The Tearing Patient: Diagnosis and Management: Ophthalmic Pearls

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Ophthalmic Pearls

External Disease

The Tearing Patient:

Diagnosis and Management
by kristina m. price, md, and michael j. richard, md
edited by ingrid u. scott, md, mph, and sharon fekrat, md

xcessive tearing, also known 1
as epiphora, is due to a EPIPHORA
disruption in the balance
between tear production Primary Overproduction Underdrainage Reflexive Tearing
Production > Loss Production > Loss (secondary
and tear loss. Numerous eti- (uncommon) overproduction)
ologies lead to an excess of tears, and
Irrigate Measure basal tear secretion
there are a number of ways to diagnose
Can tears enter (anesthetized Schirmer’s) and
and treat this condition. lacrimal drainage system? tear breakup time (TBUT)
Currently, there is not a firm con-
sensus on the best way to evaluate the Neurogenic Idiopathic
tearing patient. However, a simple No Yes Tear wetting Tear wetting
< 10 mm in > 10 mm in
algorithm may aid the general oph- five minutes five minutes
thalmologist in the evaluation and
management of this common condi- Evaluate lids
< 10 seconds > 10 seconds
tion (see Fig 1).
Where is Lid malposition Loss > Basal
Anatomy and Physiology the location Punctal stenosis production
of the Lacrimal System of reflux? Conjunctivochalasis
The main lacrimal gland, the accessory
lacrimal glands and the conjunctival
Mechanical Inflammation
epithelium are responsible for pro- irritation
ducing tears. Tears are spread over Same Opposite Blepharitis
punctum punctum Trichiasis Medicamentosa
the surface of the eye by blinking to Ocular cicatricial
establish the precorneal tear film. Each Canalicular Distal pemphigoid
obstruction obstruction Stevens-Johnson
contraction of the orbicularis muscle
(e.g., NLDO) syndrome
helps move the tears across the ocular
Decreased Increased loss Allergy
surface toward the lacrimal drainage production (i.e., evaporation)
Keratoconjunctivitis Tear film instability
Ideally, the basal tear secretion rate sicca Lid malposition May
equals the rate of tear drainage and Lagophthalmos overlap
evaporation. Basal tear secretion oc- Decreased blink reflex
curs at a rate of about 1.2 µl/minute,
although reflexive tear secretion can
increase this up to 100-fold. Tears but ideally tear evaporation roughly Clinical Causes and
enter the puncta at a rate of 0.6 µl/ equals the difference between basal Associated Symptoms
min; about 90 percent are reabsorbed secretion and drainage. The ocular The lacrimal system governs a delicate
through the nasolacrimal duct mucosa surface (including the lacrimal lakes in balance between tear production and
and 10 percent drain into the floor of the conjunctival fornices, the marginal loss with little reserve for disturbance.
the nasal cavity. Tears evaporate from tear strip and the precorneal tear film) This balance is complicated by the fact
the ocular surface at a variable rate, can hold only 8 µl of tears at any time. that the system is subject to a constant

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Ophthalmic Pearls

the lacrimal drainage pathway can

Causes and Treatments for Epiphora result in tearing. Punctal and canali-
cular stenosis can result from toxic
Causes TreatmentS
medications (pilocarpine, epinephrine,
Punctal obstruction Dilation, three-snip punctoplasty, sili- phospholine iodide and idoxuridine),
cone intubation trauma, prior radiation therapy and
Canalicular obstruction chronic inflammation secondary to
Canalicular stenosis/constriction Silicone intubation infections (e.g., Actinomyces israelii) or
Complete canalicular occlusion Excision of occluded area and plastic autoimmune disorders (e.g., ocular ci-
repair of canaliculus catrical pemphigoid, Stevens-Johnson
syndrome). The nasolacrimal duct also
Canaliculitis Antibiotics, warm compresses, curettage
may become obstructed secondary to
with canaliculotomy to remove con-
involutional stenosis, trauma, prior
surgery, post-irradiation, chronic sinus
Common canalicular obstruction or Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy
disease, dacryocystitis or granuloma-
obstruction of both canaliculi (CJDCR) with Jones tube placement
tous disease. In addition, neoplasms
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) Silicone intubation with or without can affect and obstruct any portion of
dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) the nasolacrimal system.
With dacryocystitis Antibiotics, allow acute infection to Ocular surface disorders. Ocular
resolve, usually necessitates DCR surface dryness or irritation stimulates
the reflex arc of the fifth and seventh
Recurrent NLDO DCR
cranial nerves, producing excessive
Poor pump function/lid malposition tear secretion. If the lacrimal drain-
Involutional ectropion Horizontal eyelid tightening with lateral age system is unable to handle the
tarsal strip or modified lateral can- transient increase in tear volume, this
thopexy results in an overflow of tears. The list
Involutional entropion Retractor reinsertion with lateral tarsal of ocular surface disorders is exten-
strip or modified lateral canthopexy sive, but some of the more common
Punctal ectropion Medial spindle with or without horizontal etiologies include chronic blepharitis,
eyelid tightening procedure keratoconjunctivitis sicca, trichiasis,
allergic conjunctivitis, exposure ker-
Ocular surface disorders Correct underlying problem; if dryness atopathy and medicamentosa.
is a contributing factor, consider arti- Neurogenic lacrimal hypersecre-
ficial tears, punctal plugs, Restasis, tory disorders. Hypersecretion of tears
etc. is rare but can occur in certain condi-
tions. Compression of the parasym-
input of environmental, physical and mal drainage system. The orbicularis pathetic lacrimal fibers from a tumor,
biologic factors. An imbalance in the muscle provides the pump mechanism aberrant regeneration of the seventh
system in either direction eventually for the excretion of tears. With eyelid cranial nerve secondary to trauma,
may lead to epiphora. Tear produc- closure, orbicularis contraction creates dacryoadenitis or certain medications
tion in excess of loss directly leads to a negative pressure within the lacrimal (e.g., cholinergic agonists) can result in
tearing, whereas tear loss in excess of drainage system, thus propelling fluid inappropriate lacrimation.
production stimulates reflexive tear into the nasolacrimal sac. When the
production, which may also lead to eye opens, the muscles relax, creating Examination and Diagnosis
epiphora. Most imbalances fall into the positive pressure within the system A pertinent history is essential to pro-
categories described below. and forcing tears from the sac into the vide clues to the diagnosis. History of
Appositional abnormalities and duct. Any abnormality that affects this sinus disease, sinus surgery, midfacial
poor pump function. Close apposition pump mechanism or any condition in or ocular trauma, or history of na-
of the lids against the globe is an inte- which the puncta are not in apposition solacrimal duct probing as a child may
gral part of maintaining an adequate to the globe can produce epiphora. all suggest obstructive problems. In
tear balance. This apposition prevents The most common examples of this addition, pus or blood in the tear film
excessive exposure of the ocular sur- include ectropion, entropion, floppy may indicate infection or malignancy,
face and minimizes tear film evapo- eyelid syndrome, punctal eversion and respectively. Associated symptoms
ration. Lid-globe apposition is also seventh nerve palsy. such as pain, itching, burning, etc.,
important for directing tears across Obstructive lacrimal drainage dis- are important to elicit, as they may
the ocular surface and into the lacri- orders. Any condition that obstructs provide further insight into the etiol-

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Ophthalmic Pearls

ogy. A full ocular examination is war- five minutes is considered subnormal, to localize the obstruction. Reflux
ranted to pinpoint the cause of tearing. while less than 5 mm is pathologic. through the same punctum suggests
Inspection. The ophthalmologist • Assessing for lacrimal obstruction. canalicular obstruction, whereas re-
should look for facial and periorbital While there is no consensus re­garding flux through the opposite punctum
asymmetry, eyelid malposition and the best way to assess for lacri­mal ob- suggests distal obstruction.
midface ptosis. Any inflammation, struction, we present our method. The
discharge or fistulas should be noted. dye disappearance test (DDT) can help Management
It is also necessary to evaluate the cor- determine whether a lacrimal outflow Successful management of the tear-
neal surface, assess the blink reflex and obstruction is present, especially in ing patient requires the clinician to
check for lagophthalmos. A simple but unilateral cases. Fluorescein is instilled determine the underlying cause of the
very effective way to assess for nasolac- into the conjunctival cul-de-sac bilat- epiphora. Unfortunately, this can be
rimal duct obstruction is to evaluate erally. Persistence of significant dye difficult to discern, at least in part be-
the size of the tear meniscus. Burkat and asymmetric clearance of the dye cause the causes are often multifacto-
and Lucarelli1 demonstrated that the from the tear lake over five minutes rial. We begin all epiphora evaluations
height of the tear meniscus, measured indicates a relative obstruction on the by explaining the normal tear balance
by slit-lamp examination, was a sta- side with the retained dye. We do not to patients and pointing out that any
tistically useful indicator for nasolac- routinely perform the Jones I and II disruption to one part of the system
rimal duct obstruction. They found tests when evaluating the patency of can cause changes in other parts of the
that the median tear level in eyes with the lacrimal system. Instead, we irri- system. The “art” of the evaluation of
obstructed nasolacrimal ducts was 0.6 gate the lacrimal system to determine the tearing patient is to try to deter-
mm compared with 0.2 mm in eyes the level of the obstruction. A 27-gauge mine what processes are contributing
with unobstructed ducts. anterior chamber cannula on a 3-cc most to the tearing and then direct
Palpation. Fullness over the lacri- syringe with normal saline allows the treatment accordingly (see “Causes
mal sac region and/or reflux of mu- ophthalmologist to irrigate without and Treatments for Epiphora”).
copurulent drainage upon palpation of having to dilate the puncta. After ir-
the lacrimal sac may indicate dacryo- rigant is introduced into the lacrimal 1 Burkat, C. N. and M. J. Lucarelli. Ophthal-
cystitis. Nodules or firmness superior system, resistance, reflux and delay or mology 2005;112:344–348.
to the medial canthal tendon may sug- lack of clearance into the nasopharynx
gest neoplasm. suggests the presence of obstruction. Dr. Price is a fellow in oculoplastics and Dr.
Functional testing. Functional The degree of resistance and reflux Richard is an assistant professor of ophthal-
tests include: suggests the severity of obstruction, mology, specializing in oculoplastics. Both are
• Assessing lid laxity. Horizontal whereas the location of reflux helps at Duke University.
lid laxity is assessed by pulling the lid
down or away from the globe. If the
lid can be stretched more than 8 mm,
How to Write a Pearls Article
this is considered to be excessively lax. Ophthalmic Pearls articles reflect main-
The lid is also considered lax if it takes stream practice and provide readers with
more than 8 seconds for the lid to re- A
tips on procedures in widespread use or
turn to its normal position. The laxity provide a review of disease management. B
is severe if the lid does not appose the All articles are doctor-written and are drawn D
globe before the first blink. C
from clinical experience.
• Assessing for dry eyes and other
tear film abnormalities. Evaluate tear What To Do:
breakup time (TBUT) by having the A. Come up with a topic and clear it with
patient refrain from blinking after EyeNet’s medical editors* before you start.
placing fluorescein in the conjunctival B. Medical students, residents and fellows
cul-de-sac. If TBUT is less than 10 should team with a faculty member who can
provide pearls from experience. F
seconds, there may be a problem with
tear film stability. There is some debate C. Send at least one photo or illustration.
about the reliability of testing to evalu- D. Write an introduction letting readers
ate tear production, but we find it use- know why this topic is relevant.
ful to assess the basal tear secretion. E. Use subheadings to help readers easily navigate the 1,500-word article.
This is done by placing a strip of filter F. Keep references to five or fewer if possible.
paper in the conjunctival fornix after *Send topics to Pearls Editors Ingrid U. Scott, MD, MPH,, or
administering topical anesthetic drops. Sharon Fekrat, MD,
Less than 10 mm of tear wetting in

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