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Literature is a form of human expression. But
not everything expressed in words — even Literature endures across time and draws out the time
when organized and written down — is factor: Timeliness – occurring at a particular time.
counted as literature. Those writings that are Timelessness – remaining invariable throughout time.
primarily informative — technical, scholarly,
journalistic — would be excluded from the
rank of literature by most, though not all, Literature presents peculiar ways on how man sees life
critics. as evidence by the formation of his ideas, form,
structures, and expressions which are marked by their
Certain forms of writing, however, are memorable substance.
universally regarded as belonging to literature
as an art. Individual attempts within these LITERARY MODELS
forms are said to succeed if they possess
something called artistic merit and to fail if The study of literature appeals in different aspects and
they do not. importance. • Cultural Model • Language Model •
Personal Growth Model
Cultural Model
Literature aims to understand and appreciate cultures
Literature appeals to everyone, regardless of culture, and ideologies different from one’s own in time and
race, sex, and time which are all considered significant. space.

Artistry Language Model

Literature has an aesthetic appeal and thus possesses a Literature aims to promote language development like
sense of beauty. vocabulary and structure.

Intellectual Value Personal Growth Model

It stimulate critical thinking that enriches mental Literature aims to help one achieve lasting pleasure
processes of abstract and reasoning, making man and deep satisfaction in reading.
realize the fundamental of truths of life and its nature.


It unravels man’s emotional power to define

symbolism, nuances, implied meanings, images and
messages, giving and evoking visions above and beyond
the plane of ordinary life and experience.

Spiritual Value

Literature elevates the spirit and the soul and thus has
the power to motivate and to inspire.

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