Mark Ruzzel P. Red - MAWD 212 (Individual Activity) The Things I Can Already Do Is All of This

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Mark Ruzzel P.

Red – MAWD 212

(Individual Activity)

The things I can already do is all of this:

1. The adolescent must adjust to a new physical sense of self.

2. The adolescent must adjust to new intellectual abilities.

3. The adolescent must adjust to increased cognitive demands.

4. The adolescent must develop expanded verbal skills.

5. The adolescent must develop a personal sense of identity.

6. The adolescent must establish adult vocational goals.

7. The adolescent must establish emotional and psychological independence from his or her

8. The adolescent must develop stable and productive peer relationships.

9. The adolescent must learn to manage his or her sexuality.

10. The adolescent must adopt a personal value system.

11. The adolescent must develop increased impulse control and behavioural maturity.

Based on my peers response on what they can do on their own at this stage of their life
is the same as me but he have a answers.

1. The adolescent must adjust to a new physical sense of self.

I became taller and my weight dropped, unlike when I was a child. My voice starts to
get deeper and the development of body hair.
2. The adolescent must adjust to new intellectual abilities.

I can now understand how the outside world works. I became aware of everything
happening around me, like the dangers in the outside.

3. The adolescent must adjust to increased cognitive demands.

I now understand how school works and their purpose. Tasks are getting harder each
level to make a better version of myself.

4. The adolescent must develop expanded verbal skills.

I guess, I improve my speaking skills as I grow. I have the ability to express myself for
them to understand.

5. The adolescent must develop a personal sense of identity.

`I discovered what my true self is, what my skills and talents and etc. I have this feeling
I need to continue improving on those things.

6. The adolescent must establish adult vocational goals.

I learn how to plan and getting ready on my goals and what job I'll take in the future.

7. The adolescent must establish emotional and psychological independence from his or her

As I grow, I learn many new things in this world for survival, especially from my parents.
I'm starting to have the feeling of independence or freedom, of course for a good purpose.

8. The adolescent must develop stable and productive peer relationships.

I can have the ability to befriend others, but not easily because of the need of support,
acceptance, and company.

9. The adolescent must learn to manage his or her sexuality.

I only discovered that different sexualities exist when I was 15. It is confirmed that I'm
hetero. Whatever sexuality I have is based on how I look to myself and how others think
about me and my emotions.
10. The adolescent must adopt a personal value system.

Although I know what is right and what is wrong, I can reflect the kinds of events if
either of these two is applied and made me understand more about the morality of these

11. The adolescent must develop increased impulse control and behavioural maturity.

I usually take time to think about what I'm going to respond to others is an example.
Risky decisions might make the worst outcome or the best outcome.


“I agree on my peers response that all of us adolecsents have experience this eleven
development tasks associated with the adolescent transition. In physical sense of self when
we are growing up we always change our physical changes and improve ourselves day, week,
month, and year. To be mature, dependent person, and responsible to our actions. This tasks
can be seen as element of the overall sense ourselves which they carry us to move towards
to being a young adulthood that’s all I can say.

Yes, definitely I’ll keep trying to adjust myself at this time because Im getting old and I really
want to improve myself week after week.

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