Conflict Resolve

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Conflict resolution

I faced a conflict between my team members was when we were doing group assignment for business
identity and protocol. Our group task was making a report on how the teammates can analyze strengths
and weaknesses.

Our group was gaining great ground until two of members got into contention over their ideas of how
the task ought to be finished. One member was overthinking and he thinks too much. Sometimes it will
benefit. But that movement it was an unnecessary pressure. Other member had difference opinions
than us. At that point she disobeyed other member’s opinion and tried to convince that she was right.
Also they started to contend to prove their points. This contention was totally founded on their
personality contrasts and that caused to drop that meeting.

My Conflict management style

Problem solver -82%

Others conflict management styles

Avoider and competer

As a problem solver, they have the potential to make peace. That means they always monitor all the
details of the problem and solve it step-by-step. They listening to others opinions. Furthermore as an
avoider, usually they used to avoid situation and conflicts. They do not want find solution. (Styles, n.d.)

As I had mentioned in that situation, my group consisted of two people who always stick only in to their
opinions, they do not accept other’s ideas. Hence, I decided to hold the further meetings until the
problem gets solved as it would not be productive to move likewise. I finally chose to go on with the
political model, voting, I first gave them the opportunity to decide while others also constantly decide,
therefore at last, we held the election to choose the best opinion among all. Since our group had four
members, it was somewhat difficult to move with the voting, but as it was the best nominal mode, we
emphasized to go through political mode. As a compensation, I also decided to distribute some parts as
individuals, meaning that all possible parts were distributed among individuals to work along. It worked
productively that we expected.

After the incident, we got to know each other and we can identify our strengths and weaknesses when
working with team members. Finally, we have completed the report by the due date. Therefore it was
finished successfully.

Styles, I. C. (n.d.). Lesson 2.2. 45–49.

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