Cultural Diversity Awareness

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Cultural diversity and awareness

Various personalities of members can make troubles and conflicts when working in a group to accomplish
an aggregate objective. Cultural diversity can have an impact on personality traits of team members.

Our group was a context of four people inclusive of members who belong to deferent mind set, cultural
norms, religious believes and family background, therefore we came across some sort of problems such
as scheduling, ideas, topics and time frames to meet up. These disagreements led to some problems in
our group. In addition, language was also a barrier in our group as some people were not good at English,
at the meantime, their mother tongued were deferent.

Since our major conflicts were language, different mindset and cultural barriers, we later on decided to
divide the works as more as possible to work alone as it seemed to be the best option. As a compensation
we tried to speak simple English as much as possible while dividing the each parts to work individually.
Afterward we are discussed and arranged a meeting in a single day of the work as more as convenient to
members at ACBT premises itself in order to collect the works and combine. Thereafter, one member who
was best in English took the part over to the single parts as the task was too complex.

Some or how are managed to resolve the conflicts and moved ahead to achieve the goal towards success.

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