The Atmosphere by Being Very Transparent To Visible Light But Much Less Infrared Radiation To The Earth

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The atmosphere by being very transparent to visible light but much less
infrared radiation to the Earth's surface produces the same effect as the
glass ceiling occurs in a greenhouse, the solar light that reaches no barriers
to the ground, heats it, causing it to emit infrared (heat waves), which, unlike
the light rays are largely absorbed by the glass or the atmosphere.
Eventually the amount of energy emitted into space has to be the same as
that absorbed, but the surface has to reach the temperature at which both
flows are balanced, which is higher in the presence of air (a planet) or glass
ceiling (in a greenhouse, although in reality the glass of a greenhouse
protects more heat loss because it interrupts the flow of air that it is opaque
to infrared).

2. Methane (from Greek methywine, and the suffix-ano [1]) is the simplest
alkane, whose chemical formula is CH4.
Each of the hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon is through a covalent bond. It
is a nonpolar substance that occurs as a gas at temperatures and standard
pressure. It is colorless, odorless and slightly soluble in water in its liquid

In nature it occurs as an end product of anaerobic putrefaction plants. This

natural process can be harnessed to produce biogas. Many anaerobic
microorganisms is generated using CO2 as the final electron acceptor.

It is up to 97% of natural gas. In coal mines coal mine called and is very
dangerous because it is highly flammable and explosive.

Methane gas is a relatively potent greenhouse gases that could contribute to

global warming of the planet Earth as it has a global warming potential of
23, but its concentration is very low. [2] This means that in an average time
of 100 years each kg of CH4 warms the Earth 23 times more than the same
mass of CO2, but there are approximately 220 times more carbon dioxide in
the Earth's atmosphere as methane, methane contributes least to global

3. Rich countries
most responsible for the problem, must stop harming
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and begin
help by providing funds for adaptation to change. In countries
developing countries, Oxfam estimates that adaptation as
minimum cost of 50,000 million dollars a year, this figure may
increase significantly if global emissions are not reduced
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1.Reduce use your car at 15 miles a week prevents 230Kilos issue of
carbon dioxide a year.
1 car contributes 10% of carbon monoxide affects the atmosphere.
2.A hectare of trees removed, over a year, the same amount of carbon
dioxide they produce four families in that same time. A single tree removes
one ton of carbon dioxide over its life.
3.Producir a kilo of meat uses more water than 365 lit showers. On the other
hand, you avoid eating fresh produce frozen meal consumed 10 times more
4.Reduce avoiding excess power that countries find it necessary to use oil,
coal or gas for controlled energy supply
5.Al 100 kilos of paper, saving the lives of at least seven trees.
On the other hand, the production of recycled paper consumes between
70% and 90% less energy and prevents it from continuing global
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