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Kelvin Williams El Bey and Tamika L.

Irrevocable Kindred Trust
Whereas, we Kelvin Williams El Bey and Tamika Lott Williams, Husband and Wife, of the organic
State of Georgia, including the organic counties within the said state are the owners of certain personal
and real property.

NOW THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we as grantors, do hereby
acknowledge and declare that Kevin Williams El Bey and Tamika Lott Williams as co-trustees

Son) (Kelvin Williams Jr., marquis Harris, daughters: divine Williams, Tia Williams,
Ashanti Lott, Ciara Wilkins,
Dominique louis.
Upon our illness or Death, our successors Trustee(s) is hereby directed forthwith to inherit, and
transfer said property and all right, title in interest to said property unto the beneficiary absolutely,
thereby terminating the trust.
We reserve unto ourselves the power and right at any time during our lifetime to alter, amend and
revoke in whole or in part the trust here by created, without the necessity of obtaining consent of the
beneficiary(s) and without giving notice to the beneficiary(s).Upon serious illness or Death during our
lifetime of the beneficiary(s) or successor Trustee (s) designated hereunder, we reserve the right to
change beneficiary(s) or Successor Trustee(s).This Declaration of Trust shall extend to and be binding
upon the heirs ,executors ,administrators, and assigns and undersigned and upon the successor to the
Trust Property
A. BIRTH CERTIFICATES/ Short and Long forms, Certificates of live birth(S) Land
Titles ,DEED OF TITLES,SOCIAL SECURITY CARDS, Allodial Titles , Bill of Sale,
kindred records , Pictures , corporate and Non Corporate identification, NEW JERSEY,
1947 CONSTITUTION , 1877 GOERGIA CONSTITUTION, passport(s)Kindred crest
and mantles to be past down

B. Private Conveyance (s) includes 1.) 1997 Air Stream land Yacht VIN #
4UZ6XFBC5VC734084 , 2003 GMC DENALLI vin#1GKEK63U93J102319 ,

1985 Chevy Monte Carlo SS vin # 1G162237G8FR217821

2010 CHEVEY IMPALLA vin # 2G1WA5EN9A1217957

2005 GMC DENALI/ black vin # 1GKEK63U25J207237

1984 KAWASAKI GPZ 1100 Motorcycle vin # JKAZKBA11E8500440 This trust may
include parcel of land that may be added in the future.

All property herein is own by the trust in fee simple or fee simple absolute without prejudice.
See USC Title 22 ch2 141- Repealed to 143
This trust is connected to a Theocratic Government body politic in conjunction with Peace and
friendship treaty of 1787 before the adoption of the Georgia and other States Constitution(s).
THE CURVY BOSS STORY in book form at, script/movie. The curvy boss story and common
law copyright is held in Trust as intellectual all rights reserved and protected the moment such
works were completed. All split sheets and work for hire are final. All ideas are to be ran by
Kelvin Williams El Bey before any sales or distribution, trade, altering ,editing or marketing is
done. All changed are to be signed off before any work for hire shall


All property in this Trust is owned without interference or unwarranted intercourse, without
feudal jurisdictions or obligation to Municipal rule, except by consent.
In the event of controversy arising for any reason, only counselor courts or constitutional
competent 3rd circuit courts as well as international courts shall have jurisdiction to hear such
matters within this trust. This trust is connected to an injunction, that may bring suit at any time,
provided any injuries occur from outside interference.

Administrator: A person who manages or has talents for managing.
AMEND: To alter, modify, rephrase or add to or subtract from.
Annexed: To attach, append, or add, especially to something larger or more important.
Beneficiary: A person who receives benefits, profits, or other advantages.
Corporation: a legal entity that is separate from its owners.
Descendant: a person or animal that descended from a specific ancestor; an offspring.
Decedent: a dead person.
ESTATE: a piece of landed property, especially one of large extent with an elaborate house on it.
Grantee: a person to whom a grant or conveyance is made.
Kindred: a person’s relatives collectively; kinfolk; kin.
Nominal: of a role or (status)existing in name only
Person: a human being or corporation.
Property: that which a person owns; the possession of a particular owner. Belongings, acreage e.
(See synonyms) Chattel, livestock, automobiles, movable property
Trust: an arrangement whereby a person (a trustee) holds property as nominal owner for the good
of one or more beneficiaries.
Hereditament: any inheritable estate or interest in property
Posterity: succeeding or future generations collectively.
Probate: Law, the official proving of a will as authentic or valid in a ‘probate court”.
PROVE: to establish the truth or genuineness of, as by evidence or argument.
Successor: a person or a thing that succeeds another.
Succeed: to happen or terminate according to desire; turn out successfully; have the desired
Sui juris: of age, independent, in one’s own right, [capable to manage one’s own affairs].
Tax: a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or
services ,levied upon income, property, sales, etc.
In Trust: The position of being left in the care of another.
Trustee: A person usually a body of persons, appointed to administer the affairs of a
company institution, etc.
Trustor: A person who creates a trust.
Theocracy: A form of Government in which God deity is recognize as the supreme civil ruler, the

The ranks of this trust shall be listed in this category

1. Kelvin Williams El Bey 2.) Tamika Lott Williams 3) Kelvin Williams Jr.4.) Marquis Harris5.)
Divine Williams 6.)Tia Williams . Specific property shared and various property divided, other
property and obligations must be maintained by all the collective, to enjoy the harvest of the trust.
This Trust is under the protection of Trust document 1928 vast Estate Express Trust #10105905
Book 521 page 579 Gods
or deity’s law being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities. The Divine and national
movement shall be the laws and bylaws ,shall be the governing set of laws in sui juris that bind
this trust in covenant, upon signatures or marks. This trust will be considered in full motion.



Notary……………………………… Notary Seal



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