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Participant ID 11330100233

Participant Name ISHANT RATHI

Test Center Name A To Z Online Testing Centre
Test Date 17/08/2019
Test Time 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Section : Mental Ability1

Q.1 Six teachers P, Q, R, S, T, and U are sitting around a circular table facing towards the centre.
T is to the immediate left of S. Only R is between P and Q. Only U is between P and T. Who is
second to the left of R?
Ans 1. Q

2. U

3. T

4. S

Question ID : 5459275669

Q.2 In a certain code language, ‘PHRASE’ is written as ‘RFTYUC’. What is the code for ‘TABLE’ in
that code language?
Ans 1. VYDJF




Question ID : 5459275667

Q.3 In the following question below are given some statements followed by some conclusions
based on those statements. Taking the given statements to be true even if they seem to be
at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of
the given conclusion logically follows the given statements.

I. All tables are chairs.
II. All chairs are pens.

I. Some tables are pens.
II. All pens are tables.
Ans 1. Only conclusion I follow

2. Both conclusion I and II follow

3. Neither conclusion follow

4. Only conclusion II follow

Question ID : 5459275674

Q.4 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is
related to the first term.
Ans 1. Hammer

2. Spade

3. Plough

4. Axe

Question ID : 5459275665

Q.5 In a certain code language, ‘TEST’ is written as ‘60’, ‘CLUB’ is written as ‘34’. What is the
code for ‘REST’ in that code language?
Ans 1. 56

2. 58

3. 60

4. 62

Question ID : 5459275666

Q.6 In the following question, four letter pairs are given. The letters on left side of (–) is related
to the letters on the right side of (–) with some Logic/Rule/Relation. Three are similar on
basis of same Logic/Rule/Relation. Select the odd one out from the given alternatives.
Ans 1. LM-JK

2. TP-RN

3. JS-HQ

4. AT-ZR

Question ID : 5459275661

Q.7 In the following question, select the number which can be placed at the sign of question
mark (?) from the given alternatives.

Ans 1. 160

2. 80

3. 100

4. 120

Question ID : 5459275676

Q.8 A person has five dumbbells L, M, N, O, and P of different weights. O weighs twice as much
as N. M weights two and a half time as much as N. L weighs twice as much as M. P weighs
less than L but more than N. O weighs half as much as P. Which of the following is lightest
in weight?
Ans 1. L

2. M
3. N

4. O

Question ID : 5459275670

Q.9 A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones
that will complete the series.

EF, JK, OP, TU, ?

Ans 1. AB

2. YZ

3. WX

4. XY

Question ID : 5459275659

Q.10 Sheena ate only mangoes and apples. Sushila ate all the fruits except grapes. Sharda ate
only apples and bananas. Gauri ate all the fruits except oranges and peaches. Riya ate all
the fruits except peaches, grapes and mangoes. How many girls ate bananas?
Ans 1. One

2. Three

3. Two

4. Four

Question ID : 5459275673

Q.11 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is
related to the first term.
Ans 1. Bird

2. Lion

3. Elephant

4. Horse

Question ID : 5459275664

Q.12 In the following question below are given some statements followed by some conclusions
based on those statements. Taking the given statements to be true even if they seem to be
at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of
the given conclusion logically follows the given statements.

I. All pencils are chairs.
II. Some chairs are tables.
III. Some tables are pens.

I. Some pens are pencils.
II. All tables are pencils.
III. All pens are chairs.
Ans 1. Both conclusion I and II follow

2. Neither conclusion follow

3. Both conclusion II and III follow

4. Only conclusion II follow

Question ID : 5459275675

Q.13 Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.

1. Devotion
2. Devilish
3. Develing
4. Devested
5. Develop
Ans 1. 35421

2. 35412

3. 35241

4. 32451

Question ID : 5459275657

Q.14 Five people are sitting on five different steps of a staircase. Heena is sitting above Esha and
Mohit is sitting below Sheena. Esha is sitting above Sheena and Dhruv is sitting below
Mohit. Which of the following statement is correct?
Ans 1. Two people are sitting between Dhruv and Esha

2. Esha is between Sheena and Mohit

3. Heena is at the bottom

4. Sheena is at the top

Question ID : 5459275672

Q.15 In a certain code language, ‘RED’ is called ‘WOOD’, ‘WOOD’ is called ‘BREAD’, ‘BREAD’ is
called ‘PLASTIC’, ‘PLASTIC’ is called ‘MILK’, ‘MILK’ is called ‘WHITE’. What do we eat?
Ans 1. WHITE




Question ID : 5459275668

Q.16 In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.
Ans 1. Figure

2. Triangle

3. Hexagon

4. Square

Question ID : 5459275660

Q.17 A series is given with one term wrong. Select that wrong term from the given alternatives.

E110, G132, I159, K181, M228

Ans 1. I159

2. G132

3. E110

4. K181
Question ID : 5459275658

Q.18 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is
related to the first term.
Ans 1. PW

2. QW

3. QV

4. PV

Question ID : 5459275663

Q.19 In the following question, select the odd word pair from the given alternatives.
Ans 1. Patient : Hospital

2. Garage : Car

3. Guns : Armoury

4. Medicine : Dispensary

Question ID : 5459275662

Q.20 Six people P, Q, R, S, T, and U are sitting in a row facing towards north (not necessarily in the
same order). Only P is sitting between Q and R. Q is sitting next to S. S is sitting next to T. T
is sitting on the extreme left. Who are sitting adjacent to R?
Ans 1. S and U

2. S and P

3. T and S

4. P and U

Question ID : 5459275671

Section : Mental Ability2

Q.1 How many triangles are in the given figure?

Ans 1. 9

2. 12

3. 8

4. 7

Question ID : 5459275696

Q.2 Rohan walks 10 km towards south. He turns left and walks 6 km. He again turns left and
walks 4 km. He finally turns right and walks straight. In which direction is he walking now?
1. East

2. West

3. North

4. South

Question ID : 5459275688

Q.3 In the following question, select the number which can be placed at the sign of question
mark (?) from the given alternatives.

Ans 1. 256

2. 144

3. 196

4. 289

Question ID : 5459275678

Q.4 In the following question, select the missing number from the given series.

5, 11, 32, 129, 644, ?

Ans 1. 3185

2. 3865

3. 3925

4. 3615

Question ID : 5459275683

Q.5 If A * B = A2 + B2 + AB, then (3 * 4) + (2 * 5) = ?

Ans 1. 82

2. 76

3. 96

4. 72

Question ID : 5459275685

Q.6 Three positions of a dice are given below. What will not come on the adjacent faces of a
face containing ‘@’?

Ans 1. #, R
2. H, R

3. H, T

4. H, P

Question ID : 5459275694

Q.7 A piece of paper is folded and punched as shown below in the question figures. From the
given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened?






Question ID : 5459275693

Q.8 Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?





Question ID : 5459275692
Q.9 How many triangles are in the given figure?

Ans 1. 13

2. 10

3. 12

4. 11

Question ID : 5459275695

Q.10 Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number
is related to the first number.
Ans 1. 176489

2. 196225

3. 182285

4. 144121

Question ID : 5459275681

Q.11 Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number
is related to the first number.
Ans 1. 170

2. 100

3. 130

4. 90

Question ID : 5459275679

Q.12 In the following question, select the missing number from the given series.

2, 2, 10, 6, 30, 12, 68, 20, ?

Ans 1. 170

2. 90

3. 210

4. 130

Question ID : 5459275682

Q.13 Sharmila walks 20 metre towards south. Then she walks 30 metres after turning to left.
Finally she walks 20 metres after turning to left. How far and in which direction is she now
from her starting point?
Ans 1. 30 metres, West

2. 40 metres, North-west

3. 30 metres, East
4. 50 metres, North-east

Question ID : 5459275689

Q.14 If ‘P’ means ‘÷’, ‘Q’ means ‘×’, ‘R’ means ‘+’ and ‘S’ means ‘–’, then 3 P 6 R 8 Q 2 S 4 Q 8 = ?
Ans 1. –(29/2)

2. –(33/2)

3. –(31/2)

4. –(35/2)

Question ID : 5459275684

Q.15 In the given figure, how many rural workers are literate?

Ans 1. 2

2. 6

3. 5

4. 7

Question ID : 5459275687

Q.16 In the following question, select the odd figure from the given alternatives.





Question ID : 5459275690

Q.17 Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the given classes.

Vehicle, Aeroplane, Calculator





Question ID : 5459275686

Q.18 In the following question, select the wrong figure from the given series.






Question ID : 5459275691

Q.19 In the following question, select the number which can be placed at the sign of question
mark (?) from the given alternatives.

Ans 1. 312

2. 296

3. 202

4. 303
Question ID : 5459275677

Q.20 Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number
is related to the first number.
Ans 1. 144

2. 324

3. 196

4. 121

Question ID : 5459275680

Section : General Awareness1

Q.1 Cut a fresh slice of brinjal and keep it away for some time. It will show some change. This
change is known as ______.
Ans 1. Biological change

2. Physical change

3. Chemical change

4. No change

Question ID : 5459275705

Q.2 Which of the following factors affect the temperature of ocean water?

I. Latitude
II. Ocean current
III. Prevailing wind
Ans 1. I and II

2. I and III

3. I, II and III

4. II and III

Question ID : 5459275712

Q.3 ______ has been introduced by RBI for bank customers for resolution of complaints relating
to certain services rendered by banks.
Ans 1. Banking Ombudsman Scheme

2. Grievance Redressal Banking Scheme

3. Complaints Scheme

4. Banking Redressal Scheme

Question ID : 5459275702

Q.4 Which of the following landforms can be seen in Himalayas?

I. Gorges
II. V-shaped valleys
III. Waterfalls
Ans 1. I, II and III

2. II and III
3. I and II

4. I and III

Question ID : 5459275714

Q.5 In which city is the Gateway of India located?

Ans 1. Kolkata

2. Chennai

3. Mumbai

4. New Delhi

Question ID : 5459275698

Q.6 The Barak river is in which of the following state?

Ans 1. Gujarat

2. Manipur

3. Punjab

4. Tamil Nadu

Question ID : 5459275715

Q.7 What is the colour of the Iron sulphate solution which forms by the addition of iron in copper
Ans 1. Green

2. Blue

3. Brown

4. Orange

Question ID : 5459275707

Q.8 ______ is the process of removal of silica from the soil.

Ans 1. Resilication

2. Unsilication

3. Desilication

4. Silication

Question ID : 5459275713

Q.9 Rukmini Devi Arundale is famous for which form of dance?

Ans 1. Bharatanatyam

2. Lavani

3. Kathakali

4. Odissi

Question ID : 5459275697

Q.10 When a magnesium ribbon is burnt in candle flame, it burns with ______ light.
Ans 1. brilliant yellow

2. brilliant blue

3. brilliant white

4. brilliant orange

Question ID : 5459275706

Q.11 Suppose test tube ‘P’ contains acid and test tube ‘Q’ contains ‘base’. When the contents of
both the test tubes are mixed it results in which of the following reaction?
Ans 1. Basification

2. Neutralisation

3. No reaction

4. Acidification

Question ID : 5459275704

Q.12 ______ is the difference between the government's total expenditure and its total receipts
excluding borrowing.
Ans 1. Capital Expenditure

2. Capital Receipts

3. Fiscal Deficit

4. Foreign Reserves

Question ID : 5459275701

Q.13 Which metal should be added to copper sulphate solution to observe a change of blue
colour into green?
Ans 1. Iron

2. Aluminium

3. Zinc

4. Gold

Question ID : 5459275710

Q.14 Which of the following is a Capital Expenditure?

I. Investment in shares
II. Acquisition of land
III. Acquisition of machinery
Ans 1. II and III

2. I and II

3. I, II and III

4. I and III

Question ID : 5459275703

Q.15 Which of the following factor leads to soil erosion?

I. Wind
II. Water
III. Deforestation
Ans 1. I and II

2. I, II and III

3. II and III

4. I and III

Question ID : 5459275716

Q.16 Konark Sun Temple is in ______.

Ans 1. Odisha

2. Rajasthan

3. Tamil Nadu

4. Andhra Pradesh

Question ID : 5459275699

Q.17 Gustatory Receptors in human beings detect ______.

Ans 1. temperature

2. taste

3. smell

4. pressure

Question ID : 5459275711

Q.18 The first type of engine developed in the 19th century was ______ based.
Ans 1. Nuclear

2. Steam

3. Petrol

4. Diesel

Question ID : 5459275708

Q.19 Which of the following is NOT an example of rectilinear motion?

Ans 1. A car running on a straight road

2. The hands of a wall clock

3. A man walking on a straight footpath

4. March – past of soldiers

Question ID : 5459275709

Q.20 Musical instruments have been divided into how many main categories?
Ans 1. Three

2. Two

3. Four

4. Six

Question ID : 5459275700
Section : General Awareness2

Q.1 Hunter Commission was set up in which year to review the field of education?
Ans 1. 1882

2. 1880

3. 1901

4. 1900

Question ID : 5459275723

Q.2 Vice President of India holds office for a term of how many years?
Ans 1. 7 years

2. 3 years

3. 2 years

4. 5 years

Question ID : 5459275731

Q.3 Who formed Depressed Classes Association in 1930?

Ans 1. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

2. J. L. Nehru

3. Mahatma Gandhi

4. E. V. Ramaswamy Naicker

Question ID : 5459275718

Q.4 Which of the following pair of player – game is NOT correct?

Ans 1. P.V. Sindhu- Badminton

2. Gaurav Solanki - Football

3. Babita Kumari- Wrestling

4. Manpreet Singh - Hockey

Question ID : 5459275735

Q.5 The book titled "281 and Beyond" is an autobiography of ______.

Ans 1. VVS Laxman

2. Shahid Afridi

3. Sachin Tendulkar

4. MS Dhoni

Question ID : 5459275727

Q.6 Calcutta Madrasa was founded by?

Ans 1. Warren Hastings

2. William Jones
3. Jonathan Duncan

4. William Bentinck

Question ID : 5459275722

Q.7 Article 18 of the Indian Constitution deals with which of the following?
Ans 1. Freedom of right to speech

2. Right to occupation

3. Right to freedom

4. Abolition of titles

Question ID : 5459275730

Q.8 Which cash crops were exported from India by British during early 19th Century?

I. Indigo
II. Opium
III. Silk
Ans 1. I and II

2. II and III

3. I, II and III

4. I and III

Question ID : 5459275721

Q.9 Who won the Second Battle of Tarain?

Ans 1. Nasiruddin Mahmud

2. Mohammad Bin Qasim

3. Muhammad Shah

4. Muhammad Ghori

Question ID : 5459275719

Q.10 The international Yoga day is celebrated on ______ every year.

Ans 1. 21 June

2. 19 June

3. 23 June

4. 24 June

Question ID : 5459275729

Q.11 Which of the following country has launched the nuclear-powered icebreaker name ‘Ural’ in
Ans 1. Germany

2. India

3. Japan

4. Russia

Question ID : 5459275726
Q.12 Raziya Sultan was daughter of which ruler?
Ans 1. Iltutmish

2. Nasiruddin Mahmud

3. Qutbuddin Aibak

4. Mohammad Azam Shah

Question ID : 5459275720

Q.13 Which of the following is NOT a member of SAARC?

Ans 1. Australia

2. Maldives

3. Afghanistan

4. Sri Lanka

Question ID : 5459275728

Q.14 Arid soil is found in which of the following Indian state?

Ans 1. Punjab

2. Jammu and Kashmir

3. Rajasthan

4. Mizoram

Question ID : 5459275717

Q.15 Who is the ex officio chairman of the council of states?

Ans 1. Prime Minister

2. Speaker

3. President

4. Vice President

Question ID : 5459275732

Q.16 Who was awarded “Man of the Series” in ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2019?
Ans 1. Joe Root

2. Rohit Sharma

3. Kane Williamson

4. Ben Stokes

Question ID : 5459275734

Q.17 The book "Mann ki Baat" is associated with ______.

Ans 1. Rajesh Jain

2. Sushma Swaraj

3. Arun Jaitley

4. Narendra Modi
Question ID : 5459275724

Q.18 Which of the following team was NOT a part of Cricket World Cup 2019?
Ans 1. Sri Lanka

2. Zimbabwe

3. Australia

4. Afghanistan

Question ID : 5459275736

Q.19 The Second Amendment to the constitution of India was made in which year?
Ans 1. 1947

2. 1954

3. 1952

4. 1950

Question ID : 5459275733

Q.20 Who has been conferred the 19th Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award?
Ans 1. Fali S. Nariman

2. Ashok Desai

3. Prannoy Roy

4. Bindeshwar Pathak

Question ID : 5459275725

Section : Arithmetic Ability1

Q.1 If Aman marks the price of his articles 70% more than their cost price and allows a discount
of 40%, then what is his gain percent?
Ans 1. 8 percent

2. 12 percent

3. 4 percent

4. 2 percent

Question ID : 5459275748

Q.2 If A = 7 ÷ 14 – 2 × 5 + 4 × 3, B = 3 ÷ 6 + 4 × 2 – 5 and C = 8 ÷ 4 + 2 × 3 + 5, then what is the

value of A ÷ B × C?
Ans 1. 88/7

2. 96/7

3. 91/9

4. 90/7

Question ID : 5459275744
Q.3 How many numbers are there between 212 and 347 which are divisible by 7 but not by 6?
Ans 1. 6

2. 9

3. 8

4. 7

Question ID : 5459275740

Q.4 Which is the smallest fraction among 5/7, 8/11, 4/9 and 11/3.
Ans 1. 11/3

2. 4/9

3. 5/7

4. 8/11

Question ID : 5459275746

Q.5 How many odd numbers are there between 10 and 200 which are divisible by 9?
Ans 1. 11

2. 9

3. 8

4. 10

Question ID : 5459275741

Q.6 Cost price of article R is Rs 20 more than the cost price of article T. Selling price of both the
articles is same. Profit earned on article T is 40% and profit earned on article R is 20%. What
is the cost price of the article R?
Ans 1. Rs 160

2. Rs 130

3. Rs 120

4. Rs 140

Question ID : 5459275755

Q.7 Anil, Kamal and Rahul hired a car for Rs 3600. Anil used it for 6 hours, Kamal used it for 12
hours and Rahul used it for 18 hours.What is the share that Kamal has to pay as cost of
Ans 1. Rs 1800

2. Rs 1000

3. Rs 1400

4. Rs 1200

Question ID : 5459275756

Q.8 If 34X is divisible by 7, then what is the value of X?

Ans 1. 3

2. 2

3. 7
4. 1

Question ID : 5459275737

Q.9 A wholeseller earns a profit of 40% by selling an article for Rs 196. To earn a profit of 60%,
by how much percentage should he increase his selling price?
Ans 1. 28.56 percent

2. 14.28 percent

3. 42 percent

4. 30 percent

Question ID : 5459275754

Q.10 How many three digit numbers are there which when divided by 8, 7 and 6 leaves remainder
7, 6 and 5 respectively?
Ans 1. 6

2. 4

3. 5

4. 7

Question ID : 5459275743

Q.11 If a number M1 is 25% less than another number M2 and M2 is 30% less than 360, then
what is the value of M1?
Ans 1. 207

2. 197

3. 189

4. 169

Question ID : 5459275751

Q.12 Average of 34, 72, 45, 79, 42 and N is 49. What is the value of N?
Ans 1. 32

2. 26

3. 22

4. 20

Question ID : 5459275747

Q.13 If 348X is divisible by 8, then what is the minimum value of X?

Ans 1. 4

2. 8

3. 2

4. 0

Question ID : 5459275739

Q.14 If a number is decreased successively by 20%, 35% and 25%, then what is the effective rate
of decrease?
Ans 1. 71 percent

2. 61 percent

3. 39 percent

4. 49 percent

Question ID : 5459275752


Ans 1. 5/7

2. 4/7

3. 6/7

4. 3/7

Question ID : 5459275742

Q.16 Average weight of a group of 12 fruits is 20 kg. Average weight of a group of 18 fruits is 35
kg. What will be the combined average weight of both the groups?
Ans 1. 33 kg

2. 31 kg

3. 29 kg

4. 27 kg

Question ID : 5459275749


Ans 1. 121.121

2. 112.211

3. 121.111

4. 111.112

Question ID : 5459275745


Ans 1. 3.4

2. 3.6

3. 3.9

4. 4.3

Question ID : 5459275738

Q.19 The selling price of a chair is Rs 714 and the profit percentage is 19%. What is the cost price
of the chair?
1. Rs 780

2. Rs 600

3. Rs 720

4. Rs 650

Question ID : 5459275753

Q.20 What is the value of 75% of 120% of 2160?

Ans 1. 1944

2. 2014

3. 1964

4. 2084

Question ID : 5459275750

Section : Arithmetic Ability2

Q.1 The pie chart given below shows the number of cars of different colours in a showroom.
The numbers are shown as a percentage of total cars in the showroom.

If the total number of cars in the showroom are 300, then what is the difference between the
number of red colour cars and yellow colour cars?
Ans 1. 35

2. 25

3. 30

4. 20

Question ID : 5459275771

Q.2 The bar graph given below shows the amount of water (in litre) in different mixtures.
The amount of water (in litre) in M1 mixture is how much percent less than the amount of
water (in litre) in M7 mixture?
Ans 1. 57.36 percent

2. 47.36 percent

3. 67.36 percent

4. 77.36 percent

Question ID : 5459275774

Q.3 X started a business by investing Rs 40000. After 3 months Y joined the business by
investing Rs 50000. After 3 more months Z joined the business with Rs 60000. What will be
the ratio of profits of X, Y and Z at end of 2 years?
Ans 1. 4 : 5 : 6

2. 38 : 25 : 26

3. 32 : 35 : 36

4. 28 : 15 : 16

Question ID : 5459275758

Q.4 The side of a rhombus measures 10 cm and one diagonal is 12 cm. What is the area of the




Question ID : 5459275770

Q.5 Two trains leave S1 and S2 towards S2 and S1 respectively at same time. Speeds of train
coming from S1 and S2 are 18 km/hr and 32 km/hr respectively. When they meet then it is
found that the train coming from S2 has travelled 84 km distance more than train coming
from S1. What is the distance between S1 and S2?
Ans 1. 150 km

2. 240 km

3. 180 km

4. 300 km

Question ID : 5459275764

Q.6 The table given below shows the number of persons visiting on different days of a week.
What is the percentage increase in number of persons visiting from D1 to D5?
Ans 1. 45.83 percent

2. 35.83 percent

3. 50.83 percent

4. 40.83 percent

Question ID : 5459275772

Q.7 Yogesh and Vivek alone can do a work in 72 and 8 days respectively. They both start
working together, but after 6 days, Vivek left the work. In how many days will Yogesh alone
complete the remaining work?
Ans 1. 24 days

2. 18 days

3. 12 days

4. 16 days

Question ID : 5459275766

Q.8 A car travelled four equal distances of 10 km at speeds of 30, 60, 90 and 120 km/hr
respectively. What is the average speed of the car?
Ans 1. 57.6 km/hr

2. 47.2 km/hr

3. 48.8 km/hr

4. 54.3 km/hr

Question ID : 5459275763

Q.9 The line graph given below shows the number of article produced on different days of a

What are the total number of articles produced on all the 4 days?
Ans 1. 88

2. 84

3. 92

4. 96

Question ID : 5459275776

Q.10 A 400 metres long train takes 16 seconds to cross a pole. What is the speed of the train?
Ans 1. 120 km/hr

2. 70 km/hr

3. 80 km/hr

4. 90 km/hr

Question ID : 5459275762

Q.11 A sum of money becomes 3 times in 4 years when kept on simple interest. In how many
years will it become 15 times?
Ans 1. 15 years

2. 28 years

3. 14 years

4. 30 years

Question ID : 5459275759

Q.12 Rs 22000 are kept at compound interest (compounding annually). If the rate of interest is
10% per annum, then what is the amount after 2 years?
Ans 1. Rs 27220

2. Rs 26620

3. Rs 25240

4. Rs 27840

Question ID : 5459275760

Q.13 A sum of money becomes Rs 29282 in 4 years and Rs 26620 in 3 years when kept at
compound interest (compounding annually). What is the per annum rate of interest?
Ans 1. 12 percent

2. 1 percent

3. 16 percent

4. 14 percent

Question ID : 5459275761

Q.14 Virat, Sumit and Pawan together can complete a work in 24 days. Efficiency of Virat is thrice
that of Sumit and efficiency of Pawan is four times that of Sumit. How many days Pawan
alone will take to complete this work?
Ans 1. 36 days

2. 84 days

3. 64 days
4. 48 days

Question ID : 5459275767

Q.15 The table given below shows the number of right handed players in different teams.

What is the average number of right hand players per team?

Ans 1. 3.3

2. 4.1

3. 4.3

4. 3.9

Question ID : 5459275773


Ans 1. 16 cm

2. 13 cm

3. 26 cm

4. 12 cm

Question ID : 5459275768

Q.17 E1 and E2 together can complete a work in 15 days. E1 alone can complete the same work
in 40 days. If they together complete the same work and they get Rs 80000, then what is the
share of E2?
Ans 1. Rs 32000

2. Rs 50000

3. Rs 30000

4. Rs 40000

Question ID : 5459275765

Q.18 If a : b = 3 : 4 and c : d = 2a : 3b, then what is the value of ac : bd?

Ans 1. 8 : 3

2. 3 : 8

3. 1 : 3
4. 1 : 2

Question ID : 5459275757

Q.19 A copper sphere of radius 15 cm is drawn into a cylindrical wire of length 20 metre. What is
the radius of the wire?
Ans 1. 1.5 cm

2. 2 cm

3. 1.7 cm

4. 1.2 cm

Question ID : 5459275769

Q.20 The bar graph given below shows the weight of different persons.

The weight of P5 is how much percent less than the sum of weights of P1 and P3?
Ans 1. 47.08 percent

2. 37.08 percent

3. 17.08 percent

4. 27.08 percent

Question ID : 5459275775

Section : General English1

Q.1 A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word. Choose the
correct alternative.

Aman was appointed ______ the monitor of the class.

Ans 1. so

2. as

3. because

4. to

Question ID : 5459275788

Q.2 Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

She met a lot of people (at) her holiday.

Ans 1. No Improvement
2. during

3. on

4. in

Question ID : 5459275786

Q.3 Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

She doesn’t mind (to be disturbed).

Ans 1. being disturbing

2. to being disturbed

3. No Improvement

4. being disturbed

Question ID : 5459275782

Q.4 Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

Keats (describe) the idea very well in his poems.

Ans 1. is descried

2. No Improvement

3. describing

4. describes

Question ID : 5459275785

Q.5 A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word. Choose the
correct alternative.

We intend to ______ there for a month.

Ans 1. staying

2. stays

3. stay

4. stayed

Question ID : 5459275789

Q.6 Find the part of the given sentence that has an error in it. If there is no error, choose ‘No

A fire breaked (1) / out in the factory (2) / last night (3) /. No error (4)
Ans 1. 1

2. 2

3. 4

4. 3

Question ID : 5459275780

Q.7 The question below consists of a set of labeled sentences. Out of the four options given,
select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

P: Diwali is held at
Q: the beginning of the Hindu
R: commercial year in honour
S: of the goddess Lakshmi
Ans 1. PRSQ




Question ID : 5459275796

Q.8 A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word. Choose the
correct alternative.

Abhi ______ German very fluently.

Ans 1. speak

2. speaking

3. speaks

4. have spoken

Question ID : 5459275791

Q.9 Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

(The Gold) is a precious metal.

Ans 1. An

2. A

3. Gold

4. No Improvement

Question ID : 5459275783

Q.10 A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word. Choose the
correct alternative.

She will have to start ______ once.

Ans 1. on

2. at

3. in

4. of

Question ID : 5459275793

Q.11 The question below consists of a set of labeled sentences. Out of the four options given,
select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

P: of knowledge sometimes
Q: becomes the cause
R: The forbidden fruit
S: of great distress and anguish
Ans 1. RPQS



Question ID : 5459275795

Q.12 A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word. Choose the
correct alternative.

______ the students have done well in the competition.

Ans 1. All

2. Every

3. Each

4. Either

Question ID : 5459275790

Q.13 Find the part of the given sentence that has an error in it. If there is no error, choose ‘No

We went (1) / in the cinema (2) / last night (3) /. No error (4)
Ans 1. 4

2. 2

3. 1

4. 3

Question ID : 5459275778

Q.14 A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word. Choose the
correct alternative.

We must serve ______ country.

Ans 1. ourself

2. our

3. themself

4. himself

Question ID : 5459275794

Q.15 Find the part of the given sentence that has an error in it. If there is no error, choose ‘No

An old man (1) / is selling fruits (2) / in the market (3) /. No error (4)
Ans 1. 4

2. 3

3. 2

4. 1

Question ID : 5459275777

Q.16 Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

I am sorry, but I (don’t believe) what you say.

Ans 1. am no believing
2. No Improvement

3. will not believe

4. will not be believing

Question ID : 5459275784

Q.17 A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word. Choose the
correct alternative.

Sanya doesn’t ______ much money to buy a phone.

Ans 1. has

2. is

3. are

4. have

Question ID : 5459275787

Q.18 Find the part of the given sentence that has an error in it. If there is no error, choose ‘No

When are you (1) coming back (2) / in Mumbai? (3) / No error (4)
Ans 1. 1

2. 3

3. 2

4. 4

Question ID : 5459275781

Q.19 Find the part of the given sentence that has an error in it. If there is no error, choose ‘No

The book (1) / who has pictures (2) / in it is mine (3) /. No error (4)
Ans 1. 4

2. 2

3. 1

4. 3

Question ID : 5459275779

Q.20 A sentence has been given with a blank to be filled with an appropriate word. Choose the
correct alternative.

Your son should have asked you before ______.

Ans 1. leaving

2. leave

3. to leave

4. left

Question ID : 5459275792
Section : General English2

Q.1 In the given question, four words are given out of which one word is correctly spelt. Choose
the correctly spelt word.
Ans 1. Apparant

2. Aparant

3. Aparent

4. Apparent

Question ID : 5459275804

Q.2 Choose the word that means the same as the given word.

Ans 1. Dwell

2. Narrate

3. Suppress

4. Decipher

Question ID : 5459275802

Q.3 In the given question, four words are given out of which one word is correctly spelt. Choose
the correctly spelt word.
Ans 1. Ammateur

2. Amateur

3. Amatuer

4. Emateur

Question ID : 5459275803

Q.4 In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the alternative which best
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.

The gift of the gab

Ans 1. In any case

2. Rare

3. Talent of speaking

4. In disorder

Question ID : 5459275807

Q.5 Choose the word that means the same as the given word.

Ans 1. Reject

2. Deny

3. Encourage

4. Sanction

Question ID : 5459275800
Q.6 Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the given word.

Ans 1. Praise

2. Reveal

3. Acceptance

4. Repel

Question ID : 5459275801

Q.7 Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the given word.

Ans 1. Salvage

2. Liberate

3. Abduct

4. Rescue

Question ID : 5459275798

Q.8 In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the alternative which best
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.

Fair play
Ans 1. In danger

2. Destruction

3. Equal conditions for all

4. Usually

Question ID : 5459275808

Q.9 Choose the word that can substitute the given sentence.

A public room or building where gambling games are played.

Ans 1. Burrow

2. Lounge

3. Creche

4. Casino

Question ID : 5459275809

Q.10 Choose the word that can substitute the given sentence.

A piece of enclosed land planted with fruit trees

Ans 1. Island

2. Shed

3. Orchard

4. Reservoir

Question ID : 5459275811
Q.11 The question below consists of a set of labeled sentences. Out of the four options given,
select the most logical order of the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

P: Ashoka was a kind ruler.

Q: Many kings have lived and died;
R: My favourite hero in history is Ashoka the Great.
S: nobody remembers them but Ashoka’s name will live of ever.
Ans 1. RSPQ




Question ID : 5459275797

Q.12 Choose the word that means the same as the given word.

Ans 1. Thoughts

2. Spirit

3. Perception

4. Reality

Question ID : 5459275799

Q.13 Choose the word that can substitute the given sentence.

One who makes sculptures

Ans 1. Linguist

2. Sculptor

3. Artist

4. Curator

Question ID : 5459275810

Q.14 In the given question, four words are given out of which one word is correctly spelt. Choose
the correctly spelt word.
Ans 1. Bellweather

2. Ballwether

3. Bellwether

4. Bullwether

Question ID : 5459275805

Q.15 In the following question, out of the given four alternatives, select the alternative which best
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.

Out of the way

Ans 1. Not convenient

2. Human body

3. Impossible

4. To think of the future

Question ID : 5459275806

Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
American politician cartoons often follow the general displeasure of the government by the
American people. They run the gamut from economics to foreign policy to the overwhelming
popular topic of bureaucracy. As an avid reader of politician cartoons on a daily basis, I enjoy
the humour and cynicism found within these forms of speech. Not only can they poke fun at
politicians for their behaviour, but they often raise a strong sense of values and morals in the
person that reads him. From topics currently facing the United Nations, our federal
government or current news events, the cartoonists use a medium that was once reserved for
innocent humour and changes it, so that it draws the readers attention.
Since the beginnings of American political cartoons have often portrayed government officials
as inept and sometimes just plain stupid. Politicians are very easy targets for the press and
so became the subject of many daily papers editorial page cartoons. Although sometimes the
cartoonist draws on current events and pay tribute to people who are often thought of with
reverence. Take e.g. Charles Schultz on the day following his death most cartoons as well as
political cartoons paid homage to a person who is considered the great cartoonist of all time.
Other cartoon strips showed their characters attending his funeral or missing him in some
other way. While the most poignant political cartoons I remembered about his death was by a
cartoonist Mike Thompson of the Detroit free press. It showed Charlie Brown walking through
the gates of heaven with an older man walking beside him and saying to him. "Now, a few
pointers about kicking a football". The person walking with Charlie brown was Tom Landry.
Political cartoons stay on the pulse of the current affairs and in doing so try to draw the
attention of their audience of the topic and nudges them to take some kind of action. So if you
want to know about how a segment of America feels turn to their editorials and read the
political cartoons.

SubQuestion No : 16
Q.16 Which of the following statements is false?
Ans 1. No option is correct

2. It is not easy to target politicians because they are very powerful.

3. According to political cartoons, government officials are stupid.

4. Political cartoons keep a watch on the day to day events.

Question ID : 5459275815

Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
American politician cartoons often follow the general displeasure of the government by the
American people. They run the gamut from economics to foreign policy to the overwhelming
popular topic of bureaucracy. As an avid reader of politician cartoons on a daily basis, I enjoy
the humour and cynicism found within these forms of speech. Not only can they poke fun at
politicians for their behaviour, but they often raise a strong sense of values and morals in the
person that reads him. From topics currently facing the United Nations, our federal
government or current news events, the cartoonists use a medium that was once reserved for
innocent humour and changes it, so that it draws the readers attention.
Since the beginnings of American political cartoons have often portrayed government officials
as inept and sometimes just plain stupid. Politicians are very easy targets for the press and
so became the subject of many daily papers editorial page cartoons. Although sometimes the
cartoonist draws on current events and pay tribute to people who are often thought of with
reverence. Take e.g. Charles Schultz on the day following his death most cartoons as well as
political cartoons paid homage to a person who is considered the great cartoonist of all time.
Other cartoon strips showed their characters attending his funeral or missing him in some
other way. While the most poignant political cartoons I remembered about his death was by a
cartoonist Mike Thompson of the Detroit free press. It showed Charlie Brown walking through
the gates of heaven with an older man walking beside him and saying to him. "Now, a few
pointers about kicking a football". The person walking with Charlie brown was Tom Landry.
Political cartoons stay on the pulse of the current affairs and in doing so try to draw the
attention of their audience of the topic and nudges them to take some kind of action. So if you
want to know about how a segment of America feels turn to their editorials and read the
political cartoons.

SubQuestion No : 17
Q.17 Choose a word which means the same as poignant
Ans 1. Disturbing
2. Wonderful

3. Cheerful

4. Blunt

Question ID : 5459275813

Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
American politician cartoons often follow the general displeasure of the government by the
American people. They run the gamut from economics to foreign policy to the overwhelming
popular topic of bureaucracy. As an avid reader of politician cartoons on a daily basis, I enjoy
the humour and cynicism found within these forms of speech. Not only can they poke fun at
politicians for their behaviour, but they often raise a strong sense of values and morals in the
person that reads him. From topics currently facing the United Nations, our federal
government or current news events, the cartoonists use a medium that was once reserved for
innocent humour and changes it, so that it draws the readers attention.
Since the beginnings of American political cartoons have often portrayed government officials
as inept and sometimes just plain stupid. Politicians are very easy targets for the press and
so became the subject of many daily papers editorial page cartoons. Although sometimes the
cartoonist draws on current events and pay tribute to people who are often thought of with
reverence. Take e.g. Charles Schultz on the day following his death most cartoons as well as
political cartoons paid homage to a person who is considered the great cartoonist of all time.
Other cartoon strips showed their characters attending his funeral or missing him in some
other way. While the most poignant political cartoons I remembered about his death was by a
cartoonist Mike Thompson of the Detroit free press. It showed Charlie Brown walking through
the gates of heaven with an older man walking beside him and saying to him. "Now, a few
pointers about kicking a football". The person walking with Charlie brown was Tom Landry.
Political cartoons stay on the pulse of the current affairs and in doing so try to draw the
attention of their audience of the topic and nudges them to take some kind of action. So if you
want to know about how a segment of America feels turn to their editorials and read the
political cartoons.

SubQuestion No : 18
Q.18 Which of the following statements is not true?
Ans 1. American political cartoons never make fun of the politicians

2. Political cartoons attract the attention of their readers.

3. In order to understand the feelings of Americans towards their politicians, one needs
to read the editorials.
4. Politicians are the subject of newspaper editorials page cartoon

Question ID : 5459275814

Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
American politician cartoons often follow the general displeasure of the government by the
American people. They run the gamut from economics to foreign policy to the overwhelming
popular topic of bureaucracy. As an avid reader of politician cartoons on a daily basis, I enjoy
the humour and cynicism found within these forms of speech. Not only can they poke fun at
politicians for their behaviour, but they often raise a strong sense of values and morals in the
person that reads him. From topics currently facing the United Nations, our federal
government or current news events, the cartoonists use a medium that was once reserved for
innocent humour and changes it, so that it draws the readers attention.
Since the beginnings of American political cartoons have often portrayed government officials
as inept and sometimes just plain stupid. Politicians are very easy targets for the press and
so became the subject of many daily papers editorial page cartoons. Although sometimes the
cartoonist draws on current events and pay tribute to people who are often thought of with
reverence. Take e.g. Charles Schultz on the day following his death most cartoons as well as
political cartoons paid homage to a person who is considered the great cartoonist of all time.
Other cartoon strips showed their characters attending his funeral or missing him in some
other way. While the most poignant political cartoons I remembered about his death was by a
cartoonist Mike Thompson of the Detroit free press. It showed Charlie Brown walking through
the gates of heaven with an older man walking beside him and saying to him. "Now, a few
pointers about kicking a football". The person walking with Charlie brown was Tom Landry.
Political cartoons stay on the pulse of the current affairs and in doing so try to draw the
attention of their audience of the topic and nudges them to take some kind of action. So if you
want to know about how a segment of America feels turn to their editorials and read the
political cartoons.

SubQuestion No : 19
Q.19 Which of the following is true?
Ans 1. Political cartoons stay on the pulse of current affairs

2. Political cartoons often portray government officials as incapable or plain stupid and
Political cartoons stay on the pulse of current affairs
3. Political cartoons often portray government officials as incapable or plain stupid

4. No option is correct

Question ID : 5459275816

Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
American politician cartoons often follow the general displeasure of the government by the
American people. They run the gamut from economics to foreign policy to the overwhelming
popular topic of bureaucracy. As an avid reader of politician cartoons on a daily basis, I enjoy
the humour and cynicism found within these forms of speech. Not only can they poke fun at
politicians for their behaviour, but they often raise a strong sense of values and morals in the
person that reads him. From topics currently facing the United Nations, our federal
government or current news events, the cartoonists use a medium that was once reserved for
innocent humour and changes it, so that it draws the readers attention.
Since the beginnings of American political cartoons have often portrayed government officials
as inept and sometimes just plain stupid. Politicians are very easy targets for the press and
so became the subject of many daily papers editorial page cartoons. Although sometimes the
cartoonist draws on current events and pay tribute to people who are often thought of with
reverence. Take e.g. Charles Schultz on the day following his death most cartoons as well as
political cartoons paid homage to a person who is considered the great cartoonist of all time.
Other cartoon strips showed their characters attending his funeral or missing him in some
other way. While the most poignant political cartoons I remembered about his death was by a
cartoonist Mike Thompson of the Detroit free press. It showed Charlie Brown walking through
the gates of heaven with an older man walking beside him and saying to him. "Now, a few
pointers about kicking a football". The person walking with Charlie brown was Tom Landry.
Political cartoons stay on the pulse of the current affairs and in doing so try to draw the
attention of their audience of the topic and nudges them to take some kind of action. So if you
want to know about how a segment of America feels turn to their editorials and read the
political cartoons.

SubQuestion No : 20
Q.20 According to the passage how people with reverence are portrayed through a cartoon?
Ans 1. Such people are mentioned only in editorials

2. A tribute through obituary is paid

3. With the help of a poignant cartoon, the cartoonist tries to pay homage to the
esteemed personality
4. These types of people do not get any mention in the cartoons

Question ID : 5459275817

Section : General Hindi1

Q.1 ‘भूतकाल’ के कतने भेद होते ह?

Ans 1. दस

2. छः

3. चार

4. आठ

Question ID : 5459275837
Q.2 न न ल खत म से कौन सा समानाथक श द का यु म का उदाहरण है?
Ans 1. सुख – ःख

2. मार – पीट

3. सुबह – शाम

4. आदान – दान

Question ID : 5459275823

Q.3 दए गए वा य म रेखां कत भाग कस कार वशेषण का भेद है ात क जए।

लड़के ने नुक ला भाला फका।

Ans 1. सावना मक

2. प रमाणवाचक

3. सं यावाचक

4. गुणवाचक

Question ID : 5459275822

Q.4 दए गए श द का वभ च ात क जए।
स ब ध कारक
Ans 1. म, पर

2. को, के लए

3. का, क , के, रा, री, रे

4. से

Question ID : 5459275835

Q.5 दए गए म र थान क पू त क जए।

राम ______ सोच कर बोला करो।

Ans 1. जरा

2. कुछ

3. अ धक

4. पया त

Question ID : 5459275831

Q.6 दए गए श द का सं ध व छे द क जए।

मतै य
Ans 1. मत + ऐ य

2. मतै + य

3. मत + य

4. मत + तै य

Question ID : 5459275819

Q.7 दए गए श द का वलोम श द ात क जए।

भौ तक
Ans 1. वै दक

2. नै तक

3. पै तक

4. आ या मक

Question ID : 5459275826

Q.8 दए गए वा य के लए उ चत श द का चयन क जए।

जसका पान न कया जा सके।

Ans 1. अनपान

2. अपेय

3. नपान

4. अपान

Question ID : 5459275827

Q.9 दए गए श द म से ी लग श द का चयन क जए।

Ans 1. चै

2. ऋतु

3. नगर

4. सोमवार

Question ID : 5459275834

Q.10 न न ल खत श द म से कौन सा त व श द नह है?

Ans 1. न द

2. ह त

3. चाँद

4. दही

Question ID : 5459275820

Q.11 दए गए श द यु म का अथ ात क जए।

क ट – कट
Ans 1. कमर – ह थयार

2. पुराना – कमर

3. कमर – कटना

4. कंजूस – माता

Question ID : 5459275830

Q.12 दए गए श द म उपसग का चयन क जए।

1. अ

2. शासन

3. अनु

4. सन

Question ID : 5459275818

Q.13 न न ल खत म से कौन सा उदाहरण पूवका लक या का नह है?

Ans 1. बेटा, खाना खाकर चले जाना।

2. च ड़या उड़कर पेड़ पर बैठ गई।

3. नंदन घर आकर खेलने गया।

4. रेवा सोने चली गई।

Question ID : 5459275821

Q.14 दए गए वा य के लए एक श द का चयन क जए।

व णु का भ
Ans 1. कृ णन

2. वै णव

3. सनातनी

4. आयसमाजी

Question ID : 5459275833

Q.15 न न ल खत म से समानाथक श द का यु म कौन सा है?

Ans 1. इ – म

2. हार – जीत

3. लेन – दे न

4. इधर – उधर

Question ID : 5459275825

Q.16 दए गए श द का वलोम श द ात क जए।

कृ म
Ans 1. बनावट

2. सा मष

3. सरल

4. वाभा वक

Question ID : 5459275832

Q.17 दए गए वा य के वा य का चयन क जए।

लखा नह जाता
Ans 1. भाववा य

2. कतृवा य
3. कमवा य

4. इनम से कोई नह

Question ID : 5459275836

Q.18 दए गए श द म से शु श द का चयन क जए।

Ans 1. संपूण

2. सपूण

3. स पूण

4. संपूण

Question ID : 5459275828

Q.19 दए गए वा य के लए उ चत श द का चयन क जए।

जो अपना वध वंय करता हो।
Ans 1. आ मर ा

2. आ मघा त

3. आ मघाती

4. आ मवध

Question ID : 5459275824

Q.20 दए गए श द कसके पयायवाची ह ात क जए।

शैलेश, गरीश, नगेश

Ans 1. सूय

2. बादल

3. भगवान

4. हमालय

Question ID : 5459275829

Section : General Hindi2

Q.1 दए वा य म रेखां कत भाग कस कार का पु ष है ात क जए।

स चन एक ईमानदार है
Ans 1. कोई नह

2. अ य

3. म यम

4. उ म

Question ID : 5459275842

Q.2 न न ल खत म, दए गए चार वक प म से, उस वक प का चयन कर जो दए गए मुहावरे के अथ को

सव े प से करता है।

अ ध म काना राजा
Ans 1. राजा हमेशा अ धा होता है।

2. मूख म कम व ान भी े माना जाता है।

3. जा क आँखे खराब होती है।

4. मूख म मूख ही े माना जाता है।

Question ID : 5459275844

Q.3 न न ल खत म, दए गए चार वक प म से, उस वक प का चयन कर जो दए गए मुहावरे के अथ को

सव े प से करता है।

वा लन अपने दही को ख ा नह कहती

Ans 1. अपनी दही को मीठा कहना।

2. वा लन मीठ दही बेचती है।

3. अपनी व तु का बखान करना।

4. कोई भी अपनी व तु क बुराई नह करता।

Question ID : 5459275846

Q.4 दए गए वा य के कार क पहचान क जए।

वह कानपुर गया और काम करने लगा

Ans 1. म

2. उपवा य

3. संयु

4. सरल

Question ID : 5459275843

Q.5 दए गए वा य म कौन सा वराम च है ात क जए।

गांधी जी ने कहा है – करो या मरो

Ans 1. ०, ।

2. “ ”, ।

3. –, ।

4. (), ।

Question ID : 5459275851

Q.6 दए गए वा य के लए सही लोको का चयन क जए।

र क व तु अ छ लगना।
Ans 1. र रहने म भलाई होना

2. र क आवाज

3. ढोल पीटना

4. र के ढोल सुहावने

Question ID : 5459275848

Q.7 दए गए वा य का प ात क जए।
जससे काय के बार – बार होने का पता चलता हो।
Ans 1. सात य बोधक प

2. पूण प

3. थ यामक प

4. न य प

Question ID : 5459275838

Q.8 दए गए वा य म से शु वा य का चयन क जए।

Ans 1. कल रात बरात म म स जन पु ष से मला।

2. कल रात बरात म म एक स जन से मला।

3. कल रात बरात म म एक पु ष स जन से मला।

4. कल रात बारात म म एक स जन पु ष से मला।

Question ID : 5459275841

Q.9 दए गए वराम च के प क पहचान क जए।

Ans 1. को क

2. संयोजक

3. लाघव

4. उ रण

Question ID : 5459275850

Q.10 न न ल खत म, दए गए चार वक प म से, उस वक प का चयन कर जो दए गए मुहावरे के अथ को

सव े प से करता है।

अपना उ लू सीधा करना

Ans 1. ल मी पूजन करना

2. उ लू को सीधा बठाना

3. मतलब नकालना

4. पैसा नकालना

Question ID : 5459275845

Q.11 दए गए श द के लए उ चत मुहावरे का चयन क जए।

Ans 1. घोड़े पर सवार होना

2. भस के आगे बीन बजाना

3. आ तीन का साँप

4. काठ का उ लू

Question ID : 5459275847

Q.12 दए गए मुहावरे के सही अथ का चयन क जए।

नाच ना आए आंगन टे ढ़ा।
Ans 1. पैर फसल जाना।

2. आंगन का टे ढ़ा होना।

3. काय न आने पर बहाना बनाना।

4. नाच गलत करना।

Question ID : 5459275852

Q.13 अथ को प करने तथा संदेह र करने के लए कस वराम च का योग कया जाता है?
Ans 1. अ वराम

2. वाचक

3. अ प वराम

4. पूण वराम

Question ID : 5459275849

Q.14 न न ल खत म से कौन सा उदाहरण थ यामक प का नह है?

Ans 1. म रोज सैर करती ँ।

2. कताब अलमारी म है।

3. कताब मेज पर थी।

4. राम डा टर है।

Question ID : 5459275839

Q.15 दया गया वा य कौन सी वृ का उदाहरण है ात क जए।

मेरा काम ज द करो।

Ans 1. आ ाथक

2. संभावनाथक

3. संकेताथक

4. न याथक

Question ID : 5459275840

एक ग ांश दया गया है। ग ांश के आधार पर पाँच दए गए ह। ग ांश को यानपूवक पढ़ तथा येक म चार
वक पो म से सही वक प चुने।

आजकल हंसी भी लभ होती जा रही है। सभी के चेहर पर तनाव, चता, ख, उदासी अ धकतर दखाई दे ती है। मु कुराते
ए चेहर का मान अकाल ही पड़ गया है। या आप जानते ह क एक क मनु य एक ब चे के मुकाबले केवल 30%
हंसता है! यही कारण है क आजकल के तनावपूण जीवन म मनु य अनेक घातक बीमा रय का शकार होता जा रहा है।
हंसना सेहत के लए उतना ही आव यक है, जतना क भोजन करना। हंसने से शरीर म र संचार भली कार से होता है
और अनेक कार के रोग से तथा तनाव से लड़ने क मता बढ़ती है। चाहे आपको कतनी दे र य ना हो परंतु अपने लए
समय अव य नकालना चा हए जसम आप दोबारा ब चा बनकर वही हंसी और खुशी ा त कर सके जो आपको बचपन म
मली थी। आज तो यह नारा होना चा हए हँसो-हँसाओ, जीवन खुशहाल बनाओ।

SubQuestion No : 16
Q.16 उपयु ग ांश के लए शीषक या है?
Ans 1. तनाव त जीवन

2. हँसी का मह व
3. खुशहाल जीवन

4. हँसी क लभलता

Question ID : 5459275855

एक ग ांश दया गया है। ग ांश के आधार पर पाँच दए गए ह। ग ांश को यानपूवक पढ़ तथा येक म चार
वक पो म से सही वक प चुने।

आजकल हंसी भी लभ होती जा रही है। सभी के चेहर पर तनाव, चता, ख, उदासी अ धकतर दखाई दे ती है। मु कुराते
ए चेहर का मान अकाल ही पड़ गया है। या आप जानते ह क एक क मनु य एक ब चे के मुकाबले केवल 30%
हंसता है! यही कारण है क आजकल के तनावपूण जीवन म मनु य अनेक घातक बीमा रय का शकार होता जा रहा है।
हंसना सेहत के लए उतना ही आव यक है, जतना क भोजन करना। हंसने से शरीर म र संचार भली कार से होता है
और अनेक कार के रोग से तथा तनाव से लड़ने क मता बढ़ती है। चाहे आपको कतनी दे र य ना हो परंतु अपने लए
समय अव य नकालना चा हए जसम आप दोबारा ब चा बनकर वही हंसी और खुशी ा त कर सके जो आपको बचपन म
मली थी। आज तो यह नारा होना चा हए हँसो-हँसाओ, जीवन खुशहाल बनाओ।

SubQuestion No : 17
Q.17 हँसने से या फायदा होता है?
Ans 1. तनावमु होते ह

2. पैसे मलते ह

3. बीमार होते ह

4. तनाव से लड़ने क मता मलती है

Question ID : 5459275857

एक ग ांश दया गया है। ग ांश के आधार पर पाँच दए गए ह। ग ांश को यानपूवक पढ़ तथा येक म चार
वक पो म से सही वक प चुने।

आजकल हंसी भी लभ होती जा रही है। सभी के चेहर पर तनाव, चता, ख, उदासी अ धकतर दखाई दे ती है। मु कुराते
ए चेहर का मान अकाल ही पड़ गया है। या आप जानते ह क एक क मनु य एक ब चे के मुकाबले केवल 30%
हंसता है! यही कारण है क आजकल के तनावपूण जीवन म मनु य अनेक घातक बीमा रय का शकार होता जा रहा है।
हंसना सेहत के लए उतना ही आव यक है, जतना क भोजन करना। हंसने से शरीर म र संचार भली कार से होता है
और अनेक कार के रोग से तथा तनाव से लड़ने क मता बढ़ती है। चाहे आपको कतनी दे र य ना हो परंतु अपने लए
समय अव य नकालना चा हए जसम आप दोबारा ब चा बनकर वही हंसी और खुशी ा त कर सके जो आपको बचपन म
मली थी। आज तो यह नारा होना चा हए हँसो-हँसाओ, जीवन खुशहाल बनाओ।

SubQuestion No : 18
Q.18 आजकल या कम दे खने को मलता है?
Ans 1. मुखौटे

2. हँसी

3. ख

4. कार

Question ID : 5459275854

एक ग ांश दया गया है। ग ांश के आधार पर पाँच दए गए ह। ग ांश को यानपूवक पढ़ तथा येक म चार
वक पो म से सही वक प चुने।

आजकल हंसी भी लभ होती जा रही है। सभी के चेहर पर तनाव, चता, ख, उदासी अ धकतर दखाई दे ती है। मु कुराते
ए चेहर का मान अकाल ही पड़ गया है। या आप जानते ह क एक क मनु य एक ब चे के मुकाबले केवल 30%
हंसता है! यही कारण है क आजकल के तनावपूण जीवन म मनु य अनेक घातक बीमा रय का शकार होता जा रहा है।
हंसना सेहत के लए उतना ही आव यक है, जतना क भोजन करना। हंसने से शरीर म र संचार भली कार से होता है
और अनेक कार के रोग से तथा तनाव से लड़ने क मता बढ़ती है। चाहे आपको कतनी दे र य ना हो परंतु अपने लए
समय अव य नकालना चा हए जसम आप दोबारा ब चा बनकर वही हंसी और खुशी ा त कर सके जो आपको बचपन म
मली थी। आज तो यह नारा होना चा हए हँसो-हँसाओ, जीवन खुशहाल बनाओ।

SubQuestion No : 19
Q.19 अपने लए समय अव य ज र नकालना चा हए से या ता पय है?
Ans 1. अपने बचपन जैसे हँसना खेलना चा हए।

2. अपने को शीशे म दे खना चा हए।

3. अपने साथ खेलना चा हए।

4. अपने ब च को खेलने नह दे ना चा हए।

Question ID : 5459275858

एक ग ांश दया गया है। ग ांश के आधार पर पाँच दए गए ह। ग ांश को यानपूवक पढ़ तथा येक म चार
वक पो म से सही वक प चुने।

आजकल हंसी भी लभ होती जा रही है। सभी के चेहर पर तनाव, चता, ख, उदासी अ धकतर दखाई दे ती है। मु कुराते
ए चेहर का मान अकाल ही पड़ गया है। या आप जानते ह क एक क मनु य एक ब चे के मुकाबले केवल 30%
हंसता है! यही कारण है क आजकल के तनावपूण जीवन म मनु य अनेक घातक बीमा रय का शकार होता जा रहा है।
हंसना सेहत के लए उतना ही आव यक है, जतना क भोजन करना। हंसने से शरीर म र संचार भली कार से होता है
और अनेक कार के रोग से तथा तनाव से लड़ने क मता बढ़ती है। चाहे आपको कतनी दे र य ना हो परंतु अपने लए
समय अव य नकालना चा हए जसम आप दोबारा ब चा बनकर वही हंसी और खुशी ा त कर सके जो आपको बचपन म
मली थी। आज तो यह नारा होना चा हए हँसो-हँसाओ, जीवन खुशहाल बनाओ।

SubQuestion No : 20
Q.20 हँसना शरीर के लए कतना आव यक है?
Ans 1. सांस लेना

2. गु सा करना

3. नाचना

4. खाना खाना

Question ID : 5459275856

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