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‘RC’ Bot Flowcharts

Choose one runner and one corp deck. You will play two games against R.C,
one as the runner and one as the corp. whoever has the most agenda points
over the two games is the winner.
All Netrunner rules apply, unless stated otherwise here.

R.C as the Runner

Setup the game as per normal rules and deal cards facedown to the maximum
hand size.
You will take your turn as the Corp as per normal.
On Runner’s first turn, turnover its facedown cards and check if it has any card
that enables the runner to gain credits to its credit pool. If not the Runner will
On Runners turn, you will always be able to see its cards as it is necessary,
however on your turn, the cards will be facedown and you will not be allowed
to look at them.
For each click, you will follow the flowchart from A. Each turn you are doing
this 4 times.
Once the runner has completed its turn, any cards in its hand will be placed at
the bottom of its stack and new cards are redrawn, up to its maximum hand
If an agenda is scored by either side, the runners stack will be reshuffled at the
moment the agenda is scored.
If at any time, more than 1 card can be used, randomly decide using dice or
shuffle and pick at random.
Read the flowchart explanations first as that will provide further clarification
and rules as to each point.
A: RC can play/install
card in hand that will YES Play Card
give credits?


B: If not gained any

credits yet this turn,
play any card in rig to
gain credits, otherwise

C: Corp has Unrezzed Any Rezzed Ice

Ice in front of HQ or Make a Run on HQ
YES behind the
NO or R&D
R&D OR either is Unrezzed Ice?


RC has matching program

installed and/or would be YES
able to pass rezzed ice?


D: RC has
program/console in
YES Console/Program
grip and can afford at
least 1?


E: Roll dice to
determine action
Flowchart explanation
A: RC will play/install any programs that give credits first, followed by
event/resource cards, randomly determined if needed. If a program is already
installed, don’t play any cards, unless that card will give more than two credits
at any one time, instantaneous or not.

B: Should be self-explanatory.

C: If either HQ or R&D are unprotected, RC will run on that one straight away.
RC will only run on HQ and R&D once per turn, unless an agenda was stolen or
a card was trashed.
Otherwise RC is looking at any unrezzed cards in front of HQ or R&D only and
will make a run on them. Randomly decide if both have unrezzed cards in front
of them.
If an unrezzed card is in front of 1 or more rezzed cards, RC will see if it can
pass the rezzed ice first before making a run. Matching program means, if the
corp has a rezzed ice, for example, a code gate, RC will have an installed
program that breaks a code gate subroutine. If it doesn’t have a matching
program, will see if can bypass the ice taking the penalties. RC will only take a
tag if it is behind, maximum one tag. The same goes for brain damage. Other
damage if it has more than 3 cards in its hand. Will never trash a program
intentionally. Will always pay what it needs to break a trace program (E.G: if ice
had trace of 3, you pay 1 to increase to 4, runner will pay the 4 to break, less
any links in its rig already).

D: RC will install in the following order:

 Console
 Program with subroutine that matches any rezzed ice
 Any other program
If memory is full, will only install matching program if it can trash a non-
matching program.
E: Roll 1 dice and carry out the action below. If cannot do that action, move
down the order until it can carry out an action. If cannot do 6, start back at 1.

1. Gain 1 credit. If has card in rig that can use to gain more credits, use
2. Draw a card. Ignore if this is last click.
3. Install cards, in the following order:
 Hardware
 Resource
 If unable to install anything, will perform action on any installed
program, then hardware, then resource.
4. Play event. Play a run event first if able, otherwise randomly.
5. Pay 2 credits and remove tag.
6. Make a run. First determine where RC is able to run:
 Archives. Only if there is an installed card in Rig that would give
benefit of at least 2 credits or other benefit. OR there are
unrezzed cards. Unrezzed cards should only be any agendas you
have trashed or cards trashed from R&D, anything else is rezzed in
 HQ/R&D. Only if it is able to pass any rezzed ice and pass/trash
any rezzed/known upgrades. Only one run per turn on both,
unless an agenda has been stolen.
 Remote Servers. Only if it is able to pass any rezzed ice and
pass/trash any rezzed/known upgrades. If the card is
known/rezzed, will only run if able to trash it.
Once it has been determined where RC can run, randomly decide using dice
where it will run.
 If unable to make a run, will perform action on any installed program,
then hardware, then resource.
Additional notes
Expose a card. When this is played, RC will expose any card in a remote server,
first those with advancement tokens on it. Turn sideways to indicate that card
is now known. If it is an ambush card, RC will never run on it. If it is an agenda,
every click from now on, RC will just run on it to try and steal it, if possible. If
unable to run on it, go back to the flowchart. If no such cards, RC will expose
any unrezzed card and that card becomes known. Treat it as a rezzed card, but
you still need to pay to unrez it as per normal.
Cards with trash icon. Use them as per text the moment they can be used
R.C as the Corp

Setup the game as per normal rules and deal cards facedown to the maximum
hand size.
On Corp’s first turn, turnover its facedown cards and check if it has at least two
Ice. If not mulligan.
On Corps turn, you will always be able to see its cards as it is necessary,
however on your turn, the cards will be facedown and you will not be allowed
to look at them.
For each click, you will follow the flowchart from A. Each turn you are doing
this 3 times.
Once the corp has completed its turn, any cards in its hand will be placed at
the bottom of its stack and new cards are redrawn, up to its maximum hand
If an agenda is scored by either side, the corps stack will be reshuffled at the
moment the agenda is scored.
If at any time, more than 1 card can be used, randomly decide using dice or
shuffle and pick at random.
Read the flowchart explanations first as that will provide further clarification
and rules as to each point.
A: Play operation if adds credit. If
unable to, play asset if less than 5

B: Score an agenda if able. Otherwise

advance agenda or unrezzed card in
remote server

C: Corp has ice in hand and at least 5

YES Play Ice


D: If upgrade in hand and can afford,


E: If corp has at least 4 credits and any

remote server is empty, install random

F: Roll dice for actions

Flowchart Explanation

A: Only play asset if it is in remote server and rezzed. If unable to do anything

here, move onto B

B: Score an installed agenda, spending credit and clicks per advancement as

normal. If agenda in hand with advancement cost of 2 and 3 clicks and 2 credits
available, score the agenda in hand.
If unable to score an agenda, advance an installed agenda by 1 or 2 depending
on clicks and credit available. The corp will always advance an installed agenda
by at least 1 every turn. If you get to this point and the corp doesn’t have any
credit, gain 1 credit this click, then next click, advance an agenda.
If no agendas to advance or score, advance a random unrezzed card in the
remote server. Spend 1 credit to advance and rez that card. If it is an asset,
ignore any further costs. If it is an ambush card, shuffle back into the deck. If it
is an agenda, place the advancement token on it.
If unable to do the above, go to C.

C: Place ice as follows:

 Place in front of HQ or R&D if either has all rezzed cards or no cards in
front of them. Maximum of 3 ice in front of both
 Place ice in front of archives if there is an unrezzed card in archives.
Maximum of 1 ice.
 Add ice to remote server. There can only be 1 empty remote server at
one time. Maximum 2 ice in front of an empty server, unless the two
cards are rezzed, in which case a third ice may be placed. If there is a
card in remote server, 3 ice may be placed.

D: Upgrade can be installed anywhere apart from archives.

E: There must be ice on a remote server first.

F: Roll 1 dice and carry out the action below. If cannot do that action, move
down the order until it can carry out an action. If cannot do 6, start back at 1.

1. Gain 1 credit. Play operation/Use Asset for more credits if able

2. Draw a card. Ignore if last click
3. Play an operation
4. Perform action on scored agenda
5. If first click, remove virus counters from one runner card
6. Pay 2 credits, trash 1 resource if the runner is tagged

Additional notes

Trace. Will always pay to have up to 4 more trace strength than the runner.
Advancement. Any cards that can be advanced (except agendas), are always
treated as having 3 advancement tokens on them at any time.
Forfeit. Will never forfeit an agenda
Ambush. All ambush cards work whenever they are accessed from HQ or R&D.
If in remote server when advanced, place back into stack and reshuffle.

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