October 2019: Short Term Programmes (Contact Mode)

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October 2019

1. Civil Engineering Department

150. CE-17 Advanced Application of NDT for 14.10.2019 18.10.2019 NITTTR, SKS/ National
Level Evaluation of RCC Structures CHD AG

151. CE-18 Skill Concrete Lab Practices 21.10.2019 25.10.2019 NITTTR, HS National
Oriented CHD

152. CE-19 Industry Application of Excel and TK 21.10.2019 25.10.2019 NITTTR, HG/ National
Supported Solver in Civil Engineering CHD SKS

2. Curriculum Development Centre

153. CDC-15 Pedagogy Curriculum Implémentation 14.10.2019 18.10.2019 NIT, ABG Rajasthan

154. CDC-16 Pedagogy Curriculum Implementation 14.10.2019 18.10.2019 NITTTR, SKG All States

155. CDC-17 Pedagogy Developing Practical Skills 28.10.2019 01.11.2019 NITTTR, ABG National

3. Electrical Engineering Dept.

156. EE-14 Skill Arduino Based Application 21.10.2019 25.10.2019 NITTTR, SSL National
Oriented Projects CHD

4. Electronics & Communication Engineering Dept.

157. ECE-14 Skill Lab Practices in CAD Tools 21.10.2019 25.10.2019 Outstation/ RM Northern
Oriented NITTTR,

Cluster Programme with Electrical Engineering Department

158. ECECL- Skill Matlab and its Application 21.10.2019 25.10.2019 NITTTR, GS/LM Northern
1 Oriented CHD.
Sr. O.Plan Category Name of Programme Start Date End Date Venue Coordi Benefi-
No. No. -nator ciary

5. Entrepreneurship Development & Industrial Coordination

Cluster Programs with Civil Engg., Computer Science & Engg. and Electronics & Comm. Engg. Dept.

159. EDCL-2 Industry Industry Interaction – Industry 21.10.2019 25.10.2019 NITTTR, SKD/ Northern
Oriented related phase wise workshop CHD SKS/
mainly in the areas of Civil, AMK

6. Education & Educational Management

160. EEM-13 Pedagogy Induction Training Programme 14.10.2019 25.10.2019 NITTTR AK National
for Newly Recruited Teachers
(Two Weeks)

7. Education Television Centre

161. ETV-6 Skill Video Production Techniques 21.10.2019 25.10.2019 NITTTR, AM/SB National
Oriented CHD

Cluster Program

162. ETVCL-1 General Work based Learning and NBA 14.10.2019 18.10.2019 NITTTR, SSP National

8. Information Management & Coordination Department

163. IMCO-7 Research Practical Social Network 21.10.2019 25.10.2019 NITTTR, KGS National
Oriented Analysis using Python CHD

164. IMCO-8 VLSI Physical Design 21.10.2019 25.10.2019 NITTTR, SSG National
Techniques. CHD

9. Mechanical Engineering Department

165. ME-6 Research Finite Element Analysis using 07.10.2019 11.10.2019 NITTTR, BSP National

Cluster Program

166. MECL-10 Industry CNC Machines: Operation & 21.10.2019 25.10.2019 NITTTR, BSP National
Programming CHD

10. Media Centre

167. MC-4 Advanced e-Governance in Technical 21.10.2019 25.10.2019 NITTTR, RKW National
Education CHD
Sr. O.Plan Category Name of Programme Start Date End Date Venue Coordi Benefi-
No. No. -nator ciary

11. Rural Development Department

168. RD-10 Industry Role of Technical Institutions in 21.10.2019 25.10.2019 NITTTR/ UNR National
Based Integrated Village Development GP Kangra

November 2019

1. Applied Science Department (Interdisciplinary)

169. AS-10 Advance/ Nanomaterials : 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 NITTTR, BCC National
Research Characterization & Applications CHD

2. Civil Engineering Department

170. CE-20 Research Recycling Materials in Highway 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 NITTTR, AKD National
Oriented Construction CHD
171. CE-21 Research Earthquake Resistant 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 Outstation/ AG National
Based Affordable Housing NITTTR,
172. CE-22 Industry Innovation in Concrete and 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 NITTTR, SKS/ National
Supported Green Materials CHD HG
173. CE-23 Skill Quality Control of Concrete 18.11.2019 22.11.2019 NITTTR, HS National
Oriented CHD
174. CE-24 Industry Construction Management 18.11.2019 22.11.2019 NITTTR, VKS National
Supported CHD

Cluster Programs with Rural Development Department

175. CECL-4 Advanced Water Resources Management 25.11.2019 29.11.2019 NITTTR, HG/ National
Level for Rural Area CHD SKS

3. Computer Science & Engineering Department

176. CSE-16 Research Web Designing using PHP and 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 NITTTR, SS Northern
Oriented Mysql CHD

177. CSE-17 Research Data Analytics Tools for 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 NITTTR, SS/AD National
Oriented Research CHD

178. CSE-18 Industry Outcome based Education for 18.11.2019 22.11.2019 NITTTR, CRK National
Supported Program Accreditation CHD

179. CSE-19 Industry Software Testing Using Open 18.11.2019 22.11.2019 NITTTR, RK National
Supported Source Tools CHD

180. CSE-20 Research Data Science and Big Data 18.11.2019 29.11.2019 NITTTR, SS/AD National
Oriented Analytics Using Open Source CHD
(Two Weeks)
Sr. O.Plan Category Name of Programme Start Date End Date Venue Coordi Benefi-
No. No. -nator ciary

4. Curriculum Development Centre

181. CDC-18 Pedagogy Organizing Student Centered 25.11.2019 29.11.2019 NITTTR, PKS All States
Activities CHD

182. CDC-19 Skill Practical Skills in Technical 25.11.2019 29.11.2019 NITTTR, RM All States
Oriented Education CHD

5. Electrical Engineering Dept.

183. EE-15 Industry Basics of IoT using 18.11.2019 22.11.2019 NITTTR, SSL National
Collaboration with Mathworks)

Cluster Programs with Electronics & Communication Engineering

184. EECL-1 Research Biomedical Signal Processing 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 NITTTR, LM/ National
Orientation CHD AMK

185. EECL-2 Skill Microcontrollers and Embedded 25.11.2019 06.12.2019 NITTTR, RT/ Northern
Oriented Systems (Two Weeks) CHD/ KS

6. Electronics & Communication Engineering Dept.

Cluster Programs with ETV

186. ECECL-2 Research Soft Computing and 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 NITTTR, SSP Northern
Oriented Applications CHD

7. Education & Educational Management

187. EEM-14 Management Project Planning and 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 NITTTR PKT National

188. EEM-15 Industry Life Skills Development 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 NITTTR RC National

189. EEM-16 Research Research Methodology 18.11.2019 29.11.2019 NITTTR SD Northern

Oriented (Two Weeks)

8. Education Television Centre

190. ETV-7 Skill Digital Learning 18.11.2019 22.11.2019 NITTTR, AM/SB National
oriented CHD
Sr. O.Plan Category Name of Programme Start Date End Date Venue Coordi Benefi-
No. No. -nator ciary

9. Entrepreneurship Development & Industrial Coordination

191. ED-4 General EAC (Entrepreneurship 18.11.2019 22.11.2019 GPCG, ADS Northern
Awareness Camp) Jalandhar
192. ED-5 Research Entrepreneurial Career 18.11.2019 22.11.2019 U.I.E.T., SKD Northern
Oriented Orientation for Electronics and P.U., CHD
Communication Engineering
and allied disciplines

193. ED-6 Advanced Fostering Creativity and 25.11.2019 29.11.2019 IKGPTU, ADS Northern
Level Innovation in Entrepreneurship Jalandhar

10. Information Management & Coordination Department

194. IMCO-9 Make in India: Role of Start- 18.11.2019 22.11.2019 NITTTR, SSG National
up’s and incubators CHD
195. IMCO-10 Skill Internet of Things: Application 25.11.2019 29.11.2019 NITTTR, KGS National
oriented Development using Raspberry CHD
Pi and Aurdino Boards

11. Library

196. LB-5 Advanced ICTs Applications in Libraries 18.11.2019 22.11.2019 NITTTR, To be National
level CHD decided

12. Mechanical Engineering Department

Cluster Program

197. MECL-11 Advanced Reverse Engineering 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 NITTTR, BSP/ National
198. MECL-12 Advanced AutoCAD 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 NITTTR, SJ National
199. MECL-13 Advanced Automation and Robotics 25.11.2019 29.11.2019 NITTTR, SSD National

13. Rural Development Department

Cluster Program

200. RD-11 Advance Environmental Protection and 18.11.2019 22.11.2019 NITTTR, UNR National
Sustainable Development CHD /

201. RD-12 Research Environmental Technology and 18.11.2019 22.11.2019 NITTTR, PS National
Oriented Sustainable Power CHD
Sr. O.Plan Category Name of Programme Start Date End Date Venue Coordi Benefi-
No. No. -nator ciary

December 2019

1. Applied Science Department

202. AS-11 Advance/ Smart Materials and 02.12.2019 06.12.2019 Punjabi BCC National
Research Nanotechnology University,

Cluster Programs with Mechanical & Electronics & Comm. Engg. (Inter-Disciplinary)

203. ASCL-2 Advance/ Optimization with MATLAB 23.12.2019 27.12.2019 NITTTR, KCL/ National
Research CHD SSD

2. Civil Engineering Department

204. CE-25 Advance Innovation in Geotechnical Dec 2019 Jan. 2019 PEC, CHD HG National
Level Investigation, Design and
Construction of Bridges.

3. Curriculum Development Centre

205. CDC-20 Pedagogy Curriculum Implementation 02.12.2019 06.12.2019 NITTTR, ABG All States

Cluster Program with Education & Educational Management

206. CDCCL-2 Pedagogy Communication Skills 16.12.2019 20.12.2019 NITTTR, PKS/ All States

4. Electrical Engineering Dept.

207. EE-16 Research Distributed Generation and 09.12.2019 13.12.2019 NITTTR, LM National
Oriented Microgrid CHD

5. Education & Educational Management

208. EEM-17 Pedagogy Pharmacy Education 02.12.2019 06.12.2019 NITTTR RC National

209. EEM-18 Management Managing your Ego and 16.12.2019 20.12.2019 NITTTR PKT Northern
Emotions at Work Place

6. Information Management & Coordination Department

210. IMCO-11 Academic Administration and 30.12.2019 03.01.2020 NITTTR, SSG/ National
Leadership for Engineering CHD KGS
Sr. O.Plan Category Name of Programme Start Date End Date Venue Coordi Benefi-
No. No. -nator ciary

7. Library
211. LB-6 Skill Digital Library software: 23.12.2019 27.12.2019 NITTTR, To be National
oriented Grrenstone CHD decided

8. Mechanical Engineering Department

212. ME-7 Industry Metrology Laboratory Practices 23.12.2019 27.12.2019 NITTTR, SJ Northern

Cluster Program
213. MECL-14 Research Optimization Using MATLAB 16.12.2019 20.12.2019 NITTTR, SSD/ National
214. MECL-15 Advanced Mechatronics 30.12.2019 03.01.2020 NITTTR, SSD Northern

9. Media Centre

215. MC-5 General Institutional Leadership 02.12.2019 06.12.2019 NITTTR, RKW Northern

A. [ICT MODE (Through Google Hangout/other Video Conferencing Mode)]

October 2019

1. Computer Science & Engineering Dept.

37. ICT-37 Research Data Science using R 14.10.2019 18.10.2019 NITTTR, SS National
Oriented CHD

2. Entrepreneurship Development & Coordination Dept.

38. ICT-38 Industry Entrepreneurial Career 14.10.2019 18.10.2019 CCET, ADS National
Input Orientation for Mechanical CHD
Supported Engineering and Allied

November 2019

1. Civil Engineering Dept.

39. ICT-39 Industry Application of Auto CAD in 04.11.2019 08.11.2019 NITTTR, VKS National
Supported Engineering CHD

40. ICT-40 Advance Water Resources Management 25.11.2019 29.11.2019 NITTTR, HG/ National

41. ICT-41 Industry Disaster Management To be NITTTR, AKD National

Supported Decided CHD

2. Curriculum Development Centre

42. ICT-42 Skill Practical Skills in Technical 25.11.2019 29.11.2019 NITTTR, RM All States
Oriented Education. CHD
Sr. O.Plan Coordi Benefi-
No. Category Name of Programme Start Date End Date Venue
No. -nator ciary State

3. Electronics & Communication Engineering Dept.

43. ICT-43 Industry 5G Communication 18.11.2019 22.11 2019 NITTTR, GS National

Supported CHD.

4. Information Management & Coordination Department

44. ICT-44 Research STC ................. under Sponsored 18.11.2019 22.11 2019 NITTTR, MD National
Oriented Project funded by MEITY CHD

5. Media Centre

45. ICT-45 General Faculty Development: Planning 18.11.2019 22.11 2019 NITTTR, RKW National
and Management for CHD
Institutional Excellence

December 2019

1. Applied Science (Inter-Disciplinary)

46. ICT-46 Advance/ Operations Research for 16.12.2019 20.12.2019 NITTTR, KCL National
Skill Engineers CHD

2. Curriculum Development Centre

47. ICT-47 Pedagogy Curriculum Development 09.12.2019 13.12.2019 NITTTR, ABG All States
Processes CHD

3. Education & Educational Management Dept.

48. ICT-48 Pedagogy Student Centered Instructional 09.12.2019 13.12.2019 NITTTR, AK National
Strategies CHD

4. Information Management & Coordination Department

49. ICT-49 Skill The Startup Engineering: The 16.12.2019 20.12.2019 NITTTR, KGS National
Oriented Software Essentials CHD
50. ICT-50 Design Challenges in Low 16.12.2019 20.12.2019 NITTTR, SSG National
Power VLSI Design CHD
5. Mechanical Engineering Department

51. ICT-51 The Startup Engineering: The

Software Essentials
Cancelled (Already ICT-49)

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