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Chapter II

Reviews of Related Literatures

This chapter aims to understand how sleep deprivation affects the

emotional stability of the students. This section presents the related literature,

the conceptual framework, the theoretical framework, the research hypotheses,

and the definition of terms and studies that is relevant and significant to the

current studies. This will be a guide to the research about the said topic

presented in the next chapters.

Sleep Deprivation

According to Lighting Research Technology (2015) that the reason of

sleep deprive is the blue light in cellphones, laptops and tablets counters the

body's melatonin signals and can make it harder to fall asleep, especially for

adolescents. Therefore the reason of being lack of sleep or being sleep deprive

of some students because of the use of gadgets that have blue light that counter

the body’s melatonin signals.

Students awake before their circadian rhythms tell them to, their brain

will not be used to its full potential during the course of the day. Psychologists

know for a fact that this is the main component of what causes sleep deprivation

in teenagers. The symptoms of sleep deprivation in class include drowsiness,

impaired attention span, and the inability to remember subjects that they

previously studied (Weintraub 2016).Therefore circardian rhythm is one of the

reasons of sleep deprivation because it influence the wake cycle and the

hormone release of the body and circardian rhythm help determine the sleep

pattern of a person.

The reasons for poor sleep hygiene include alcohol and caffeine intake,

stimulants, and technology, which prevent students achieving sufficient sleep

time and quality. students whom live in a culture that promotes reduced sleep,

due to the burden of academic work and social pursuits(Patrick Yusuf 2017).

Therefore taking some caffeine and stimulants and alcohol it can reduce

the awakens of a certain person or student.It can make it hard for you to fall


An article by Wong & Brower (2012) about the relationship between sleep

problems and suicidal behavior showed that sleep deprived adolescents tends to

be depressed resulting to thoughts of suicidal or attempts ending their life this is

very crucial because lack of sleep can end a life of a person. Hence sleep

deprived adolescents engage in suicide matters in order to escape problem that

they encounter.
Causes of Sleep Deprivation

Stress and depression is one of the cause in sleep deprivation because it

may lead to sleep difficulty. It is often environmental and behavioral problems

that cause insufficient amounts of sleep (Thacher 2017).

According to Orzel-Gryglewska (2017), the most common causes of sleep

deprivation are associated with lifestyle and work-related factors.

Sleep is sacrificed in every activities most university students accumulate

sleep debt over time (Pace-Schott et al. 2017)

It shows that most individuals need an average of eight hours of sleep per

night, but many people can tolerate an average of six hours. However, sleep

habits result in a decreased effectiveness in production and performance.

Continual loss of sleep by receiving less than six hours of sleep over the duration

of days or even weeks results in sleep debt (Chokroverty 2017).

For students who drink alcohol causes changes in sleep architecture and

insomnia which includes difficulties in falling asleep, reduced amount of sleep

and decreased sleep efficiency (Thakkar, Sharma & Sahota 2014).

Increased adenosine level increases sleepiness and blocks the chemicals

that stimulate wakefulness. This results as tiredness during the day and

contributes to abnormal sleep-wake cycle(Breus 2017).

Taking Caffeine can improve the behavioural and cognitive performance of

a person but it can also cause sleeping disorders such as: problems falling
asleep, increased nocturnal awakenings, reduced total amount of sleep and

daytime sleepiness. (Chaudhary, Grandner, Jackson & Chakravorty 2016)

Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Body

Sleep deprivation has been linked to both mental and physical difficulties.

A lack of sleep can negatively affect mood, performance, and overall health

(Shulan, I-Chen, & Ling-Ling, 2015).

Pace-Schott et al. (2016) found that the average sleep duration among

university students has drastically decreased over the last 30 years. Countless

studies have been performed that indicate bodily organs and systems are greatly

affected by such sleep loss. Sleep deprivation is a common problem in society

and can have serious consequences on both physical and mental health.

Therefore some of the organs in our body affected by sleep loss.

Many other individuals, however, disregard the need for sleep in order to

accommodate the daily activities of life. Sleep deprivation is becoming especially

prevalent as longer working hours and longer work shifts are becoming an

acceptable part of world culture (AlDabal & BaHammam, 2014).Hence sleep

deprivation is part of the world culture in order to accommodate the daily

activities in life.

Physical damage

Sleep deprivation can lead to an elevated risk of high blood pressure and

heart attack because of lack of sleep and it results in damage to each of the

bodily organs and systems(Marzano et al., 2017).

Therefore if you engage or suffered sleep deprivation there is a possibility

of having a heart attak due to lack of sleep and it can lead to body organs


Sleep is essential for certain bodily functions such as learning, cellular

repair, and memory processing. Without sleep, these processes do not function

properly (AlDabal and BaHammam2016).

It can weakened your immune system increases the likelihood of

contracting infections, viruses, and diseases, it can also affect the metabolic and

endocrine systems of the body that secretes hormones into the bloodstream in

order to regulate certain processes such as metabolism, growth, development,

and tissue function(Shulan et al., 2017).

Furethermore it can weakend your immune system and your body prone

to diseases.

Mental damage

Sleep deprivation can damage your mental abilities such as irritability,

reduced vigilance, and lack of energy. Anxiety and depression are also commonly

linked with sleep deprivation, which can lead to feelings of hopelessness and

worthlessness that last for long periods of time (Vallido et al.2016)

Individuals who receive less than six hours of sleep per night are more

likely to smoke and drink alcohol more than five times in a day(Becker,2017).

Hence, those students who drink alcohol has less than six hours of sleep

they drink in order to meet their sleep satisfaction.

Treatment and Prevention

Due to the countless physical and mental damages that sleep deprivation

can have on the body, there are a variety of treatment options available for

individuals who suffer from sleep problems.

Health care professionals must follow a certain protocol when assessing

patients with sleep complaints (Chokroverty 2016).

Meditation is one of the popular relaxation technique to those person who

have suffered sleep deprivation(Marzano et al. 2015)

Alcohol and caffeine are also substances that should be avoided before

bedtime (AlDabal & BaHammam, 2016)

15 to 30 minutes of daily exercise is recommended to individuals who

suffer from sleep disorders. Exercise can help release muscle and nervous

tension, which can greatly reduce the side effects of sleep deprivation (Liguori et

al., 2016).

Therefore in order to prevent sleep deprivation an individual should avoid

taking some beverages that have caffeine and must engage in daily exercise.

Emotional Stability

Theoritical Framework

Introduces and describes the theory that explains why the research

problem under study exists

The theory that anchored this study is the Restoration Theory (Oswald,

1966). According to this theory, the function of sleep is to restore the body

during periods of inactivity so that adequate biological functioning is ensured.

The tissues of the brain and body are repaired and the chemicals needed for

proper functioning are replenished.

Therefore this theory explain this study that an individual must sleep

according to the sleep cycle and avoid sleep deprived in order to restore the

tissues of the brain.

Conceptual Framework

This research paper cites the effects of sleep deprivation towards the

senior high school students’ physical abilities.

Independent variable Dependent variable

Sleep deprivation Physical abilities

-Short-term Illness -Stamina
-Sleep Apnea -Balance
-Insomnia -Body co-ordination
-Environment and Sleeping -speed

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of this study.

The independence is suffering Sleep deprivation that can affect the

dependence, which is the physical abilities.

Sleep deprivation is caused by Short-term Illness,Sleep Apnea,

Insomia, Environment and Sleeping Habits.

Physical abilities define as the Stamina, Balance, Body co-ordination,

speed and power.
The sleep deprivation affected the physical abilities through the lacking of
energy in doing physical task.

Research Hypothesis

This study hypothesized that there is a significant relationship between

sleep deprivation and physical abilities of the senior high school students in

Nazareth high school.

Definition of Terms:

Sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation is a general term to describe a state caused by

inadequate quantity or quality of sleep, including voluntary or involuntary

sleeplessness and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.


Physical abilities
The ability to perform some physical act; contrasting with mental ability.


Nazareth High School

A lay catholic institution in Bansalan,Davao del Sur.

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