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Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 661 (2019) 196–202

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CircZFR promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression through regulating T

miR-3619–5p/CTNNB1 axis and activating Wnt/β-catenin pathway
Aichun Tan, Qiongxuan Li, Lizhang Chen∗
Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, School of Public Health, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, 410078, China


Keywords: Circular RNAs (circRNAs) have been discovered to exert essential roles in human cancers, including hepato-
circZFR cellular carcinoma. Although circZFR has been reported to facilitate the growth of papillary thyroid cancer, the
miR-3619–5p role of circZFR in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are largely unknown. In this study, bioinformatics analysis
CTNNB1 showed that circZFR was closely related with hepatocellular carcinoma. We then detect the expression of circZFR
Wnt/β-catenin pathway
in HCC tissues using qRT-PCR. Furthermore, Kaplan-Meier method and log rank test revealed that high ex-
pression of circZFR was associated with the poor prognosis of patients with HCC. Subsequently, loss-of-function
assay indicated that circZFR knockdown significantly suppressed cell proliferation and epithelial-mesenchymal
transition (EMT) in HCC. In addition, microarray analysis was utilized to identify the differentially expressed
mRNAs in response to circZFR knockdown. Moreover, Gene Ontology (GO) analysis further showed that circZFR
might regulate Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. The results were further confirmed by luciferase reporter assay
and western blot assays. Then bioinformatics tools predicted that cicrZFR enhanced the CTNNB1 expression via
sponging miR-3619–5p. In summary, our findings indicated that circZFR may exert carcinogenic role in HCC
through regulating miR-3619–5p/CTNNB1 axis and activating Wnt/β-catenin pathway. These findings may
provide a novel perspective for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.

1. Introduction accordance with the searching data of circRNA Disease. Then qRT-PCR
was used to detect the expression of the three circRNAs in HCC tissues
As one of the most common malignancies in the world, hepatocel- and normal tissues. CircZFR was picked to do the following investiga-
lular carcinoma (HCC) with an increasing incidence rate annually tions. The expression of circZFR was detected in HCC tissues and cell
[1–4]. Despite the advancement of newly-developing therapeutic lines. Subsequently, functional assays were conducted to determine the
methods, such as radiofrequency ablation, liver transplantation, and role of si-circZFR in regulating HCC cell proliferation and epithelial-
surgical resection, the prognosis of HCC patients remain unfavorable, mesenchymal transition (EMT). In mechanism, the microarray dataset
and life expectancy of HCC patients with advanced stage is around six was utilized to screen out mRNAs which could be regulated by circZFR.
months [5–7]. Therefore, it is essential to discover the novel diagnostic Moreover, circZFR was found to associate with Wnt/β-catenin pathway
biomarkers and therapeutic targets for the treatment of HCC. according to GO analysis. The regulatory effect of circZFR on Wnt/β-
In recent years, circular RNAs (circRNAs) have been highly regarded catenin signaling was further identified. Furthermore, bioinformatics
in human cancers [8–10]. Previous reports indicate that circRNAs can tools were used to explore the miRNAs which could bind with circZFR
alter gene expression through sponging microRNAs (miRNAs) [11–13]. and CTNNB1. Finally, rescue assays were performed to verify the effect
Previous study demonstrated that circZFR contributed to the progres- of circZFR-miR-3619-5p-CTNNB1 axis on HCC progression.
sion of papillary thyroid cancer by sponging miR-1261/C8orf4 axis
[14]. However, the biological roles of circZFR in hepatocellular carci- 2. Materials and methods
noma have not been fully studied. Our research was designed to in-
vestigate the biological role and underlying mechanisms of circZFR in 2.1. Samples collection
In the current study, three HCC-related circRNAs were predicted in 80 pairs of HCC tissues and paired normal tissues were obtained

Corresponding author. Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, School of Public Health, Central South University, No. 238, Mayuanling Lane, Xiangya
Road, Kaifu District, Changsha, Hunan, 410078, China.
E-mail address: (L. Chen).
Received 30 August 2018; Received in revised form 15 November 2018; Accepted 19 November 2018
Available online 20 November 2018
0003-9861/ © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A. Tan et al. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 661 (2019) 196–202

from patients diagnosed with HCC at Xiangya Hospital of Central South contained 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS; Gibco; Thermo Fisher
University. And another 30 pairs of HCC tissues and paired normal Scientific, Inc.) for 21 days. The medium was replace as needed.
tissues were also received from Xiangya Hospital of Central South Colonies then were fixed with the application of methanol and stained
University. No interferential treatments were performed before the with 0.5% crystal violet (Sigma-Aldrich). Visible colonies were counted
samples collection. All the samples received immediate dissection and manually.
were put on ice, snap-frozen by the use of liquid nitrogen, and were in
store at −80 °C. The obtaining of all tissue samples were with the 2.7. Western blot assay
confirmation of histopathological examination. All patients had pro-
vided the written informed consent. Total proteins were extracted with the application of RIPA lysis
buffer (Beyotime Biotechnology, China) containing protease inhibitors
2.2. Cell culture (Roche, China), and separated by 10% SDS-PAGE and then transferred
onto a PVDF membrane (Millipore, USA). To block nonspecific binding,
Four HCC cell lines (MHCC97H, Hep3B, Huh7 and Bel-7402) were the membranes were incubated with 5% skim milk powder at room
purchased from American Type Culture Collection (Manassas, VA, temperature for 1 h. The primary antibodies were prepared in 5%
USA), and one human normal hepatocyte cell line (L-02) were obtained blocking buffer which had a dilution of 1:1000 and later went through
from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Cell Bank (Shanghai, China). incubation for 2 h at 4 °C with the membrane. The primary antibodies
Then the cell lines were cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium were listed as below: anti-β-catenin, anti-MMP7, anti-MMP9 and
(DMEM, Gibco BRL Co. Ltd., USA), containing 10% fetal bovine serum, GAPDH (Abcam, Cambridge, UK); anti-Vimentin, anti-E-cadherin, anti-
penicillin (100 U/mL), and streptomycin (100 mg/mL) at 37 °C with 5% N-cadherin, and anti-C-Myc (Cell Signaling Technology, Mass, USA).
CO2. After that, the membranes were cultivated for 2 h at room temperature
with secondary antibody (1:1000) that was marked by horseradish
2.3. RNA transfection peroxidase. Protein bands were visualized by the ECL detecting system
(Applygen, Beijing).
Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting the circRNAZFR (si-
circZFR) was designed and synthesized by Shanghai Integrated Biotech 2.8. Luciferase reporter assay
Solutions Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China). And the sequence of was 5′CAA
ATTTATGCCCAGCCGGCT3′. For si-ZFR, the sequence of the functional TCF wild-type (TOP Flash) or mutated control (FOP Flash) luci-
siRNA was TCTCAAGTCTCAAGTCGTCGT. All transfections were con- ferase reporter plasmids were purchased from Upstate Biotechnology
ducted by the use of Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, (Lake Placid, NY, USA). Transfection was performed with
USA) based on the manufacturer's advice. The medium was replaced Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) according to the man-
with normal medium following transfection for 6 h. ufacturer's protocol. Luciferase activity was measured with the Dual
Luciferase Reporter Assay System (Promega, WI, USA) according to the
2.4. RNA extraction and qRT-PCR analysis manufacturer's manual. The results were normalized to the renilla ac-
Total RNA was isolated using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad,
CA, USA), and reverse transcription was carried out with PrimeScript 2.9. Statistical analysis
RT reagent Kit (Takara, Japan) in accordance with the manufacturer's
advices. GAPDH was regarded as the endogenous control for circRNA Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 18.0 software (SPSS,
and mRNA. The relative expression was determined by the 2−ΔΔCt Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Data were presented as the mean ± SD from
method. over three independent experiments. Student's t-test was used to ana-
lyze the differences between two groups. Multiple comparisons were
2.5. CCK-8 assay analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Kaplan-Meier
method and log-rank test were utilized to analyze the relation between
Cell viability was observed by Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8; Dojindo the overall survival rate of HCC patients and circZFR expression.
Molecular Technologies, Inc., Kumamoto, Japan) assay. U87MG and Expression correlations were determined using Spearman's correlation
U118 cells were seeded in DMEM with 10% FBS at a density of analysis. P < 0.05 indicated data were statistically significant.
5 × 103 cells per well and then cultivated in 96-well plates. 10 μl CCK-8
solution was added into each well after the transfection. The cells were 3. Results
then cultivated at 37 °C for 2 h. The optical concentration values were
measured at 450 nm using Multiskan Go spectrophotometer (Thermo 3.1. CircZFR was upregulated in HCC tissues and associated with poor
Fisher Scientific, Inc.). prognosis of HCC patients

2.6. Colony formation assay Three HCC-related circRNAs (circZFR, circFUT8 and circIPO11)
were found from circRNA Disease (Table 1). Then the expression of
After being transfected for 72 h, all cells were digested and then circZFR, circIPO11 and circFUT8 was detected in 30 pairs of HCC tis-
seeded into 6-well plates at 200 cells in each well. The cells were then sues and normal tissues using qRT-PCR. Results displayed that only
cultured at 37 °C in RPMI 1640 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) which circZFR was upregulated in HCC tissues (Fig. 1A). Then we further

Table 1
HCC-related circRNAs from circRNA Disease.
circRNA id circRNA name disease host gene method expression pattern pubmed

hsa circ 0072088 circZFR Liver cancer ZFR qRT-PCR, microarray up-regulated 28727484
hsa circ 0003028 circFUT8 Liver cancer FUT8 qRT-PCR, microarray up-regulated 28727484
hsa circ 0007915 circIPO11 Liver cancer IPO11 qRT-PCR, microarray up-regulated 28727484

A. Tan et al. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 661 (2019) 196–202

Fig. 1. CircZFR was upregulated in HCC tissues and associated with poor prognosis of HCC patients. (A) The expression of circZFR, circFUT8 and circIPO11
were detected in 30 pairs of HCC tissues and normal tissues using qRT-PCR. (B) The expression of circZFR was detected in 80 pairs of HCC tissues and normal tissues
using qRT-PCR. (C) The expression of circZFR in four HCC cell lines (Hep3B, Huh7, MHCC97H and Bel-7402) and normal cell line (L-02) was detected by qRT-PCR.
(D) Kaplan-Meier method was used to analyze the relationship between circZFR expression and the overall survival of HCC patients. ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01 vs
control group. NS: no significance.

Fig. 2. Knockdown of circZFR suppressed cell proliferation and EMT process in HCC (A). The transfection efficiency was determined in Hep3B and Huh7 cell
lines transfected with si-circZFR or si-ZFR. (B) CCK-8 assay and (C) Colony formation assay were performed to investigate the effect of si-circZFR on the proliferative
ability of Hep3B and Huh7 cell lines. (D) Western blot assay was conducted to detect the levels of EMT-related proteins in Hep3B and Huh7 cell lines transfected with
si-circZFR. ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01 vs control group.

detected the expression of circZFR in another 80 pairs of HCC tissues Similarly, qRT-PCR indicated that circZFR was highly expressed in HCC
and normal tissues. qRT-PCR assay showed that circZFR was sig- cell lines, especially in Hep3B and Huh7 cells (Fig. 1C). Then, total 80
nificantly upregulated in HCC tissues (Fig. 1B). Moreover, we examined HCC tissues were divided into two group according to the mean ex-
the expression of circZFR in four HCC cell lines (Hep3B, Huh7, pression of circZFR. Kaplan-Meier analysis demonstrated that high ex-
MHCC97H and Bel-7402) and one normal liver cell line (L-02). pression of circZFR was associated with low overall survival rate of HCC

A. Tan et al. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 661 (2019) 196–202

Fig. 3. Downregulation of circZFR inhibited the Wnt/β-catenin signaling in HCC (A) Cluster heat map showed the differentially expressed mRNAs over two fold
change in HCC samples after circZFR knockdown. (B) GO analysis revealed the enriched pathways and biological processes. (C) qRT-PCR was used to detect the
expression of downstream target genes of Wnt/β-catenin pathway (c-Myc, β-catenin, MMP-7 and MMP-9). (D) The protein level of c-Myc, β-catenin, MMP-7 and
MMP-9 were detected by western blot assay in Hep3B and Huh7 cell lines transfected with si-circZFR. GAPDH was used as negative control. (E) The luciferase
activities of TOP flash and FOP flash were measured in Hep3B and Huh7 cells transfected with si-circZFR. ∗∗P < 0.01 vs control group.

patients (Fig. 1D). In summary, all these results indicated that circZFR 3.3. Downregulation of circZFR inhibited the Wnt/β-catenin signaling in
was upregulated in HCC tissues and associated with the poor prognosis HCC cells
of HCC patients.
To further investigate the underlying mechanism of circZFR in HCC,
hierarchical clustering analysis was used to screen out the mRNAs
3.2. Knockdown of circZFR suppressed cell proliferation and EMT process which could be regulated by circZFR. As the heat map showed that 217
in HCC mRNAs were upregulated and 246 mRNAs were downregulated in
samples. CTNNB1 and some Wnt/β-catenin pathway-related genes were
To determine the biological roles of circZFR in HCC, small inter- downregulated in these samples (Fig. 3A). GO analysis further showed
fering RNA against circZFR (si-circZFR) and negative control siRNA (si- that circZFR might regulate Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway (Fig. 3B).
NC) were transfected into Hep3B and Huh7 cell lines. qRT-PCR assay To confirm this hypothesis, qRT-PCR and western blot assay were
showed that si-circZFR significantly decreased the relative expression performed to detect the mRNA level and protein level of MMP-7, MMP-
level of circZFR but not ZFR (Fig. 2A). Similarly, si-ZFR efficiently 9, C-Myc and β-catenin. Results showed that circZFR knockdown sig-
decreased the expression level of ZFR but not circZFR. Subsequently, nificantly decreased the mRNA levels and protein levels of MMP-7,
CCK-8 and colony formation assay were conducted to observe the cell MMP-9, C-Myc and β-catenin (Fig. 3C and D). Moreover, luciferase
proliferation in Hep3B and Huh7 cell lines transfected with si-circZFR reporter assay was performed to further confirm the effect of circZFR on
or si-NC. Results suggested that downregulation of circZFR efficiently the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Results showed that downregulation of
inhibited Hep3B and Huh7 cell proliferation (Fig. 2B and C). Moreover, cirZFR impaired the activity of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in Hep3B and
we investigated whether cicrZFR affected the EMT process. The results Huh7 cell lines (Fig. 3E). These findings indicated that cirZFR acted as
of western blot assay showed that knockdown of cicrZFR increased the an oncogene through regulating Wnt/β-catenin signaling in HCC.
protein level of epithelial markers (E-cadherin and β-catenin), while
decreased the levels of mesenchymal markers (N-cadherin and Vi- 3.4. CircZFR functioned as a molecular sponge of miR-3619–5p in HCC
mentin) (Fig. 2D). Taken together, cicrZFR might exert carcinogenic
roles in HCC. Previous studies have discovered that circRNAs could regulate
miRNAs. To determine whether circZFR could exert functions in HCC

A. Tan et al. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 661 (2019) 196–202

Fig. 4. CircZFR functioned as a molecular sponge of miR-3619-5p in HCC (A) Bioinformatics analysis was used to find the miRNAs which could bind with both
circZFR and CTNNB1. (B) qRT-PCR was utilized to explore the expression levels of the seven miRNAs after the transfection of si-circZFR. (C) The expression of miR-
3619–5p, miR-214–3p and miR-200a-3p were detected in 30 pairs of HCC tissues and normal tissues using qRT-PCR. (D) The expression levels of miR-3619–5p and
CTNNB1 were detected in 80 HCC tissues and adjacent normal tissues. (E) Spearman's correlation analysis was used to analyze the expression correlations among
circZFR, miR-3619–5p and CTNNB1. ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01 vs control group. NS: no significance.

via miRNA-mRNA axis, we found potential miRNAs which may interact in 30 HCC tissues. Thus we chose miR-3619–5p for the following re-
with circZFR and CTNNB1 from CSCD ( search (Fig. 4C). Consistently, the expression of miR-3619–5p was
and starBase ( Seven downregulated in 80 HCC tissues. Whereas, the expression of CTNNB1
miRNAs (miR-141–3p, miR-200a-3p, miR-214–3p, miR-761, miR- was significantly upregulated in 80 HCC tissues (Fig. 4D). Spearman's
3619–5p, miR-28–5p, miR-708–5p) were found out (Fig. 4A). Then we correlation analysis revealed that the expression of miR-3619–5p was
detected the expression of the seven miRNAs in response to the negatively correlated with that of circZFR and CTNNB1 (Fig. 4E).
knockdown of circZFR. Results showed that miR-3619–5p and miR- Whereas, the expression of circZFR was positively related with that of
214–3p as well as miR-200a-3p exhibited significant fold changes CTNNB1. These data suggested that circZFR might regulate HCC pro-
(Fig. 4B). Among which, miR-3619–5p was significantly downregulated gression via miR-3619–5p/CTNNB1 axis in HCC.

A. Tan et al. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 661 (2019) 196–202

Fig. 5. CircZFR regulated the progression

of HCC through regulating miR-3619-5p/
CTNNB1 axis (A) CCK-8 assay was used to
detect cell viability in cells transfected with
si-circZFR, si-circZFR and pcDNA-CTNNB1
or miR-3619–5p inhibitor. (B) Western blot
assay was performed to observe the levels of
EMT-related proteins in cells transfected
with si-circZFR, si-circZFR and pcDNA-
CTNNB1 or miR-3619–5p inhibitor.

P < 0.05, ∗P < 0.01 vs control group.

3.5. CircZFR regulated the progression of HCC through regulating miR- detect the expression levels of the core factors of Wnt/β-catenin
3619–5p/CTNNB1 axis pathway. It was found that the levels of these core factors were effi-
ciently decreased by the knockdown of circZFR. According to the result
To detect the effect of circZFR-miR-3619-5p-CTNNB1 axis on cell of luciferase reporter assay, we founs that knockdown of circZFR in-
proliferation and migration in HCC, rescue assays were performed. hibited the activity of Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway.
CCK-8 assay indicated that the inhibitory effect on cell proliferation In addition, circRNAs can upregulate mRNA expression by inter-
induced by si-circZFR was partly reversed by miR-3619–5p inhibitor or acting with miRNAs [24–26]. Then we used bioinformatics tools to find
pcDNA-CTNNB1 (Fig. 5A). Western blot assay was conducted to ob- out miRNAs which could bind with both circZFR and CTNNB1. All
serve the effect on the EMT process. Result showed that the protein seven miRNAs were subjected to qRT-PCR and the result suggested that
levels of E-cadherin and β-catenin increased by si-circZFR were reduced miR-3619–5p was obviously downregulated in HCC tissues. The ex-
by co-transfection of pcDNA-CTNNB1 or miR-3619–5p inhibitor pression correlation among circZFR, miR-3619–5p and CTNNB1 was
(Fig. 5B). However, the decreased protein levels of N-cadherin and analyzed. These data demonstrated that circZFR can regulate miR-
Vimentin caused by si-circZFR were recovered by pcDNA-CTNNB1 or 3619–5p/CTNNB1 axis in HCC. Finally, rescue assays were performed
miR-3619–5p inhibitor. Taken together, we confirmed that circZFR to observe the effect of circZFR-miR-3619-5p-CTNNB1 axis on HCC. We
regulated the progression of HCC through regulating miR-3619–5p/ found that cell proliferation and EMT progress suppressed by si-circZFR
CTNNB1 axis. were partially reversed by co-transfection with miR-3619–5p inhibitor
or pcDNA-CTNNB1. These results indicated that miR-3619–5p and
CTNNB1 could involve in circZFR-mediated HCC progression. In con-
4. Discussion
clusion, we confirmed that circZFR accelerated HCC progression
through regulating miR-3619–5p/CTNNB1 axis and activating Wnt/β-
Although great advancement has been achieved in treating HCC, the
catenin pathway. All findings in this study may contribute to finding
prognosis of HCC patients remain poor [15–17]. Thus it is beneficial to
novel therapeutic targets for HCC.
explore the more effective therapeutic targets for HCC. Mounting evi-
dence has indicated that circRNAs are dysfunctional in human cancers
Conflicts of interest
through miRNA-mRNA axis [18–20]. What's more, circRNAs have the
potential to be the biomarkers or prognostic factors in human cancers
The authors declare that there are no competing interests associated
[21–23]. However, the biological roles and mechanisms of circRNAs in
with this study.
HCC have not been fully discovered.
In our current research, we found circZFR, circFUT8 and circIPO11
were closely associated with HCC via circRNA Disease website. CircZFR
was found to significantly upregulated in HCC tissues and cell lines
The authors appreciate all laboratory members.
compared with two other circRNAs. Then, Kaplan-Meier analysis re-
vealed that high circZFR expression was associated with the low overall
survival rate of HCC patients, indicating that high circZFR expression
might lead to the poor prognosis of HCC patients. Therefore, we hy-
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