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Venz J.

February 26, 2019
HumSS 11-5M


Everything about you tells me who you really are,

a woman who can sometimes be loud while being silent all in one

you tell me that you love me you say I am the one 

I don't understand why it got out of hand 

How did we allow for things to come this far

We both know I don't belong

He's the one who holds your heart 

I will always come second 

He will always be your number one

You caress my hair whisper in my ear hold me tight and kiss my lips 

But for what? Its his who holds you near! 

You say you don't love him say you both have gone your separate ways 

If that was true explain why he's the one who lays with you in bed

You only call me when he's not around 

Hoping I fall into this pathetic little game

Our love could never be 

Anything but secrecy

You were the one who said 

Im worth gold and

Deserve so much more

I want the kind of woman 

Who holds my hand in public

Not just behind closed doors

I'd like to see you everyday 

To hug and kiss you to

Bring a smile to your face 

Not just on every dawn but each and every day

But I go home alone

While your home is with her

Tell me again how you thought 

You and I could ever work? 

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