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You are studying a short course in another country.

Your accommodation was

arranged by the course provider. There is a major problem with the
Write a letter to the course provider. In your letter:
Say what the problem is.
Describe the accommodation you thought you were getting.
Ask the provider to solve the problem.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction of my stay at House Land accommodation provided by one

your staff members.

There are a few problems I am facing in the accommodation located at Steven street and these
issues are hindrance to my study and day-to-day living.

The house is not spacious and bedroom is very small with low ventilation and lighting. If the weather
is dull and cloudy, I have to switch on the light the whole day and this suffocating condition hampers
my study plan. Another major issue is there a big crack in the sink, due to which water leaks most of
the time and I have to wipe the floor at least thrice a day and this makes my living difficult in the

I was hoping to get single bedroom accommodation with better ventilation and natural lighting
inside the room and a semi-modular kitchen because I do my cooking most of the time.

I request you to find me another room with adequate sunlight and well structured kitchen as soon as
possible as promised.

I will be looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Ashwini Vasudevan.

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