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At temperature of 25oC

Mechanical properties Carbon steel

Elastic modulus 190-210 GPa

Poison ratio 0.27-3.0

Tensile strength 276 – 1882 MPa

Yield strength 186 – 758 MPa

 Wblade = 8KN
 Rpm = 45
 Power = 239.9 kW/h
 Efficiency = 40%
 Length of blade = 35 m

Design based on strength:

η = Pelec / Pmec
0.4 = 239.9 / Pmec
Pmec = 600 kW/h
T = Pmec / ω
T = 600 x 103 / 45 x 2π / 60
T = 33.71 x 103 Nm 8kN

R1x = -1.23kN
R2x = 9.231kN
∑ MA = 0

1.3m 0.2m
1.23k x =M…………… 1

1.23k (1.3 + x) – 9.23k x =M…………….2

From 1 and 2

Mmax = 1.6kNm…………. at B


R1x = 0.222 kN

R2x = -1.666 KN

∑ MA = 0

Mbx = 0.2886 kNm

MB = (0.28862 + 1.62)1/2

MB = 1.636 kNm

d =(16((1.6 x 103)2 + (33.71 x 103)2)1/2/2 x 700 x 106 / 6)1/3

d = 114mm

Design based on stiffness:

T = 33.71 x 103 Nm

Since F2/F1 = 5………………….3

Force responsible for torsion moment

Fn = F2 – F1…………………………….4

Fblade = F2 +F1…………………..5

From 3, 4 and 5

Fblade = 1.5 Fn

Fn = T/r
Fn = 33.71 x 103/ 35

Fnx = 0.963 kN

Fbladex = 1.444 kN

As , MB = 1.626 kNm

Sy = 700 MPa

Se’ = 0.5 Sut

Se ‘= 0.5 x 700

Se’ = 350 MPa

Se = CloadCsizeCsurfCtempCreliaSe’

Assumed surface is ground, reliability is of 50% and Load is bending.

Se = 1 x 1 x 0.767 x 1 x 1 x 350

Se = 268.45 MPa

For notch = 0.5mm ………………. Assumed

From fig. 6.36

q = 0.7 (for bending)

q = 0.74 (for torsion)

Kt = 3.5……………..assumed

Kf = 1+q(Kt-1)

Kf = 1+0.7(3.5-1)

Kf = 2.85

As, Kf│σmax│< Sy

So we use Kfsm = Kf = 2.85

Assuming the torque is steady

Using eq 9.6

dB = {32Nf [(Kf x M / Sf)2 +3(Kfsm x T/Sy)2]1/2/ π}1/3

dB = 150mm

Now, for unsteady torque but mean torque is equal to fluctuating torque
dB = {32Nf {[(Kf x Mm / Sf)2 +3(Kfsm x Tm/Sy)}2+[(Kf x Mm / Sf)2 +3(Kfsm x Tf/Sy)}2]1/2}/ π}1/3

dB = 170mm

Angular deflection;

Ф = (TL) / (JG)

G = E / 2(1+v)

G = 77.51GPa

Ф = 2.735 x 10-3 rad.

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