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Batman is defined by reason: both Batman is driven by an overwhelming

: :_:his own ability to reason and the sense of justice . of right and wrong. At
reason for his mission. He becomes times. Batman must balance a black
· the Batman in response to the and white notion of justice wit a
death of this parents as a small grayer o~e: • ••
child . Batman has a eason.
Two Face, the former di strict attorney
Joker is without reason. He is pure Harvey Dent. is driven mad by his zeal
irrationality. And. importantly. the for justice. In the face of gray, Two
Joker has many. different origin
Face chooses chance as the only force
.. , stories. Both intrinsically and that con proper ly dispense justice.
extrinsically, the Joker is without

Batman is a complex character aefined by his

psychology. He is driven inter ally oy ·
competing drives.

To unaerstana Irie character, we must map nis

foes. Batman is a figure defined by adversity,
ana so his adversaries elp us to define him.

Batman is driven by grief and

Batman fashions himself as a revenge over the death of his
martyr. There is no joy or pleasure parents. While this desire for
in his adventures. He is stoic and revenge is kept In check by Batman's
reserved. deference to justice, .it lurks always
under eath the surface.
Catwoman, in contrast, delights in
the very same activities. She is the Mr. Freeze, destroyed by the grief he
excitement that Batman represses. feels for the death of his wife, is all
vengeance wit no corresponding
zeal for justice.

Batman is made possible by Bruce

Wayne's personal wealth, wealth that Batman is a brilliant detective. His
Batman is at times unconfortable keen intellect and determination help
with. That is. Batman's mission is him understand his adversaries and
funded by a source of great evil: solve complex crimes.
T!ie Riddler. as a foil to Batman. is
Penguin's qu E!st for wealth, his greed. pure intellect _detacf:ied from any sort
is a mirror version of (and an of ethical or moral commitment. I-le is
aspiration to) the great wealth that Batman's mind unencumbered.
Bruce Wayne and Batma enjoy.

Batman has at his disposal many

Batman is driven by a cause: he has
weapons. Perhaps his most powerful
an almost singular purpose. But he
weapori is fear. Indeed, the cowl he
can change course, he can shift his

,1 .
\. attention elsewhere.
. -· '
dons dnd many of the devices he
employs are designed not so much to
harm as to frighten.
Poison Ivy. reflecting this Clspect of
• Batman's psychology , is unable to
The ScarecroW employs fear as only
• • place her cause alongside other,
an end in itself. In Scarecrow we see
equally valuable causes. Her zealous
the full implications of using fear as a
commitment to plant life blinds her to
other, just causes.

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