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Dino Yloy Q.

Diaz 9/13/19
STEM 11 – Honesty RS

Article 2: And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.

As I was assigned to this article, I feel a little excited. From the Phrase or Article 2 of the

Catholic Faith states “And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.” This attests that Jesus

is the Son of God and that he’s most certainly divine. A 100% Human and a 100%

God/Divine. The Phrase in The word Lord implies divinity, because the Greek Kyrios and

the Hebrew Adonai both mean “lord” and are ascribed only to God. So the use

of Lord with Jesus is meant to profess his divinity. The name Jesus comes from the

Hebrew Jeshua, meaning “God saves.” So Catholics believe that Jesus is Savior. God

gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ, In order for us to be saved from our sins. It also

states that God has only one Son and that is Jesus Christ Himself.

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