There Were Two Immediate Effects That Clarisse Provoked in Montag

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There were two immediate effects that Clarisse provoked in Montag: He

started doubting his Professional life, and his personal relationship with his
wife Mildred.

A. The first profound effects that Clarisse had on Montag was that, he
start doubting his Professional life.

1. His awareness of interpersonal conversation

2. He realization of society´s wrongness and blindness

B. The second effect that Clarisse had on Montag’s had to do with his
personal relationship with his wife.

1.His realization of a loveless marriage

2.His realization of Mildred´s superficiality

There were two immediate effects that Clarisse provoked in Montag: He

started doubting his Professional life, and his personal relationship with
his wife Mildred.

The first profound effects that Clarisse had on Montag was that, he start
doubting his Professional life.
Firstly, Montag became aware that people could actually have a one to one
conversation. One clear example of this, was when Montag encountered
Clarisse for the first time. During which time, Clarisse initiated a conversation.
At which point ,she asked several questions .Those questions interned led to
Montag unexpected reaction .Although, he was confused yet, he stayed and
listened to what she had to say instead, of leaving immediately, as could have
been the first reaction of any other firemen in his place. As an outcome,
Montag struggled, because he never thought that, interpersonal interaction was
even possible in society as he knew it. Secondly ,as he went home, he felt that
something was not right, after a while, the realization of society´s wrongness
became obvious, it seems as if a veil was lifted from his eyes, as the result, he
was seeing and feeling emotions for the first time in his life. And he also came
to the realization that people were treated as puppets and the censorship and
strategy that were being use in society were totally wrong. On the hold, we can
see that meeting Clarisse brought about the positive change due to the fact that,
he started questioning his professional life, and saw how wrong it all seems
within the society.

The second effect that Clarisse had on Montag’s had to do with his
personal relationship with his wife.
At first, the realization of his loveless marriage to Mildred hit him, due to
the facts that he became aware of the sad facts in relation to his marriage.
Some clear facts to this claim, had to do with the conversation he had with
Clarisse, during which time, he understood what it really meant to bond
to someone on a personal level. Therefore, he started questioning his
relationship with his wife as it was empty from the very start .Since, he
had no memory of any emotional feelings towards Mildred , neither the
slightest memory whatsoever of how or where they met. Even though, they
have been married for years, to him, she was a complete stranger because
they hardly ever shared a single moment, least any logical conversation.
Apart from that, He thought she was extremely superficial due to the
aspects of the way in which she viewed life, as well as her unhealthy habits,
such as trying to end her own life over technology. Another point was
because Mildred was more interested in the made believed family she had
on TV, then in him.Montag felt as if he was awaken from a long sleep, his
views on life changed drastically, and his thirst for knowledge grew as the
days went by. This new found awareness of his, opened doors that he never
would have thought possible existed. Due to all of these changes Montag
understood that what he shared with Mildred was not real love.

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