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Day Plan: 133 Me and My World Junior K.

G 25 Minutes

Theme Concept
Transport and Communication Ancient Means of Land Transport

Audio/Visual Resources Print Resources Material Resources

 Nil  Ancient Means of Land Toy room: Nil
Transport (Flashcard) To be sourced: Nil
 POCSr133

Classwork Homework
Transport Nil

Learning Outcomes
The learner will be able to: C P A

1. name some ancient means of land transport: walking,  - -

animal back and palanquin

Key Enquiry Questions

 Name some of the ancient means of land transport.
Ignite Time Required: 6 minutes

The teacher reinforces the concepts learnt the previous day with the following questions:
 What does transport/transportation mean?
 Which are the different modes of transport?
 Which are the different means of transport?
The teacher distributes the Me and My World Activity Books and pencils to the learners. She/ He
encourages the learners to observe the worksheet ‘Transport’ and discusses/explains the same to
Then, the teacher encourages the learners to complete the worksheet.
She/ He supervises the learners while they are completing the worksheet. She/ He may provide
verbal prompts to the learners, if required.
The teacher appreciates the learners’ efforts.

Facilitate Time Required: 14 minutes

Teacher: Children, I had a strange dream last night. I saw that I got ready and left the house to
come to school. However, there were no means of transport to help me reach school. I felt so
helpless. I just kept walking and walking. That is when I woke up. Thank god it was just a dream.
The teacher then asks the following questions:
 Can you imagine a life without any means of transport?
 If there were no means of transport that we have today, how do you think we would
travel from one place to another?

Teacher: Long, long time ago there were no means of transport. That did not stop people from
travelling. They used other means of transport.

The teacher refers to the Points of Content ‘POCSr133’ and explains the concept to the learners.

The teacher uses the flashcards ‘Ancient Means of Land Transport’ while explaining the concept.

Reflect and Evaluate Time Required: 5 minutes

The teacher places the flashcards ‘Ancient Mean of Transport’ on the teacher’s table.
She/he randomly calls a learner and asks her/him to pick up a flashcard.
She /he then asks her/him the following questions:
 Name this ancient means of transport.
 How was it used in olden days?
She /he continues this activity with as many learners as possible
She/he assists the learners wherever required.
She/he accepts and appreciates all relevant responses.

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