Would-: 1. Write Would or Wouldn't To Complete The Sentences

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1. Write would or wouldn’t to complete the sentences.

a) I definitely________________ tell him what his sister said.
He__________________ disappointed.
b) What _________________ you like to do after college?
I_________________ to be a teacher.
c) She’s had cosmetic surgery! What_______________ she do to become an
d) Sarah said that she _________________ be late.
e) I asked him If I could borrow his car, but he_____________ lend it to me.
f) _______________ you like some coffee?
g) I________________ have come If It wasn’t for you.
h) I ____________________ like to speak English fluently.
i) If I won the lottery I__________________ buy a new house.
j) I asked her to stop arguing, but she ________________listen.
k) ____________ you bring me a glass of water please?
l) I _____________________ like to work as a secretary.
2. Unscramble the following sentences.

a) like / to /what/ you/ would /drink

b) You /would/ to / like / French /speak/?

c) Would to abroad like you / live /?

d) do /you /If /lottery/ would /the / you/ what /won.

e) play/ would/ instrument/ you / what/ to /like /?

f) Like/ he / wouldn’t/ hell / would/ to / us/ ?

g) we /she / knew /would /successful /be /that/ very

Name :________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

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