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Submitted in partially fulfilment of the
Requirement for the award of
Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication

Submitted by


Scholar no: 21190809219 Semester: 5th

Ishita Das
Department of Mass Communication
INDORE (Madhya Pradesh)


This is to certify that Miss Ashi Shukla has completed his SUMMER INTERNSHIP AT
GLOBAL HERALD under my supervision.

Her conduct was good and I wish him best luck for his future endeavour.


Prof. Ishita das


I hereby declare that the Internship Report on GLOBAL HERALD, INDORE

is an authentic record of my own work as requirements of INTERNSE during the
period from 29/05/2018 to 29/06/2018 for the award of degree of Bachler of Arts
AND RESEARCH, INDORE (M.P.), under the guidance of PANKAJ DIXIT.


Certified that the above statement made by the student is correct to the best of
our knowledge and belief.

Examined by:


(Class Co-Ordinator)


First of all, I am grateful to the Almighty, who graces us, and without blessing
from whom, we cannot think of breathing to learn.

This is my internship training report after completion of internship training at

GLOBAL HERALD, INDORE wish to express my sincere thanks my mentor
as well as editor Mr. Pankaj dixit.

Mr. Pankaj dixit is supervisor in charge for the internship training, staff of global
herald who gave to me a golden opportunity to follow the particular practical
internship guidance, necessary support, cooperation, encouragement, fullest
effort of them to the success of this opportunity, all are grateful and unforgettable.
My special thanks are due to the Chief Editor as well as head of the department
Mr. Vishnu goyal and the company’s Staff for their fullest support which
contributed immensely for the successful completion of this internship training. I
wish to express my profound gratitude to all of them.

Next I would like to tender my sincere thanks to Dr. Raju john (Head of mass
communication Department) and Ishita das (internship mentor) for her co-
operation and encouragement.



1. Introduction……………………………………………………...……. 01
2. Background of the organisation………………………….…………… 02
a. National herald/global herald………………………………............ 02
b. History…………………………………….………………………...03
3. Objective ……………………………………………............................ 04
4. Assignment & job description…………………………………............ 04
5. Organisational staff……………………………………………............. 06
6. Staff structure of organisation…………………………………………. 07
7. Analysis……………………………………………………….………. 08
8. Event covered in the internship……………………………….………. 09
a. Arrival of pm modi…………………………………………............ 09
b. Shocking suicide of bhaiyu ji maharaj……………………...……… 10
c. Coverage of daily other event……………………………………… 11
9. Summary……………………………………………………………. 14
10. Conclusion……………………………………………………….......... 15

This department provides me the most of practice of working in print-media and

broadcast-media. Doing internship is one of segment of media students to
complete their three year of bachelor degree. The reason of college requires
students to complete this part is to provide them to practice, to learn and to
develop their knowledge and skills concerning the media rather than study theory
only in college. Global herald gets me in touch and to get well-prepared by
understanding in advance about the process of media enterprises or how the media
enterprises operate. Firstly, I would like to take this golden opportunity to tell
reader, donor and lecturer briefly about my internship place environment and the
background to my involvement with this organization.

For one months from May 2018 till June 2018, I did an internship at Global Herald
organization which covers large areas in the print media department involves
having Hindi daily newspaper as well as web news channel. This internship
project is a part of my 3-year bachelor program of mass communication, which I
conduct at Prestige institute of Management and research Indore UG.

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National Herald is an Indian newspaper published by The Associated Journals

Ltd. It was founded by freedom fighter and India's first prime minister Jawaharlal
Nehru in 1938 as a tool to win independence. The history of journalism in India
is closely linked to the history of the struggle for independence from British rule.
Most of the freedom fighters and social activists were journalists and they worked
to rid India of foreign rule and fight the social prejudices as well. It was banned
by British government in 1942 during Quit India movement. After independence,
the newspaper was briefly shutdown in 1940s and 70s. Owing to financial crunch,
the operations were temporarily stopped in 2008. In 2016, board of directors of
Associated Journals Limited (AJL) took the decision of relaunching the

About National Herald

Freedom is in Peril, Defend it with All Your Might (slogan)

Type Daily

Associated Journal Limited, Shiva

Owner(s) Publications

Founder(s) Jawaharlal Nehru

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Editor Zafar Agha

Founded 9 September 1938; 79 years ago

Language English

Relaunched 01 June 2017

Headquarters New Delhi

City New Delhi and Lucknow

Country India

Sister Qaumi Awaz (Urdu) and Navjivan (Hindi)



Indore Edition
Mumbai based businessman Vishnu Goyal said his involvement with the National
Herald dates back to 1998, when Shiva Publications (a partnership firm) bought
rights to publishing the National Herald in Indore & Mumbai. Goyal launched the
Indore edition in 2009, months after The Associated Journals decided to shut the
Herald’s publication subsequent to settling dues of the staff. Designated as Chief
Editor of National Herald & Global Herald Newspapers, Goyal is also the
Chairman & Managing Director of Alpha Vision Overseas India Ltd, a company
listed on the BSE.


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The main objectives of my internship are based on the following characters:

1. To sharpen my knowledge regarding print-media.

2. To build up more experiences in the field of professional journalism.
3. To get to know how media works in the real practice and in the real world.
4. To learn how to work as the journalist and reporter.


As I am a person who is in charge of writing news, sometimes with the guidance

of our mentor Mr. Pankaj dixit and reporting news, so I have many responsibilities
and many tasks to do. The nature of my work was very smooth even though I had
faced some challenges and obstacles. In the first week, I was required to follow
some of The reports in order to learn how the reporters work and to get used to
within the places.

As I did the internship for the first time, I was not familiar with anything
Regarding my challenges which I have met during my internship period. It just
likes I have never ever experiences with environment of the workplace since it is
very big and has a lot of staffs and reporters. In my initial days, I did not know
the ways how to act with people presented over their because I did not know about
the concept and I also don’t know the proper way to communicate with them.

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Some places I went to cover the story & spoke to some people. My first
assignment was to cover the news for not having money in the ATM and people
are worried for cash. As I was not familiar about asking question, I just kindly ask
my mentor about the kind of questions that I can ask to the people because our
mentor was so helpful and at the very first day he reminded us to ask sensible
questions. difficulty was that when I went to cover the byte of the people and
somehow I asked for byte of people one by one whoever came out from the ATM
.and the work of reporting get appreciated by the editor, anchor as well our
mentor. However, after having work for long and been to many events, I could
understand and work with them effectively, efficiently, happily and peacefully.
There were no challenges and difficulties for me anymore as I already adopted
with the environment and get on well with all reporters
Apart from working as a reporter, I was also responsible for reading and
checking, and then summarize the news from the press releases when I already
finished my assignment.
I am really interested in my internship. What was the most valuable experiences
I really and strongly satisfy was that I really love my job as the reporter and writer,
because I have chance to meet and work with variety of people like Indian
politician Kailash vijayvargiya, anil Deshmukh Maharashtra’s Minister for Food,
Civil Supplies & Consumer Protection and also get chance communicate with
I joined my senior in the prime minister event when prime minister Narendra
modi came Indore for giving the award to Indore for being a cleanest city.
Covered the major event of shocking suicide attempt of bhaiyu ji maharaj.
I Met Mr. Alok Mehta. With my seniors for the wishes of newly launched web
channel of global herald.
Alok Mehta is a pioneer of Indian Hindi journalism. He is a recipient of the
civilian honour of Padma Shri from the Government of India in 2009.

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After that I have covered many other daily events that are taking plays daily in
pritamlal Dua Sabhagarh and on the occasion of music day and yoga day I went
to music classes and yoga classes for the wishes of yoga and music day for the
web channel.
Having done internship over there, I was responsible for many things and tasks
such as reading newspapers and write articles.
Through my work, I have achieved some of my footage uploaded in website and
you tube channel. I strongly believe that having done internship over 1 months, I
have gained more experiences and more knowledge concerning the media from
which I can practise and implement in my job for the future.
During my final days of internship channel has started Bollywood news show I
which I was helping my editor in the selection of news which is going to cover in
the show.


Head of the department (owner) : Vishnu goyal

Supervisor of the department : Pankaj dixit
Editor : Deepak Sisodhiya and Ajay sharma
Night Editor : Govind sir
Script writer : Kishore Agrawal
Reporter : Yogesh rathor
Cameraman : dilip sir
Anchor : jaya hanutiya

Other staff members who were there at night shift.

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(Vishnu goyal)

(Pankaj dixit)

(Ajay sharma +Deepak sisodhiya

(Jaya hanutiya)

(Kishor Agrawal)

(Yogesh Rathor)

(Dilip sir)

(all staff) Page | 7

While learning at college, I felt I study a lot about the theory even a few exercises
and news writing was provided. At college I studied only theory. Following the
theory, I have learnt in college, when I have done internship, I really understood
about how theory reflects the real practices and real world of working as a
journalist and communication officer. This is clearly shown that some theory also
contributes to reflect the real world of work. One more thing, after learning the
theory then having a chance to do internship, I find myself that I can take all of
them (theory) to practise and to contribute to my internship place. I am very happy
with my internship program. From doing this I really love my study so much and
understand about the important of the study about the theory.

My work ability

My strong point was regarding my work ability. I am the one who is hard working,
responsible, respectful, punctual and honest. I have sometimes faced the deadline.
I tried to do my assignments done earlier than expected. my supervisor always
appreciates and encourages me. One more thing this internship helps me to have
a good communication skill as I can communicate well with my sources and dare
to ask questions I am not sure or still doubt. I am the one who wants and eagers
to get to know about something in deep. By having those abilities, I have reached
a great achievement.

As a result, I just want to state that I have learnt a lot from this media outlet. I
knew about the important of reading news. By doing this I could brief news and
help me to have more idea and angle to write the story. I understood how the roles
of journalists are. What challenges they have during covering news and others.

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Whenever such a big personality is coming to the city the responsibility of news
channel department gets double up .in this event I have learnt pre planning about
who is going to cover what we are were assigned with the timing and place for
coverage. I have to reach to airport and cover the security of airport before the
arrival of PM modi. I met MR Kailash Vijay vargayi over there and I haven’t got
the opportunity to cover PM modi because in this type of cases only experience
reporter gets this chance after that I went to the award ceremony where the big
singer like Kailash kher was present to perform.

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This was the most challenging coverage of my internship because I was not
trained enough to ask questions in this type of Serious situation but my mentor
pankaj dixit open up this chance for training reporter also to ask questions with
politician .even I get chance to ask questions with anil deshmukh who is politician
of maharashtra as we’ll as the to good friend of bhaiyu ji Maharaj.during this
event, I have learnt a lot about the investigative reporting by working with my
senior reporter. In the shardhajali samaroh of bhaiyu ji Maharaj I met a lot of
politician and wife of Mr kailash Vijay vargayi . And also talked to people present
over there who was close to him.

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I had cover event at pritamlal Dua sabhagarh – singing competition, Kahani

singing competition, music concert of saptsur.

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Covered event at jaal sabhagarh - musical night ( harmony of hemant Kumar )

Covered the event at Indore press club –meri patrakarta by laxmikanth pandit
and discussion on the book rajneetinama Madhya Pradesh by Deepak tiwari (
event name -lokarpan pustak charcha ) .

Event covered at Indore press club – shot film of ankur sharma who is handicap

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Name of the movie apaheez ek soch.

Covered the polluted runnel at viratnagar musakhedi.

kishan andolan

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summer carnival

Painting exhibition


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Overall Summary on the Internship

I attached with Global herald for one month to full fill my college internship
training requirement. I played as training field reporter in global herald. I learnt a
lot of think by having the internship training it was as pioneer steps for the next
steps in my life. The editor maximum allocated job to perform in the period of
internship training and he gave the one of great opportunity to participate a big
event without any restrictions and that was the major achievement during my
internship period. The company gave much of experience in the journalism sector.
I need to submit every day report before leaving to the office and I met number
of journalism related people especially Mr. Alok Mehta. I went different type of
event place in my internship training for the coverage. Overlay this internship
training gave much amount of experience in the field of reporting, writing and
communicating. I developed news for the organization which is very good
learning experience for me. The organization has paid 2000 monthly allowance
in my internship training period. This was the learning journey of 1 month which
was worth a lot.

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In conclusion, having done internship, I strongly believe that student would gain
more experiences and knowledge related to media and journalism. They can build
up more media related experiences. As an example I myself have learnt and
experienced so much after having done internship as I have included in my report
above. This is the very good opportunity to me to sharpen, widen and strengthen
my knowledge regarding media management, because I have learnt a lot both
practices and theories. I really love my internship place both equipment and
environment. People there are very friendly and helpful.
I would like to recommend all students that if they want to do their internship,
please try to find as good place as mine. Be honestly and openly, what I want to
improve is my capacity building of my computer field. Actually I am a bit poor
with my typing Hindi. Moreover, I would like to learn and improve more about
some more related-computer programs. One more thing I want to get more
knowledge and more experiences from my work if I can work for long time more
than that.
I think I can learn more from my internship place if college allows me for enough
time more than usual. However, I still really love my internship place and my
position very much even it was a short-term internship. I do believe that from
doing internship, I have gained a lot of knowledge and experiences and have
chance to build up both relationship, experiences and knowledge from the other
media institution for my future of the professional journalist.
Again, I have this greatest and biggest achievement because of the cooperation
between my college. I would like to kindly and deeply express my sincere and
gratitude to the mass communication department for letting students go to
internship I strongly and sharply believe that by doing internship in global herald,
I myself will have some great knowledge and knowledge to contribute to the
journalism sector.

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