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GR N0 1:79ka 1179M. I‘mru'ary 1. 2002
x73 SR.-\ 579

MICO Maul: Corporauon. "noun, us Prendmu Charm Lee reque'xied from Phlllppmc Bank of
Comluumcauon a mscnunnng nun/mun hue m m: amount af P3 000 000 000 m m: puma):
of carrymg ou| MlCD's line of business as well as m malmam us valum: of bnsmesn and
dimmer amunung loan/cred" Im: «or me purpose ofopemng Inter: m min and mm melpls
Bum Mums we ‘xupporlvd‘ by n rcxnluuun mm m Freud-ml. Charles Luv, .md Ihc v.“
Pmudem and nmml Mamga, Mr Manama Sm. m aulhmmd .md cmpnwcmd m npply for.
negnml: and mum the approval nfcnmmercul Imus x x x x hm nm mm m dmmml Imus,
lenexs o! cred“, Lmsl mcelpu‘. hug: for nurgmal dcpaslls an fomgn and domsnc 131m; of
cred" x x x x Ior a [om amoum m not ‘0 exceed mammam m
The Equal was npprmd by me Bunk Paton", and um madman: m m: amoum 0|
mummy m) w, limit on March 16, 1979 Tmul avallmum h.» ‘lVakh'Ld Pxxmnm on, thLh
upon mummy. wrc mum-om or renewed
As ecunry m m: loan, a Rea! Eslme Mongage om MlCD's proptmes was mum by v V?
Maluno SIO Funnen ChArles Len Chm sm Suy. Manana 5m Alfonse Yap and Rmhnrd
Velnsca. execmed In men pmnnnl cnpncny n Surely Agreemem m {mar of PBCom n. {he
Anulhcr Pwmmw w wqumw by m: Prendcm Churlcs Lw from PBCom {or m:
WWW a] *prmnxum Md mulcmvunon of Ihc (UmpJnm\ mnhmcm The «gum w.»
constquendy apprmed and mum In full Anodm' surely agreement ms executed m we mm:
m o; omcmpemm m fan)! of “Scam and mm lubduy smu not m .my one [Ame acted me
sum of P7500 000 00/
L'uer. MIL‘O {umnned PECom u mpy of m, naun‘zed cgnm‘cuuun mm by n: corporal:
secrelnn mung Ihzmm mn Chlu ka Suy m m: duly a'thunzzd pawn, ummmuum,
uppmwd by m: erd m D. cum, m ncgulla": wuh PBCum on bcmll'ufMli‘O 1m um md
0111:! med“ AVJKIman
Aflenherecupxohhls Secruary'scem caxe {are Ileflersafcredus dumesuclcnerofcredns
.md 1am were mung. rtqnesltd. appmved and mum. L'pon mum} of all me crcdu
mmlmemn PBCom demanded (a: pnymem but .vuco fmled m same despne repemcd demand'x,
Raw“ ’o’r me Bank m wreck»: ex|mjudlclally lhe pmpenles and 1am sold xhem 111 public

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L vvaav. (cv' V'UL: .x, Avut‘uu

L ,util ,w avuvv , ,9»,
vvm-vvvu vaeav. : (- r :1L:"zu a Luv! Mam aqavv :lAHA‘uu vuv u a nguth 2-
Hm av vv av mm ct'avvzu a melannun Huualvuv "an n zbavk vv amt!
m},,,HzLH“4¢ n, $tvvcmnav u a, 'qu :1 aHEugu u at we pvvv [H a Law L3H
AuHmALu n a a» v v a a :va-v auaw ,1 n: uavv lv'v av u aavu uvau LzH o >zv v \avzr :
vvv Aluzvuavv a»: G'Ltqcvznzwzudkflpv u rvaauvvyvavvuuuarvavv m:
vavvmv v a a- a a- .vctr' vvurvuv - zx'gvamv uvvvuv D:L:"Lzr ,4
,uva vv :L‘LLH Jav a; v: hrrEA'Vzv Auto \zuayvulmv mm W:
um Nam m “11: uavv a :v-_v yaks Lav \zc' cum! Law,
MA 4‘ .‘LLuvv vv avquavv.
vvvvma v 0‘: tau-v vv av u z 1'
(h vv v-mv L, 0‘: Lcm‘ vv z LJ'K
,‘VLL vva LLvaum"vL-zu vva aav (v 1::
mm Hemm‘ uavvavaanvaaq» v ma,
vvvauavvmvuv-vavvavav-avuavavvcv : "z awevva 2,»; Pt v
uumur uvuem‘umuzuu m Lay vv-z tan Uv avvtav w z L: Jav a.v may;
Hm Lu Am Mausv'lbehhm'

WUN Avuduu va- LHn'aW vvatva 'm I": uvavva v-z v-au aLLzLAzu
Mum q
>9an 20 uv n 2 ML Lvuuuzn uvav my: H's vv-avvavv :1 v Luv'laH a UV a Lev-am aqua m v v-a
aquvavavewuvuavvuvvavvvqnavvaavuvavav avuv Lav-avvuvapvvv-vvpavuv vv avEDveaeNalvae
Lapaulv >2 va v m Mame uv n 2 vv avvavv av v vv N‘ waa du‘y auU'umeu «Lav u-a vv-ava audmuv
uv Iuvdadgauvbfluhn aaav aqavvuva 'vhvuave‘Lvemv‘lalweU'mauav mm
mauuafl‘uhapnvuba‘ dueavulaxanplhvv mm Devauv‘aHvabth
vv Ugnaagal av vv apeuvuv uVHe avana aLLEmed m Avugqu vevea‘eu n-auavau auemau
n Ewan: wvn uul madawu vva wvvuya‘ 1» aa Avut‘uu va DavauvaHv hamgmv nauvanava
aLLEplgu angwuve vv \gquu MavavvgluUEaLLuHHuualt‘fldely Ur
auuvvvvudauuv yavvv vavv EHELlaaumlv Vuv Ue‘allgv HE‘ev‘u-aMavavvemwabmn'g
aLLuH vv unamu dey m umavv mel U! m vavaa Wu! 2» H: mLEHE: v u van uv n &
Luv‘amevalmv Yuy vv 2 vv avvavv Ev l w aaaavv Ea vvanvvvtv m u a CD EV Damn u Emlu bELanae
vawavu m aLLuvv vv uuam av cu Er vv- na HalarlLaae u gug'gvuavlmuveu aa a
dr ggaLLgpluv mum NgNgoulvaMEHaUmvevlLa auva Egbwwan‘v hamg vvaa vv
Urugmvdavlmuba‘di‘lygv M‘shm‘uvuUa.&>\ur&ua>m aLLEyluvuvar. a vv uuHu
>6 ve mavvm Mm avvvv av u wauvauv hamg my 1» a uva'b

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5.x. No. alssun Aprll s, 1932

coRPoRATloN lpnvala pehllunarl,
HON. JUDGE DAVID G, ulurm (publlc respondenll Ind aErrv SIA ANG (amle
FACTS Femlonermllea hanklng oanxmllon lAscl changed pnva|e lespnndem Hem sla
Annl loreslala lm wllntul unlawlully and lalonlousvy delraua ABC. Prlva|e reswnaenl
racelvsd a husl From ABC amoumlng lo PSQBJJUD no covered by a damesnc lenev n'credlll
unuer lhe express obhgallon \o sell me same and acwum «or lhe proceeds el lhe sale I'
solfl‘ a! |o return lne merchanmse , ll rm| sold Upon demand, pnvale Iespcndenl pm only
P281115 15
BMW sla Ang filed a "who" ‘17 quash lhe Imomlahon on me gmunds mal lne lam malgeu
do nul wnsmule an awense Respanuenlludge gramed lhe "who" In quash
ISSUE Whether m um an enlruslee ln s “vs! 7308‘!!! agmemam who la-ls la dehvar (he
ploeeeas onhe sale or la remm lhe goods .lml sala m Ihe enlmsler.hanx ls llahle lar lne
cnme desk-1'37
RUUNGS The lamual clmumslances ln lne pnesenl case show mal lne alleged Vlolallon
was cnmmmed sometlme n 1930 or dunng lne eflecuvllyol F D Ma The lallme. meveflom‘
la aewunllol lhe Pl mesa 22 balance la whal makes lhe acwsadneswndanl ennnnally
llable lor eslala
A lmsl recelplavrangemenl does nal lnvnwe s slmple laan lmnsaclmn belween a meme:
and demonpanel Apzn «mm a loan lealme lne lnlel Ieoelp| anangemenl has a secunly
lealme lnal ls wveved Dy lne lnlsl lecelm llsell (Vlnma v lnsulal Bank olAsla and Amenca
lsl SCRA 518 new Thal second lealma ls whal plumes lha much needed hnanslal
asslslanoe In nur [radars m lhe .mponallon or purchase al goods av memhandlss Waugh me
use nl {hose gmas nr merchandlse as anmeral lame advancemenls made lay a bank
lSamo v People supral The we allne bank to me secunly ls lhe one sougm m be
pmleclea an: "at he loan whlah Is a separale and dls1lnc1 agreement
Yhe 1m: Rlceivls Llw Punishu lhe a honesty Ind arms el wnfidence I" we
handllng ulmnney in good: to I?" p in e. ulanomu v-gardlul ulwhonhu um
mm ls an own rar nnL The law does ml seek m enlarce asymenlal lhe loan Thus
«me can be no vlulzhon ul a ngnl agalnsl mpnsarlmem luv nonrpzymenlol a dem
msl lecelpls ale Inmspensable mnuacls m .nlemalmnal and domeshc husmess
nansamns. the arevalem use 0Hm51 VEDeIP‘S‘ me danger al \helr misuse and/or
mlsappmpnahan al lha goods Dr vroceeds reallzad from lhe sale a! goods, ducumsms or
lnsvumenls nela m lmsl (or enllusler—banks‘ and [he need lnr regulsllaa al "us! fecelp‘
uansamons la saleguam me ngnls and enlome me aallgauons Mme games lrwawed ave
me mam lhnlsls at F u us As canecwobserved by me Sohcllor Genevah p D 115 We
Salas Pamhansa Ell] 22‘ Dumshas the ad “nm as an misuse agamsl Dropefly‘ am as an
ahense agelnn publlc order l The mlsuu ennm meals (harden should be dalarmd
la prevent any passlale have: m made males and Ihe banklng nummunny lemng Lazano v
Mamrlez. ma scRA 323 [1556} Ram: p 577 ll s m lne cunlexl ol upholding auaue lnleres‘

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Held: Section 13 of the Trust Receipts Law which

provides: x x x. If the violation is committed by a
corporation, partnership, association or other
juridical entities, the penalty provided for in this
Decree shall be imposed upon the directors,
officers, employees or other officials or persons
therein responsible for the offense, without
prejudice to the civil liabilities arising from the
offense. We hold that petitioner is a person
responsible for violation of the Trust Receipts

The Trust Receipts Law is violated whenever the

entrustee fails to: (1) turn over the proceeds of
the sale of the goods, or (2) return the goods
covered by the trust receipts if the goods are not
sold.[18] The mere failure to account or return
gives rise to the crime which is malum
prohibitum.[19] There is no requirement to prove
intent to defraud.[20]

The Trust Receipts Law recognizes the

impossibility of imposing the penalty of
imnricnnmnnf nn :1 nnrnnral‘inn Hnnr‘n if the

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