Alumni Checklist

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1. SisMA ( Sistem Maklumat Alumni)

- Update information (Personal, Contact, Career Status)
- Apply Alumni Card
- Alumni Donation

2. Tracer Study KPM

This study aims to gain the insights and experiences on the program, facilities and services during your studies. Your institution will
also want to know your work life and the challenges.

Therefore, your feedback is very important to bring changes to your Institution and also to the Ministry of Higher Education to
improve the quality and standards of higher education. This is also one way to saying thank you and provides useful information to
your institution and prospective students to make the informed changes.

It is COMPULSORY for every graduate to complete the online survey. Kindly fill in the details as accurately as possible. Upon
completion, please print a copy of the survey slip and submit it to us as proof that you have completed the survey. The survey slip
has to submit at alumni counter when you collect your graduation gown. Failure to complete the survey will result in delays in
processing the collection of your graduation gown, your attendance at the Convocation Ceremony as well as the collection of scroll.
Your feedback will be kept CONFIDENTIAL.

For your information, the Graduate Tracer Study for graduates of UTHM for 2019 can be accessed online starting from October
2019 at

Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information

07-4537873 / 7879

3. BEM Registration
-User Guide BEM Registration 2019.pdf

1. Collect Alumni Souvenir
2. Collect Alumni Card

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