemical Oxygen Demand
(BOD) is the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms
to break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain
temperature over a specific time period.

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is another measure of the oxidizable

organic compounds in water. COD is a measure of the capacity of water to
consume oxygen during the decomposition of organic matter and the oxidation of
inorganic chemicals such as Ammonia and nitrite. A commonly used oxidant in
COD test is potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) which is used in combination with
boiling sulfuric acid (H2SO4). The reason of these oxidant was commonly used is
because this chemical oxidant is not specific to oxygen-consuming chemicals that
are organic or inorganic, both of these sources of oxygen demand are measured in
a COD.

Suspended Solid refers to small solid particles which remain in suspension in

water. Suspended solid is one of the parameter of water quality. The amount of
suspended solids can be seen on how cloudy the water is. Next, Nitrogen is an
essential ingredient in the formation of proteins for cell growth but too much
nitrogen freely available in the environment can be a bad thing. Excess nitrogen
discharged into our waterways can contribute to eutrophication, the gradual
change of water bodies into marshes, meadows, then forests and also contribute to
massive algae blooms leading to oxygen depletion in water.

pH value is the last parameters that need to be measured to calculated Water

Quality Index (WQI). pH value is important as it show the state of the water either
the water is acidic, natural or alkali. All of these parameters can be determined in
the laboratory using the correct laboratory procedure.



To determine the Water Quality Index (WQI), the following sampling

procedures for several parameters need to be follow:

Biochemical Oxygen Demand

1. Store at cold state if the analysis start within 2 hours and if not keep it
below 4°C from the time collection.
2. Begin the analysis within 6 hours of collection and if not possible keep
it below 4°C and report length and temperature of storage with the

Total Solid Suspended

1. Use resistance-glass or plastic bottles, provided that the material in
suspension does not adhere to container walls.
2. Begin the analysis as early as possible.
3. Keep the sample at 4°C up to the time analysis to minimize
microbiological decomposition of solids.
4. Preferably analyze the sample within 24 hours.
5. Never keep the sample for more than 7 days.
Chemical Oxygen Demand
1. Collect sample in clean container. Use plastic bottles if the water are
known to be free of organic contamination.
2. Test biological active samples as early as possible.
3. Homogenize sample that contain solids to get a representative sample.
4. To preserve sample for later analysis, adjust the sample pH to less than
2 with concentrated sulfuric acid (aprroximately 2 mL/L), No acid
addition is necessary if the sample is tested immediately.
5. Keep the preserved sample at 2 – 6 0C (36 -43 0F) at max 28 days.
6. Correct the test result for the dilution caused by the volume additions.

Ammoniacal Nitrogen
1. Collect sample in clean container.
2. If the sample contains chlorine, add one drop of 0.1 N sodium
thiosulfate for each 0.3mg/L chlorine in 1 Liter of sample.
3. To preserve samples for later analysis, adjust the sample pH to less
than 2 with concentrate sulphuric acid (approximately 2 mL per liter).
No need to add acid if the sample is tested immediately.
4. Stores the sample at or below 6 0C (430F) for a maximum period of 28
5. Leave the sample reach the room temperature before analysis.
6. Correct the test result for the dilution caused by the volume additions.


To determine the WQI, the following nine water quality parameters are
measured on site:

1. Temperature change

The water temperature of a river is very important, as many of the physical,

biological, and chemical characteristics of a river are directly affected by
temperature. Most waterborne animal and plant life survives within a certain range
of water temperatures, and few of them can tolerate extreme changes in this
parameter. Using the same thermometer, the water temperature should be checked
at the test site and at a similar site one mile upstream. Care should be taken when
taking the temperature upstream to ensure that the amount of sunlight and the
depth of the river are similar to the original test site.

The procedure to follow depends on the type of thermometer being used and
on whether direct access to the point at which the temperature is to be measured is
impossible (as, for example, when the water to be tested is in a deep well or when
a water sample can be taken only from a bridge) as given:

1. When a glass thermometer is used and the testing point can be reached,
immerse the thermometer in the water until the liquid column in the
thermometer stops moving (approximately 1 minute, or longer if
necessary). For a pumping well, immerse the thermometer in a container
with water flowing through until the temperature stabilises. Record the
reading to the nearest 0.1 °C.
2. When either a glass thermometer or an electronic thermometer is used and
the measurement point is inaccessible, obtain a water sample of at least 1
litre. Rinse the thermometer (or the probe) with a portion of the sample
and discard the rinse water. Immerse the thermometer (or the probe) in the
sample. Hold it there for approximately 1 minute (longer if the temperature
reading has not become constant). Record the reading to the nearest 0.1
3. When an electronic thermometer having a probe with long leads is used,
lower the probe to the required depth. Hold it at that depth until the
reading on the meter is constant. Record the temperature to the nearest 0.1
°C and the depth to the nearest 10cm. Lower (or raise) the probe to the
next measurement point for the next reading.

2. pH
The pH level is a measure of the acid content of the water. Most forms of
aquatic life tend to be very sensitive to pH. Water containing a great deal of
organic pollution will normally tend to be somewhat acidic. Water with a pH of 7
is considered neutral. If the pH is below 7, it is classified as acidic, while water
with a pH greater than 7 is said to be alkaline. The pH of tap water in the U.S. is
usually between 6.5 and 8.5. Measurement will be test by two testing using colour
indicators of pH and using pH meter.

Measurement of pH using colour indicators

Table 3: The Indicator and pH Range

Indicator pH range
Universal 4.0-11.0
Bromocresol green 3.6-5.2
Methyl red 4.4-6.0
Bromocresol purple 5.2-6.8
Bromothymol blue 6.0-7.6
Phenol red 6.8-8.4
Thymol blue 8.0-9.6
Phenolphthalein 8.6-10.2

1. Fill three comparator cells to the 10-ml mark with portions of the water
sample and place one of the cells in the left-hand compartment of the
2. Add 1 ml of universal indicator to one of the cells and mix well; place the
cell in the right-hand compartment. Compare the colour in the right-hand
cell with the glass standards of the universal disc.
3. From the above list, choose an indicator that has the mid-point of its range
near to the approximate pH determined with the universal indicator. Add
0.5 ml of this indicator to the third comparator cell, mix, and place the cell
in the right-hand compartment of the comparator.
4. Put the appropriate standard disc in the comparator and compare the colour
of the sample with the glass standards on the disc. Record the result to the
closest 0.2pH unit.

Measurement of pH using a pH meter

Standardising the meter

1. Remove the protective rubber cap and slide the rubber sleeve up to expose
the hole in the side of the reference electrode.
2. Rinse both electrodes with distilled water and blot them dry with soft
absorbent paper.
3. Pour sufficient buffer solution into a beaker to allow the tips of the
electrodes to be immersed to a depth of about 2 cm. The electrodes should
be at least 1 cm away from the sides and the bottom of the beaker.
4. Measure the temperature of the buffer solution with a thermometer and set
this on the temperature adjustment dial of the meter (if the meter is so
equipped). Some meters have an automatic temperature adjustment
5. Turn on the pH meter.
6. Adjust the needle on the pH dial to the known pH of the buffer. If the
needle keeps jumping, check that the leads from the electrodes are firmly
connected to the meter. When the needle stops moving, make the fine
7. Turn the instrument to stand-by (if it is equipped for this).
8. Raise the electrodes clear of the buffer solution. Remove the buffer and
rinse the electrodes with distilled water.
9. Proceed to determination of pH of the sample. If the sample is not ready,
place the electrodes in distilled water.
10. If other samples are to be tested, repeat steps 2 to 7.


Turbidity is the measure of the relative clarity of water. Turbidity water is

caused by suspended and colloidal matter such as clay, silt, organic and inorganic
matter, and microscopic organisms. Turbidity should not be confused with color,
since darkly colored water can still be clear and not turbid. Turbid water may be
the result of soil erosion, urban runoff algal blooms, and bottom sediment
disturbances which can be caused by boat traffic and abundant bottom feeders.

Table 4: Turbidity Result And Rank.

Test factor: Result: Rank:

Turbidity 0-4 (excellent)
>0 to 40 3 (good)
>40 to 100 2 (fair)
>100 1 (poor)

The water testing kit container is used to perform the turbidity test as follow:

1. Remove the backing from the secchi disk icon sticker.

2. Adhere sticker on the inside bottom of the large white jar (kit container)
Position the sticker slightly off center.
3. Fill the jar to the turbidity fill line located on the outside kit label.
4. Hold the Turbidity Chart on the top edge of the jar. Looking down into the
jar, compare the appearance of the secchi disk icon in the jar to the chart.
Record the result as Turbidity in JTU.

Dissolved oxygen
The dissolved oxygen concentration depends on the physical, chemical and
biochemical activities in the water body, and its measurement provides a good
indication of water quality. Changes in dissolved oxygen concentrations can be an
early indication of changing conditions in the water body.

Two main methods are available for the determination of dissolved oxygen:
the Winkler method and the electrometric method using membrane electrodes.
Use of the Winkler method requires the addition of three chemical reagents to the
sample very soon after it is obtained. The dissolved oxygen concentration (in mg
l-1) is then determined by titration with sodium thiosulphate solution, which may
be done in the field or up to 6 hours later in a laboratory.
The electrometric method is suitable for the field determination of dissolved
oxygen and is simple to perform. It requires an electrically powered meter and an
appropriate electrode. The result it gives requires the application of correction
factors to compensate for salinity and temperature; some meters have built in
temperature compensation.

The procedure described here assumes that the sample has already been properly
collected in a dissolved oxygen sampler and is contained in a BOD bottle.
1. Remove the BOD bottle containing the sample from the dissolved oxygen
sampler and insert the matching ground-glass stopper in the neck of the
bottle. Be sure that no air bubbles have been trapped under the stopper and
maintain a water seal around the stopper until ready for the next step of the
2. Pour off the water seal and remove the ground glass stopper. Add 1 ml of
MnSO4 solution, then 1 ml of alkaline-iodide-azide solution. For both
additions, hold the tip of the pipette against the inside of the bottle neck to
prevent splashing.
3. Replace the ground-glass stopper, being careful to avoid trapping air
bubbles under it.
4. Mix the contents by inverting the bottle several times. Keep a finger over
the stopper during mixing to make sure that it does not fall out. A brown
floc will form in the bottle before and during the mixing. If there was no
dissolved oxygen in the sample, the floc will be white. When the bottle is
set down the floc will settle, leaving a clear liquid above it. Again as in
step 4 (above). Allow to settle once more, until all of the floc is in the
lower third of the bottle.
5. Remove the stopper, add 1 ml of H2SO4 without splashing, replace the
stopper and mix the contents of the bottle by inverting it several times. The
floc will disappear and the liquid in the bottle will be a yellowish-brown
colour. If there was no dissolved oxygen in the sample the liquid will be
Note: The dissolved oxygen in the sample is now “fixed”. The amount of
iodine that has been released from the reagent (causing the yellow-brown
colour) is proportional to the amount of oxygen that was in the sample. If
the bottle is kept tightly stoppered it may be stored for up to 6 hours before
step 8, titration with sodium thiosulphate solution.
6. Transfer a volume, Vt, corresponding to 200 ml of the original sample to
the flask. Adjustment should be made to compensate for the amount by
which the sample was diluted when 1 ml of MnSO4 and 1 ml of the
alkaline-iodide-azide solution were added. If, for example, a 300-ml BOD
bottle is used, the volume would be:

7. Titrate with sodium thiosulphate solution (0.025 mol l-1), stirring the
contents of the flask until the yellow-brown colour fades to a pale straw
colour. Add a few drops of starch solution and a blue colour will develop.
Continue titrating a drop at a time until the blue colour disappears.


Transparency is a water quality characteristic of lakes and reservoirs and can

be measure quickly and easily using simple equipment. This characteristic varies
with the combine effects of colour and turbidity. Some variation may also occur
with light intensity and with the apparatus use. The apparatus used for
transparency measurement is called a Secchi disc - named after Secchi, who first
used it in 1865 to measure the transparency of the Mediterranean Sea. The disc is
made of rigid plastic or metal, but the details of its design are variable. It may be
20 to 30 cm or even larger in diameter and is usually painted white. Alternatively,
it may be painted with black and white quadrants.

The observation should not be made early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
1. Lower the Secchi disc, where possible, through a shaded area of water
surface (glare on the water surface can distort the observation).
2. As the disc is lowered, note the depth at which it just disappears from
3. Lower the disc a little further, then raise it and note the depth at which it



1. Make dilution water by adding 2mL/L of following reagents in

distilled water:
I. Phosphate buffer solution
II. Magnesium sulfate solution
III. Calcium chloride solution
IV. Ferric chloride solution
V. Sodium Sulfite solution
2. Take 300 mL sample in BOD bottle. Prepare two sets of this
sample. Keep one set for DO analysis for day 0 (i.e.,
Sample0Day) and another sample in BOD incubator for 5 days
at 20°C.
3. For a given sample bottle, add 1 mL of alkali azide and then 1
mL manganous sulfate solution. Shake well the bottle and keep
it open for 5 minutes to settle the precipitate. Add 2 mL
concentrated H2SO4 and place the cap on the bottle. Shake
well the bottle till all the precipitate is dissolved.
4. Take 200 mL of sample in conical flask and titrate with
standard sodium thiosulfate solution (0.025N) till the colour
changes from dark yellow to light yellow. Then add few drops
of starch indicator and continue to titrate till the color of the
solution becomes either colorless or changes to its original
sample colour. Note down volume of 0.025N sodium
thiosulfate consumed.
5. Calculate DO value of the sample. Remember that in 200 mL
sample, 1 mL of sodium thiosulfate of 0.025N equals to 1 mg/L
dissolved oxygen: =>Dissolved oxygen (DO) (in mg/L) = mL
of sodium thiosulfate (0.025N) consumed.
I. 1. 0.1, 0.5, and 1% for strong waste water
II. 2. 1.0, 2.5, and 5% for raw and settled sewage
III. 3. 5.0, 12.5 and 25% for oxidized effluent
IV. 4. 25, 50 and 100% for polluted river water


1. Collect the water sample from G3 lake.

2. Carefully fill a BOD bottle with sample water without making air

3. Add 2ml of manganese sulphate to the BOD bottle carefully by

inserting the pipette just below the surface of water. So that you
can avoid the formation of air bubbles.

4. Add 2 mL of alkali-iodide-azide reagent in the same manner.

5. Close the bottle and mix the sample by inverting many times. A
brownish cloud will appear in the solution as an indicator of the
presence of Oxygen.

6. Allow the brown precipitate to settle out to the bottom.

7. Add 2ml of Conc.H2SO4 carefully without forming air bubbles.

8. Close the bottle and mix the solution well to dissolve the

9. Keep the bottle in BOD incubator for 5days of incubation.

10. After incubation, titrate 50 ml of sample water with 0.025N

Sodium thiosulphate to a pale yellow colour.

11. Then add 2ml of starch solution. So the sample turns blue in colour.

12. Continue the titration till the sample gets clear and note the

13. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the sample is equivalent

to the number of milliliters of titrant used.


1. Water sample collected from the G3 lake.

2. Poured the 10ml of water sample in three conical flask labelled as

Test1, test2, and Test3.

3. Simultaneously the distilled water is taken in three 100ml conical

flask labelled Blank1, Blank2, Blank3.

4. Added 5ml of potassium dichromate solution in each of the six

conical flasks.

5. Keep the flask in the water bath at 100oC (boiling temperature) for
one hour.

6. Allowed the samples to cool for 10 minutes.

7. Added 5ml of potassium iodide in each flask.

8. Added 10ml of sulphuric acid in each flask.

9. Titrated the content of each flaks with 0.1N Sodium thiosulphate

until blue colour disappear completely.


Total Solid Dried

1. Take the actual weight of porcelain crucibles which has been cleaned and
dried at oven before use.
2. Shake the water sample thoroughly to get homogenize condition.
3. Use pipette and take 10ml of sample into porcelain crucible.
4. Weight the porcelain crucible and sample to get the weight of sample.
5. The water was evaporated off on a steam bath until dry.
6. After that take the porcelain crucible then dry in an oven at 103 oC to 105oC
for 1 hour.
7. Take out the porcelain crucible into a desiccator to cool by using tongs and
8. The cooled porcelain crucible is weight. Repeat the process of drying,
cooling and desiccating till a constant weight obtained. The weight is
written down in the table.
Total Dissolve Solids Dried

1. Preparation of glass-fiber filter disk: Insert disk with wrinkled side up into
filtration apparatus. Apply vacuum and wash disk with three successive
20ml volumes of reagent-grade water. Continue suction to remove all
traces of water. Discard washings.
2. Preparation of evaporating dish: heat clean dish to 180 ± 2oC for 1 hour in
an oven. Weight immediately before use.
3. 10ml of sample is stir with a magnetic stirrer. Sample is pipette onto a
glass-fiber with applied vacuum.
4. Wash with three successive 10ml volumes of reagent-grade water and
continue suction for about 3 minutes after filtration is complete.
5. Transfer total filtrate (with washings) to a weighed evaporating dish and
evaporate to dryness on a steam bath or in drying oven. Evaporated sample
at least 1 hour in oven at 180 ± 2oC.
6. Cool the dish in desiccator to balance temperature and weigh. Repeat step
e until weight change is less than 4% of previous weight.

Total Suspended Solids Dried at 103oC to 105oC

1. Preparation of glass-fiber filter disk: Insert disk with wrinkled side up in

filtration apparatus. Apply vacuum and wash disk with three successive 20ml
portions of reagent-grade water.
2. Selection of filter and sample sizes: Take 10ml of sample.
3. Wet filter with a small volume of reagent-grade water to seat it. Stir sample
with a magnetic stirrer at a speed to homogenize particle size.
4. Take 10ml of sample and pipette onto the seated glass-fiber filter.
5. Wash filter with three successive 10ml volumes of reagent-grade water and
continue suction for 3 minutes after filtration is complete.
6. Carefully remove filter from filtration apparatus and transfer to an aluminum
weighing dish as support.
7. Dry at least 1 hour at 103 oC to 105oC in an oven. Cool it in desiccator to
balance the temperature. Weight is recorded.
8. Repeat the cycle of drying, cooling, desiccating, and weighing until a constant
weight is obtained or weight change less than 4% of previous weight.
Fixed and Volatile Solids Ignited at 550oC

1. Ignite residue produces by 2540B, 2540C, or 2540D to constant weight in a

muffle furnace at a temperature of 550oC.
2. Ignite a blank glass fiber filter along with samples. Have furnace up to
temperature before inserting sample.
3. 15 to 20 minutes ignition are required for 200mg residue.
4. Transfer to a desiccator for final cooling in dry atmosphere. Weigh dish as
soon it has cooled.
5. Repeat the cycle of igniting, cooling, desiccating and weighing until a constant
weight is obtained or until weight change is less than 4%.


1. For sample preparation, 1mL of sample was added in the 25mL

volumetric flask and filled with distilled water to the mark.
2. Distilled water was added to the mark at another volumetric flask
for blank preparation. Three drops of mineral stabiliser was added
to each cylinder and inverted several times to mix it.
3. Then three drops of polyvinyl alcohol dispersing agent was added
to each cylinder and inverted several times also. 1.0 mL of Nessler
reagent was pipette into each cylinder.
4. The cylinder was stopper and inverted several times to mix it. The
instrument timer was used to start a one-minutes reaction period to
5. After one-minutes reaction, 10mL of each solution was poured into
the sample cell. When the timer beeps the blank solution was place
into the cell holder and ZERO the instrument.
6. The same procedure was repeat for sample and standard solution
but READ the instrument in mg/L NH3 –N.

2.2.6 pH VALUE

1. Water sample is collected from the G3 lake.

2. The water sample is placed in a beaker.

3. Switch on the pH meter.

4. The electrodes from storage solution is removed and rinse with
water and bloat with soaked tissue paper.

5. Standardize the instrument with electrodes immersed in a buffer

solution Rinse, bloat and dry the electrodes to each tie.

6. Check the pH on the pH meter

7. Rinse, bloat and dry the electrodes.

8. Dip the pH electrode in the beaker containing sample water to be

tested. The Ph value is recorded.


[1] BASIN: General Information on Total Suspended Solids, 27 Dec. 2005,

[2] DMPTF - (n.d.). Retrieved from http://wepa-

[3] Water Treatment Solutions. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[4] Admin. (2019, January 07). COD or Chemical Oxygen Demand definition. Retrieved from

[5] (n.d.). Retrieved from

[6] Hazmi, B., & Hazmi, B. (n.d.). Experiment 8: Ammonia Nitrogen. Retrieved from

[7] KanCRN. (n.d.). KanCRN Science Collaborative Research Network, KanCRN. Retrieved from

[8] (n.d.). Retrieved from

[9] Hazmi, B., & Hazmi, B. (n.d.). Experiment 2, 3, 4: Total solid (ts), total suspended solid (TSS), volatile
suspended solid (VSS). Retrieved from



[11] N. Hudson, A. Baker, D. Ward et al., “Can fluorescence spectrometry be used as a surrogate for the
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) test in water quality assessment? An example from South West England,”
Science of the Total Environment, vol. 391, no. 1, pp. 149–158, 2008.

[12] Rani Devi, Dahiya, R.P., 2006. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction in domestic wastewater by fly
ash and brick kiln ash. International Journal of Water, Air and Soil Pollution 174 (1–4), pp. 33–46.

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