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HVDC References

Vattenfall Power Consultant

© Vattenfall AB
More than 50 years experience in HVDC

HVDC connections in and

between the Nordic countries.

– Environmentally friendly
power supply to the
Island of Gotland
– Submarine cable
connections between
Norway, Denmark,
Netherlands, Sweden,
Finland, Estland, Polen
and Germany.
– Ongoing project:
FennoSkan II.

© Vattenfall AB
Gotland HVDC Swedish mainland - Gotland

• Main Data
– 1954: 100 kV 20 MW monopole
– 1983: 150 kV 130 MW monopole
– 1987: ±150 kV 2x130 MW
– Total cable length: 2x97 km
– Max. laying depth: 170 m

• Services (cables and converter stations)

– Feasibility study
– Tender documents
– Evaluation and negotiations
– Design review
– Installation
– Supervision during construction and commissioning

© Vattenfall AB
Konti-Skan HVDC Sweden - Denmark

• Main Data
– 1965 : 250 kV 250 MW monopole
– 1987: +250, -285 kV 250+300 MW
– 2006: Pole 1 refurbishment +285 kV 300 MW
– Total cable length: 2x67 km
– Max. laying depth: 90 m

• Services (cables and converter stations)

– Feasibility study
– Tender documents (ITB)
– Tender evaluation and negotiations
– Design review
– Installation
– Supervision during construction and commissioning

© Vattenfall AB
Fenno-Skan HVDC Sweden - Finland

• Main Data
– 1989: 400 kV 500 MW monopole
– 2010: 500 kV 800 MW 2nd pole
– Total cable length: 200 km
– Max. laying depth: 120 m

• Services (cables and converter stations)

– Feasibility study
– Tender documents (ITB)
– Tender evaluation and negotiations
– Design review
– Installation
– Supervision during construction and commissioning

© Vattenfall AB
Baltic Cable HVDC Sweden - Germany

• Main Data
– 450 kV 600 MW monopole
– Total cable length: 255 km (incl. land cables)

• Services (cables and converter stations)

– Feasibility study
– Tender documents (ITB)
– Tender evaluation and negotiations
– Design review
– Supervision during construction and commissioning

© Vattenfall AB
SwePol Link HVDC Sweden - Poland

• Main Data
– 2000: 450 kV 600 MW monopole
– Total cable length:250 km
– Max. laying depth: 90 m

• Services (cables and converter stations)

– Owner’s engineer
– Feasibility study
– Tender documents (ITB)
– Tender evaluation and negotiations
– Design review
– Supervision during construction and commissioning

© Vattenfall AB
Other European HVDC Projects

• Sweden: Gotland HVDC Light connection of wind farms

– Design review
– Supervision of construction, installation and commissioning
• Azores: Island interconnection
– Feasibility study
• Nederland – England: Brit Ned HVDC Interconnection
– Technical issues in the environmental permit process
• Estonia - Finland: Est-Link HVDC Light interconnection
– Review of cable route survey
– Supervision of cable installation
• Denmark: Store Baelt 400kV 500 MW island interconnection
– Evaluation of tenders and negotiations

© Vattenfall AB
Leyte - Luzon HVDC Interconnection

• Main Data
– 350 kV 440 MW monopole
– Total cable length: 2x19 km
– Max. laying depth: 170 m

• Services
– Feasibility study
– Tender documents (ITB)
– Tender evaluation and negotiations

© Vattenfall AB
Cook Strait New Zealand

• Main Data
– ±350 kV 2x500 MW
– Total cable length: 3x40 km
– Max. laying depth: 260 m

• Services (cable part only)

– Review of route survey
– Design quality surveillance (ITB)
– Supervision:
• Review of inspection and test plans
• Witnessing of testing
• Loading and laying surveillance
– Review of final documentation

© Vattenfall AB
Haenam – Cheju South Korea

• Main Data
– ±180 kV 2x150 MW
– Total cable length: 2x102 km
– Max. laying depth: 135 m

• Services (repair of cables)

– Investigation of the responsibility for the damage
– Review of costs
– Tender evaluation
– Design review of physical protection
– Supervision of cable handling
– Supervision of laying

© Vattenfall AB
Other Asian HVDC Projects

• Malaysia: Bakun 500 kV 2x800 MW

– Feasibility study

• Thailand-Malaysia: Back-to back HVDC Interconnection

– Feasibility study

• India: Rihand HVDC

– SSO study
– Operation and maintenance study
– Project appraisal on behalf of the Financier

• Australia: Bass Link

– Brief design quality surveillance (ITB)
– Technical issues in the environmental permit process

© Vattenfall AB
African HVDC Projects

• South Africa: Apollo ±533 kV 2x900 MW

– Review of tender documents (ITB)
– Tender evaluation
– Review of design

• RD Congo: Inga – Kolwezi ±500 kV

2x260 MW refurbishment and upgrade to 2x500 MW
– Inspection of the status of the existing HVDC
– Tender documents, technical part (ITB)
– Tender evaluation and negotiation (not yet performed)
– Supervision (optional)

© Vattenfall AB
American HVDC Projects

• Brazil: Itapu
– Reliability study

• Canada – USA: HVDC interconnection (cable part only)

– Cable design quality surveillance (ITB)
– Supervision of cable installation

• World Bank
– Multi-terminal study

© Vattenfall AB

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