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Mr. Naidu
49-C, Ganesh Nagar
Tamil Nadu

4th October, 2020

Mr. Editor-In-Chief
The Times of India
Tamil Nadu

Subject: Provoking awareness about the use of solar energy.

By columns of your esteemed daily, Nowadays, the use of non-renewable resources are more. It leads to
completion of non-renewable resources and pollution of environment. So, I would like to aware the use of
solar energy to decrease the use of non-renewable resources.

Solar energy is the best renewable energy in the world. The sun one day producing light is enough for
million years, researchers have found this. By using solar energy for electricity would save more money in
producing electricity by coal. Main non-renewable energy that uses most nowadays is petrol that also
reduces in use if we run vehicle with solar energy. There are most to say uses of solar energy. The best
example is government of Kerala initiated solar planes round the airport to produce electricity

I hope by your daily it reaches to good citizens and understand my concern.

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