Design of Top Cover

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Design of Top Cover

Compute the Minimum Thickness for simply supported

L fy 2000mm 276MPa
t = [0.4 + 700] = [0.4 + ] = 79.42mm say 100mm
20 20 700

Considering 1m Strip

Computation of loads

Dead load (WDL) ; WDL = (Unit Wt. of Concrete) (1m) (t)

WDL = (23.54 KN⁄m3 )(1m)(0.1m) = 2.354 KN⁄m

Live load (WLL) ; WLL = (LiveLoad)(1m) = (1.9 KN⁄m2 )(1m) = 1.9 KN⁄m

Ultimate load (WU) ; Wu = 1.6(WLL) + 1.2(WDL)

Wu = 1.6(1.9 KN/m) + 1.2(2.354KN/m) = 5.865 KN/m

Wu L2 (5.865 )(2m)2
Mu = = = 2.9325 KN. m
8 8

Assume concrete cover = 20mm ; Using ɸBAR = 12mm

d = t − cover − (ɸBAR ) = 100mm − 20mm − 6mm = 74mm

Design of Reinforcement

Mu (2.9325x106 )N. mm
R𝑛 = = = 0.595 MPa
ɸbd2 (0.90)(1000mm)(74𝑚𝑚)2

0.85 fc′ 2Rn

ρ = (1 − √1 − )
fy 0.85 f′c

0.85(20.7 MPa) 2(0.595 MPa)

ρ = (1 − √1 − = 0.00220
276 MPa 0.85(20.7 MPa)

1.4 ρ < ρmin = thus use ρmin

ρmin = = 0.00507

Area of steel (AS)

AS = ρmin bd = 0.00507(1000mm)(74mm) = 375.18mm2

Required no. of bars (N)

ϕBAR = 12mm ; Ab = 4 (12mm)2 = 113.10mm2

AS 375.18mm2
N = = = 3.317 say 4pcs
Ab 113.10mm2

Spacing of bars (S)

Ab 113.10mm2
S = (1000mm) = (1000mm) = 301.46mm say 300mm
AS 375.18mm2

For temperature bars

ϕbar = 10mm ; Ab = (10mm)2 = 78.54mm2

The area of steel (As)

AS = 0.002bh = 0.002(1000mm)(100mm) (ACI Sec. 7.12)

AS = 200mm2

AS 200mm2
Required no. of bars (N) ; N = = = 2.546 say 3pcs.
Ab 78.54mm2

Spacing of bars ; S = (1000mm) = 392.70mm say 350mm.

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