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2, FEBRUARY 2012 1323

Delay Compensation in Model Predictive Current Control
of a Three-Phase Inverter

Patricio Cortes, Jose Rodriguez,

Cesar Silva, and Alexis Flores

Abstract—When control schemes based on finite control set model

predictive control are experimentally implemented, a large amount of Fig. 1. Predictive control scheme for a three-phase inverter.
calculations is required, introducing a considerable time delay in the
actuation. This delay can deteriorate the performance of the system if these studies. This paper provides a clear and detailed explanation
not considered in the design of the controller. In this paper, the problem of the problem, which is not available in the previous studies, and a
is described, and the solution to this issue is clearly explained using a simple solution is presented. Simulation and experimental results show
three-phase inverter as an example. Experimental results to validate this
solution are shown. the effect of this delay and the performance improvement when the
compensation is considered.
Index Terms—Digital control, digital signal processing, inverters, non-
linear control systems, optimal control, predictive control, static power

I. I NTRODUCTION In this paper, the control of a three-phase inverter [2] is used as an

example application for the delay compensation method.
In recent years, finite control set model predictive control (FCS- The predictive current control scheme using MPC is shown in Fig. 1,
MPC) has been proposed as an interesting alternative for the control and it consists of the following steps:
of power converters and drives. This control technique uses a model 1) measurement of the load currents;
of the system to calculate predictions of the future behavior of the 2) prediction of the load currents for the next sampling instant for
system for a given set of possible actuations for a predefined time all possible switching states;
horizon. The sequence of actuations that minimizes a cost function, 3) evaluation of the cost function for each prediction;
which synthesizes the control objectives, is selected, and the first 4) selection of the switching state that minimizes the cost function;
element of the sequence is applied. This optimization is repeated 5) application of the new switching state.
every sampling time considering the new measured data. Several In the case of current control, the cost function is defined as the
applications of this control principle are summarized in [1]. FCS- error between the reference current and the predicted currents for a
MPC has been used for the current control of three-phase inverters [2], given switching state, and it is expressed as
[3], multilevel inverters [4]–[8], multiphase inverters [9], and matrix  
converters [10], [11]. Other interesting applications include torque g = |i∗α − ip ∗ p
α | + iβ − iβ (1)
and flux control in electrical machines [12]–[14], power control in
pulsewidth-modulation rectifiers [15], uninterruptible power supplies where i∗α and i∗β are the real and imaginary parts of the reference
[16], and direct-current (dc)–dc converters [17]. One of the advantages current vector, respectively, and ip
α and iβ are the real and imaginary
of FCS-MPC is its flexibility to control different types of variables parts of the predicted load current vector ip (k + 1), respectively. The
and to include constraints and other requirements in a simple way, predicted load current vector is calculated using a discrete-time model
as can be observed from the wide variety of applications. However, of the load, which is a function of measured currents i(k), inverter
this kind of control algorithms needs a high amount of calculations, as voltage (the actuation) v(k), and load back electromotive force (EMF)
compared with a classical control scheme. This makes the calculation e, and it is expressed as
time considerable, and the delay between the measurements and the  RTs
actuation can cause some problems if not considered. ip (k + 1) = 1 − i(k) + (v(k) − ê(k)) (2)
The compensation of the calculation delay has been considered
in several studies published to date [14]–[16], [18], [19]. Similar where R and L are the load resistance and inductance, respectively, Ts
compensation methods have been also proposed for other predictive is the sampling time, and ê is the estimated back EMF.
control schemes such as deadbeat control [20], [21]. However, the To graphically illustrate the predictive current control, only iβ is
problem and its solution have not been addressed in detail in any of shown in Fig. 2. This simplifies the example as the seven different
voltage vectors produce only three different values for their β compo-
nent, and hence, there are only three possible trajectories for iβ . In this
Manuscript received September 21, 2010; revised January 15, 2011; accepted figure, the dashed lines represent the predictions for iβ , as given by
March 3, 2011. Date of publication May 19, 2011; date of current version (2), and the solid line is the actual trajectory given by application of
October 18, 2011. This work was supported in part by Universidad Tecnica Fed-
erico Santa Maria, by the Chilean National Fund of Scientific and Technological the optimum voltages obtained by minimization of cost function (1).
Development (FONDECYT) under Grant 1101011, by research grants from In the ideal case, the time needed for calculations is negligible, and
CCTVal, Basal Project FB021 “Valparaiso Center for Science and Technology,” the predictive control operates, as shown in Fig. 2(a). This ideal case
and by Proyecto Anillo ACT-119. is shown for comparison. The currents are measured at time tk , and
The authors are with the Department of Electronics Engineering, Uni-
versidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 2390123 Valparaiso, Chile (e-mail:
the optimal switching state is instantly calculated. The switching state that minimizes the error at time tk+1 is selected and applied at time tk .
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2011.2157284 Then, the load current reaches the predicted value at tk+1 .

0278-0046/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE


the load current go away of the reference. The next actuation will be
selected considering the measurements in tk+1 and will be applied
near tk+2 . As a consequence of this delay, the load current will
oscillate around its reference, increasing the current ripple.


A simple solution to compensate this delay is to take into account

the calculation time and apply the selected switching state after the
next sampling instant. This way, the control algorithm is modified as
1) measurement of the load currents;
2) application of the switching state (calculated in the previous
3) estimation of the value of the currents at time tk+1 , considering
the applied switching state;
4) prediction of the load currents for the next sampling instant tk+2
for all possible switching states;
5) evaluation of the cost function for each prediction;
6) selection of the switching state that minimizes the cost
The operation of the predictive control with a compensation delay
is shown in Fig. 2(c). Here, the measured currents and the applied
switching state at time tk are used in (2) to estimate the value of the
load currents at time tk+1 . Then, this current is used as a starting
point for the predictions for all switching states. These predictions
are calculated using the load model shifted one step forward in
time, i.e.,
ip (k + 2) = 1 − î(k + 1)+ (v(k + 1) − ê(k + 1)) (3)

where î(k + 1) and ê(k + 1) are the estimated current and

back-EMF vectors, and v(k + 1) is the actuation to be
evaluated. Then, the cost function is evaluated for predicted currents
ip (k + 2), and the switching state that minimizes this cost function
is selected and stored to be applied at the next sampling instant. The
estimation of î(k + 1) and ê(k + 1) increases the calculation times
but only marginally, as this calculation is performed only once.

Simulation and experimental results are presented, illustrating the
effect of the calculation delay and the effectiveness of the delay
compensation method. MATLAB/Simulink was used for simulations,
Fig. 2. Operation of the predictive current control. (a) Without delay: calcu-
considering the following system parameters: Vdc = 520 V, R =
lation time is zero (ideal case). (b) With delay and without compensation: long 10 Ω, L = 7 mH, and Ts = 50 μs. As shown in Fig. 3, when there
calculation time (real case). (c) With delay and compensation: long calculation is a delay in the actuation, the ripple of the load current is considerably
time (real case). increased. These problems are solved by including a compensation of
the control delay, as explained in the previous section. Results with the
As the three-phase inverter has seven different voltage vectors, delay compensation present a reduced load current ripple.
predicted current (2) and cost function (1) are calculated seven times. Experimental results were carried out using a modified 5.5-kW
This way, depending on the sampling frequency and the speed of the industrial inverter, which is externally controlled by a digital signal
microprocessor used for the control, the time between the measure- processor (DSP). The predictive control algorithm was implemented
ment of the load currents and the application of the new switching in a TMS320C6713 DSP, which is a field-programmable gate-array-
state can be considerable. based daughter card that handles simple tasks such as digital input
If the calculation time is significant compared with the sampling and outputs and analog-to-digital converters. The system parameters
time, there will be a delay between the instant in which the currents are the same as those in the simulations. The calculation time of
are measured and the instant of application of the new switching the control algorithm is 17 μs. The effect of the delay introduced
state, as shown in Fig. 2(b). During the interval between these two by this calculation time is shown in Fig. 4. It can be observed in
instants, the previous switching state will continue to be applied. As this figure that delay compensation improves the performance of the
it can be observed in the figure, the voltage vector selected using predictive controller by reducing the ripple of the load currents. The
measurements at tk will continue being applied after tk+1 , making total harmonic distortion of the load currents is reduced from 8.5% to

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