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Canine Chronic Kidney Disease Current Diagnostics & Goals for Long-Term

Article · September 2013


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Jonathan D Foster
Friendship Hospital for Animals, Washington DC


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Canine ChroniC Kidney disease |

Peer reviewed

Current Diagnostics & Goals for
Long-Term Management
JD Foster, VMD, Diplomate ACVIM

hronic kidney disease (CKD) is an irreversible and • New heart murmurs may indicate a physiologic flow
progressive deterioration of renal function, resulting murmur due to anemia or hypertension (however, sick
from a decreased number of functional nephrons. or febrile patients should also be evaluated for endocar-
Unfortunately, the compensatory mechanisms that respond ditis).
to nephron loss (glomerular hypertension, hyperfiltration) • Dehydration is common in CKD, typically resulting
help facilitate progression of CKD, potentially contributing from patients’ inability to ingest enough water to com-
to it more so than the original injury (Table 1). pensate for increased urinary losses.
Patients of any age may develop CKD, but the greatest • Assessment of renal size and shape, and for the pres-
incidence is in geriatric ence of pain, should always be performed, but may be
patients. However, con- difficult in medium or large breed dogs.
Table 1. Causes of CKd genital renal diseases,
• Calculi/obstruction including dysplasia and Specific system examinations include:
• Familial renal disease various glomerulopa- • Fundic examination to assess for vessel tortuosity and
• infection thies, may produce CKD retinal detachment, which may suggest systemic hyper-
• inflammation at very early ages. Once tension
• ischemia diagnosed, CKD typi- • Rectal examination to evaluate for evidence of melena
• Unknown cally remains a life-long or hematochezia, which may indicate uremic ulcers.
• Vascular injury condition.
PRESENTATION A thorough diagnostic evaluation (Table 2) can confirm
Medical History the diagnosis of CKD. These tests may identify underlying
A thorough medical history plays 2 essential roles; it: causes, ongoing renal injury, and consequences of CKD,
1. Helps determine a management plan by assessing sever- providing information about prognosis and treatment goals.
ity of polyuria and polydipsia, diet, appetite, change in
body mass, and energy level. Azotemia Interpretation
2. Provides a baseline—the degree of illness related to • Persistent azotemia (despite normal hydration status)
CKD at presentation—to use for comparison after thera- can confirm CKD. However, since 75% nephron loss
peutic interventions have been implemented. occurs before azotemia, this criteria only identifies the
most advanced cases.
Clinical Signs • Isosthenuria may be seen earlier (66% nephron loss);
Early signs of CKD may be mild, even inapparent to the however, without azotemia, all other causes of isosthe-
pet owner. Because isosthenuria and azotemia do not nuria need to be excluded before attributing it to CKD.
develop until 66% and 75% nephron loss, respectively, • Extrarenal factors may alter creatinine or blood urea
most renal function has been lost by onset of clinical signs. nitrogen (BUN) when interpreting azotemia:
Common clinical signs include: » Creatinine: Decreased in patients with muscle wasting
• Polyuria and compensatory polydipsia » BUN: Increased in patients with GI bleeding or those
• Decreasing appetite, weight loss, and lethargy consuming a high-protein diet; decreased with malnutri-
• Gastrointestinal (GI) signs, which may be present tion, severe protein restriction, or synthetic liver failure
in early CKD, but are very common in moderate to • Prerenal or postrenal factors may concurrently con-
advanced CKD. tribute to azotemia:
» Prerenal factors: Consider decreased renal perfusion,
Physical Examination most commonly seen in dehydrated, hypovolemic, or
During a physical examination in patients with suspected hypotensive patients
or confirmed CKD, pay particular attention to body condi- » Postrenal factors: Consider unilateral ureteral obstruc-
tion scoring, cardiovascular status, evidence of dehydra- tion, which can be ruled out by abdominal radio-
tion, and renal palpation. graphs and ultrasound; may also manifest with renal
• Muscle wasting may indicate poor nutritional status. pain and abnormal renal palpation.

September/October 2013 Today’s Veterinary Practice 21

| Canine ChroniC Kidney disease


history, physical examination, and diagnostic blood pressure measurement
findings often indicate whether a patient has acute Complete blood count, with reticulocyte count
or chronic renal disease (Table). With acute-on-
chronic renal disease, new injury occurs in patients serum biochemical profile, with electrolytes and
with background renal insufficiency. Findings acid–base measurement
suggestive of CKd include: Urinalysis + urine protein:creatinine ratio
• History: in preceding weeks to months, polyuria/ Urine culture and susceptibility
polydipsia, weight loss, and decreased appetite
• Physical examination: small, irregular kidneys Urine system imaging (ultrasound and/or radiographs)
that are nonpainful
• Diagnostics: degree of azotemia more severe
than clinical signs; normocytic, normochromic Table 3. iris CKd staging system
nonregenerative anemia typical
Dog Cat
Table. Comparison of acute and Chronic SERUM CREATININE (MG/DL)
renal disease Stage 1 < 1.4 < 1.6
ACUTE CHRONIC Stage 2 1.4–2 1.6–2.8
Degree of Clinical signs azotemia more Stage 3 2.1–5 2–5
illness more severe severe than clinical Stage 4 >5 >5
than azotemia signs
History lethargy, decreased appetite,
vomiting PU/Pd, weight loss Proteinuric (P) > 0.5 > 0.4
Kidney normal/large small, irregular, Borderline 0.2–0.5 0.2–0.4
size/shape ± pain bKlK Proteinuric (BP)
Packed cell normal/regen- normocytic/normo- Nonproteinuric (NP) < 0.2 < 0.2
volume erative/acute chromic/nonregen- BLOOD PRESSURE Systolic Arterial Diastolic Arterial
hemorrhage erative anemia Pressure (AP) Pressure
SUBSTAGING (mm Hg) (mm Hg)
Potassium normal to Cats: Typically low
high Dogs: Mild hyperka- AP Stage 0 < 150 < 95
lemia common AP Stage I 150–160 95–99
bKlK=big-kidney-little-kidney; Pd=polydipsia; PU=polyuria AP Stage II 160–179 100–119
AP Stage III ≥ 180 ≥ 120
Glomerular Filtration Rate AP = arterial pressure; BP = borderline proteinuric; NP =
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the gold standard mea- nonproteinuric; P = proteinuric; UPC = urine protein:creatinine
surement of renal function; however, its measurement is
rarely indicated in patients with CKD. Creatinine and, to a
lesser extent, BUN are correlated with GFR, but, as noted Stage Determination
earlier, GFR must be reduced by 75% before azotemia is Including the IRIS CKD stage in the medical record relays
seen. However, measurement of GFR (typically through important information about the severity of CKD. For
iohexol or creatinine clearance testing) may confirm example, if a dog has a creatinine of 2.5 mg/dL, urine
reduced renal function in isosthenuric patients. protein:creatinine (UPC) ratio of 1, and arterial blood
pressure of 155 mm Hg, its IRIS CKD stage would be con-
IRIS STAGING SySTEM sidered IRIS 3 P AP 1, or:
A tiered stratification system has been proposed by the • Serum creatinine: IRIS 3 (Stage 3)
International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) to help provide • Proteinuria substaging: P (Proteinuric)
guidelines for clinical management of CKD. Staging is • Blood pressure substaging: AP I (Arterial Pressure
based on serum creatinine values, with substages identi- Stage 1).
fied for blood pressure and proteinuria (Table 3).
Importance of Hydration Treatment of CKD should be individually tailored to each
Treatment goals and recommendations are specific to patient. Although not all interventions have been evaluat-
IRIS CKD stage. Since prerenal contributions will often ed by clinical trials, some evidence-based information sup-
increase the degree of azotemia to the next stage, normal ports their role in management of CKD. IRIS CKD stage
renal perfusion (adequate patient hydration and effective management guidelines are listed in Table 4; medications
circulating volume) should be restored before determin- to help achieve treatment goals are listed in Table 5.
ing the patient’s stage of CKD.

22 Today’s Veterinary Practice September/October 2013

Canine ChroniC Kidney disease |

As stated earlier, IRIS CKD Table 4. iris CKd stage Management Guidelines
staging should be applied Goal First-line Therapy Additional Therapy
to patients only after exclu- IRIS CKD STAGE 1
sion of pre- and postrenal
Phosphorus < 4.5 mg/dl renal diet Phosphate binders
Uremic toxins, many of UPC <2 renal diet aCe inhibitor
which are byproducts of Blood Pressure < 160 mm hg aCe inhibitor amlodipine
protein metabolism, are sol- IRIS CKD STAGE 2
utes that accumulate due to Phosphorus < 4.5 mg/dl renal diet Phosphate binders
decreased renal clearance,
UPC < 0.5 renal diet aCe inhibitor
causing detrimental effects.
Urea and creatinine are not Blood Pressure < 160 mm hg aCe inhibitor amlodipine
significant uremic toxins; Bicarbonate 18–24 mmol/l Correct dehydra- sodium bicarbonate,
however, they serve as sur- tion potassium citrate
rogate markers, providing Notes: ARBs may be beneficial
some information on renal IRIS CKD STAGE 3
function and degree of ure-
Phosphorus < 5 mg/dl renal diet Phosphate binders
mic toxin retention.
UPC < 0.5 renal diet aCe inhibitor
Hydration Blood Pressure & same as iris stage 2
As CKD is irreversible, Bicarbonate
decreased GFR caused by Notes: Use ACE inhibitors and ARBs with caution
intrinsic renal dysfunction IRIS CKD STAGE 4
cannot be improved. Hypo-
volemic or dehydrated Phosphorus < 6 mg/dl renal diet Phosphate binders
patients will have decreased UPC, Blood Pressure, same as iris stage 2
renal perfusion, causing & Bicarbonate
prerenal reduction in GFR, ACe = angiotensin-converting enzyme; ArB = angiotensin receptor blocker; UPC = urine
which is complicated if protein:creatinine
patients cannot voluntarily
maintain hydration.
• H2-receptor antagonists: Require dose adjustment
Measures should be taken to prophylactically maintain
with renal impairment; are less effective in neutralizing
hydration in patients that cannot do so on their own (urine
gastric pH.
output exceeds fluid intake).
• Sucralfate: Helps facilitate GI ulceration healing; may
impair absorption of numerous drugs and should be
THERAPEUTIC GOAL: Maintain Hydration
• Feed canned food diets; many patients will tolerate addi- administered alone and without food.
tional water added to canned food. • Antiemetics: May be given as needed or as daily therapy.
• Offer low- or no-sodium chicken broth.
• Feeding tubes (esophagostomy, gastric) can provide Hyperphosphatemia
access for water, medication, and nutrition delivery. Plasma phosphorus concentrations are inversely propor-
• Subcutaneous fluids can be helpful, but contain large tional to GFR; therefore, as renal function declines, phos-
amounts of sodium, which some CKD patients may not phate retention occurs. Hyperphosphatemia increases the
tolerate, contributing to hypertension. production of parathyroid hormone (PTH) by the parathy-
• Consider feeding prescription renal diet (see Nutrition- roid glands, one of the key steps in development of renal
al Therapy). secondary hyperparathyroidism.

GI Complications THERAPEUTIC GOAL: Treat Hyperphosphatemia

Antacids and antiemetics are useful for managing GI com- Phosphate binders are used in combination with a prescrip-
plications of uremia. Due to diminished ability to produce tion renal diet when diet alone is insufficient to control
erythropoietin, dogs with CKD take longer to normalize hyperphosphatemia, and form nonabsorbable complexes
anemia related to GI ulcers. with dietary phosphate within the GI tract.
• Aluminum hydroxide: Often used as first-line drug;
THERAPEUTIC GOAL: Manage GI Complications of however, toxicity has been reported in dogs when
Uremia administrated above recommended doses.
• Proton pump inhibitors: More effective than hista- • Calcium salts: Must be avoided in patients with hyper-
mine antagonists for neutralizing gastric acid secretion; calcemia and used cautiously in those with calcium-
no dose adjustment is required in patients with CKD phosphorus products significantly exceeding 70.

September/October 2013 Today’s Veterinary Practice 23

| Canine ChroniC Kidney disease

NUTRITIONAL THERAPy is a cornerstone Table 5. Treatment Goals & Medications for

of CKD management. Canine CKd
Prescription renal diets typically have: Manage GI Complications of Uremia
• reduced protein, phosphorus, and sodium con- Famotidine 0.25–0.5 mg/kg Po Q 12 h
centrations Maropitant 2 mg/kg Po Q 24 h
• increased b-vitamins, fiber, and omega-3 fatty
Metoclopramide 0.2–0.4 mg/kg Po Q 8 h
Prescription renal diet reduced the risk of ure- omeprazole 0.1–0.2 mg/kg Po Q 24 h
mic crisis by 72% in study dogs when compared to ondansetron 0.2–1 mg/kg Po Q 8–12 h
those fed a maintenance diet.1 other benefits dem- sucralfate 250–1000 mg/dog Po Q 8 h
onstrated by this study included prolonged median Treat Hyperphosphatemia
survival time, slower progression of CKd, and aluminum hydroxide 60–90 mg/kg/day Po divided
improved quality of life. Calcium acetate 60–90 mg/kg/day Po divided
lower protein diets, such as senior diets, often
Calcium carbonate 90–150 mg/kg/day Po divided
do not have the appropriate alterations in phospho-
lanthanum 60–90 mg/kg/day Po divided
rus and electrolyte concentrations recommended
for management of CKd; therefore, these diets
should noT be considered acceptable alternatives. sevalamer 30–135 mg/kg/day Po divided
A future article in the Nutrition Notes column (see hydrochloride
page 60) will address dietary therapy for renal dis- Treat Acidemia
ease in dogs and cats. Potassium citrate 30–60 mg/kg/day Po divided
sodium bicarbonate 40–60 mg/kg Po Q 8–12 h
Treat Anemia
• Lanthanum carbonate: Compounding may be required darbepoietin 0.45 mcg/kg sC Q week until low
to obtain appropriately sized capsules; can be used in normal PCV; then taper dose
combination with aluminum hydroxide (dose of latter iron dextran 10–20 mg/kg iM, supplemented
may need to be decreased due to synergistic effects). monthly
• Sevalamer hydrochloride: Expands when it contacts
Treat Hypertension
water; tablets or capsules should be administered intact.
enalapril or 0.25–1 mg/kg Po Q 12 h; use
Dose of phosphate binders can be titrated up to produce
benazepril higher dosages for proteinuria
more pronounced effects. Generally, the more severe the
amlodipine 0.2–0.5 mg/kg Po Q 24 h
hyperphosphatemia, the higher the dose (kept within the
recommended dosage range) of phosphate binder required Treat Proteinuria
for successful correction. Treatment should be targeted to enalapril or 0.25–1 mg/kg Po Q 12 h; use
achieve recommendations according to IRIS CKD stage. benazepril higher dosages for proteinuria
These drugs must be administered with food; feeding ePa + 40 mg/kg/day divided
meals or phosphate-rich treats without using a phosphate dha 25 mg/kg/day divided
binder lessens their efficacy. losartan 0.125–0.25 mg/kg Po Q 24 h
Treat Secondary Renal Hyperparathyroidism
Acidemia Calcitriol 2–3 ng/kg Po Q 24 h
Patients with CKD have metabolic acidosis due to accumu-
lation of acidic uremic toxins; patients with hypoperfusion
may additionally have lactic acidosis. If venous blood gas • Potassium citrate: Each 540-mg tablet yields 5 mEq of
assessment is unavailable to evaluate patient acid–base sta- potassium and 1.7 mEq of citrate, which is metabolized
tus, a serum total carbon dioxide level (TCO2) can be used to 420 mg of bicarbonate.
as an estimate of serum bicarbonate concentration. Falsely While potassium citrate provides some potassium sup-
decreased TCO2 levels occur when blood collection tubes plementation, which is beneficial to hypokalemic patients,
are exposed to air or are not fully filled. it may exacerbate hyperkalemia in patients with normal
or mildly increased serum potassium concentrations. In
THERAPEUTIC GOAL: Treat Acidemia addition, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE)
Feed a diet that produces a neutral pH, which prescrip- inhibitor therapy may also result in mild to moderate hyper-
tion renal diets are designed to achieve (but not a feature kalemia. Use potassium supplementation cautiously in
of some urolithiasis diets). Use alkali therapy (Table 5) patients receiving such medications, and avoid use in
for patients with persistent acidemia despite appropriate hyperkalemic patients.
diet. The goal is to maintain a bicarbonate (TCO2) level
between 18 and 25 mmol/L. Hypokalemia & Hyperkalemia
• Sodium bicarbonate: Administer as a whole tablet as Hypokalemia is more commonly seen in cats than in
some dogs find it unpalatable when mixed with food. dogs. Severe hyperkalemia may be life threatening, and is

24 Today’s Veterinary Practice September/October 2013

Canine ChroniC Kidney disease |

more often associated with oliguric or anuric acute kidney THERAPEUTIC GOAL: Treat Hypertension
injury, rather than CKD. • ACE inhibitors are first line therapy for hypertension, and
Patients with end-stage CKD and marked reduction in crucial to blunting the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone sys-
GFR may also demonstrate hyperkalemia, regardless of tem (RAAS); however, they are weak antihypertensives,
degree of urine output. By inhibiting the production of only reducing blood pressure approximately 10 mm Hg.
angiotensin II, which causes urinary potassium excretion, • The calcium channel blocker amlodipine is more
ACE inhibitor drugs may also produce mild to moderate effective, but should be used with an ACE inhibitor.
hyperkalemia as a side effect. Following initiation or increase of ACE inhibitor dosage,
mild increases in BUN and creatinine may be noted. Mon-
THERAPEUTIC GOAL: Treat Hypokalemia or itor mild increases that do not cause uremia; however,
Hyperkalemia reduce or discontinue the dosage if azotemia, accompa-
• For hypokalemia, oral supplementation is the pre- nied by uremia, significantly increases, which suggests the
ferred treatment. ACE inhibitor has caused a significant decrease in GFR.
• For mild hyperkalemia, a prescription renal diet with
the lowest potassium content can be useful. Oral potas- Proteinuria
sium binders (sodium polystyrene) can prevent absorp- Renal protein loss may be due to glomerular or tubular
tion of dietary potassium. Rare GI adverse effects are lesions, but glomerular lesions more likely result in great-
reported in humans and are possible in dogs. er magnitude of proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia. Pro-
• Monitor hyperkalemic patients receiving ACE inhibi- teinuria is a risk factor for progression of CKD; however,
tors; reduce dose if ACE inhibitors produce significant only weak evidence suggests that reducing proteinuria
hyperkalemia. slows progression of canine CKD.
• Discontinue potassium supplementation in all hyper-
kalemic patients. THERAPEUTIC GOAL: Treat Proteinuria
The first step in therapy is a protein-restricted renal diet.
Anemia In addition, managing hypertension also helps minimize
Lack of erythropoietin is the driving force behind the proteinuria. ACE inhibitors may cause hyperkalemia due
chronic, progressive, nonregenerative anemia of CKD. to RAAS blockade, reduce GFR, and increase azotemia;
Always consider GI ulceration resulting in blood loss if therefore, use these drugs cautiously in IRIS CKD stage 3
CKD patients have new or worsened anemia. and 4 patients.
For persistent proteinuria, therapeutic intervention is
THERAPEUTIC GOAL: Treat Anemia recommended:
• For moderate to advanced anemia anemia (packed • ACE inhibitor: Increase hypertension dosage to help
cell volume [PCV] ≤ 20%): minimize proteinuria; however, contraindicated in
» Consider hormone supplementation with darbepoi- hypotensive or dehydrated patients.
etin. • Omega 3-polyunsaturated fatty acids: Shown to less-
» Monitor PCV weekly until target PCV is obtained; then en proteinuria.
taper frequency of administration. • Losartan: Consider this angiotensin receptor block-
» Monitor blood pressure as some patients may develop er for proteinuria refractory to ACE inhibitors; veteri-
hypertension after initiation of darbepoietin therapy. nary use has been limited, with contradicting opinions
• For severe anemia, proceed with a blood transfusion. regarding efficacy.
Darbepoietin, a synthetic form of erythropoietin, is Anticoagulants can be considered when proteinuria is
thought to be less antigenic than human erythropoietin, present; however, serum albumin, UPC, or antithrombin
which can cause development of anti-erythropoietin anti- levels do not adequately predict hypercoagulability.
bodies that crossreact and potentially destroy the patient’s
endogenous erythropoietin, leaving the patient dependent Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
on transfusions. Failure to respond to darbepoietin may Consequences of CKD, including phosphorus retention
indicate formation of antidarbepoietin/anti-erythropoietin and decreased synthesis of calcitriol, establish renal sec-
antibodies; however, concurrent inflammatory disease can ondary hyperparathyroidism.
also result in diminished response to darbepoietin. 1. In response to hyperphosphatemia, parathyroid glands
increase PTH—a uremic toxin—synthesis
Hypertension 2. Calcitriol inhibits PTH release, but hyperphosphatemia
Blood pressure is routinely evaluated throughout treat- inhibits synthesis of calcitriol, creating a feedback loop that
ment of CKD. Normotensive patients may develop hyper- results in elevated phosphorus and PTH levels (Figure).
tension as renal disease progresses. Ideally, assess blood 3. Due to decreased renal function, PTH activity is dimin-
pressure early in the visit before additional stress accrues, ished, resulting in inadequate excretion of phosphorus
leading to nonpathologic increases in blood pressure and suboptimal production of calcitriol.
(“white coat hypertension”). Perform fundic examination Serum calcium is regulated by PTH; however, normal cal-
to investigate for retinal damage. cium handling does not occur in renal secondary hyper-

September/October 2013 Today’s Veterinary Practice 25

| Canine ChroniC Kidney disease

uria in CKD, patients can have an active infection with-

out lower urinary symptoms.
• Effect of therapeutic interventions should be moni-
tored, and medications adjusted to achieve IRIS CKD
stage goal.

Prognosis is associated with severity of disease. Studies
have shown shorter median survival times in dogs with
higher IRIS stages. Median survival time for IRIS Stage 1
dogs was over 400 days, Stage 2 ranged from 200 to 400
days, Stage 3 ranged from 110 to 200 days, and Stage 4
ranged from 14 to 80 days.2,3 Successful treatment of CKD
delays disease progression, likely provides greater sur-
vival times, and increases patient quality of life. n

aCe = angiotensin-converting enzyme; BUn = blood urea

nitrogen; CKd = chronic kidney disease; GFr = glomerular
filtration rate; Gi = gastrointestinal; iCa = ionized calcium;
iris = international renal interest society; PCV = packed
Figure. Feedback loop of secondary cell volume; PTh = parathyroid hormone; raas = renin–
renal hyperparathyrodism angiotensin–aldosterone system; TCo2 = total carbon diox-
ide; UPC = urine protein:creatinine

parathyroidism due to altered renal handling of calcium, References

1. Jacob F, Polzin DJ, Osborne CA, et al. Clinical evaluation of dietary
deficiency in calcitriol production, and skeletal resistance modification for treatment of spontaneous chronic renal failure in dogs.
to the effects of PTH. While most dogs with CKD have nor- JAVMA 2002; 220(8):1163-1170.
mal to decreased ionized calcium concentrations, about 2. O’Neill DG, Elliott J, Church DB, et al. Chronic kidney disease in dogs in UK
veterinary practices: Prevalence, risk factors, and survival. J Vet Intern Med
15% have ionized hypercalcemia. Serum total calcium is 2013; doi:10.1111/jvim.12090.
often discordant with ionized calcium measurements; 3. Parker VJ, Freeman LM. Association between body condition and survival
therefore, do not use it to predict levels of ionized calcium. in dogs with acquired chronic kidney disease. J Vet Intern Med 2011;
25(6):1306-1311; doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2011.00805.x.

THERAPEUTIC GOAL: Treat Renal Secondary Suggested Reading

Hyperparathyroidism Bartges JW. Chronic kidney disease in dogs and cats. Vet Clin North Am
Small Anim Pract 2012; 42(4):669-692.
Because calcitriol increases GI calcium and phosphorus Harley L, Langston C. Proteinuria in dogs and cats. Can Vet J 2012; 53(6):631-
absorption, make sure to achieve tight phosphorus control 638.
before initiating calcitriol therapy. Polzin DJ. Chronic kidney disease in small animals. Vet Clin North Am Small
Anim Pract 2011; 41(1):15-30.
• Control hyperphosphatemia to achieve IRIS CKD stage Polzin DJ. Evidence-based step-wise approach to managing chronic kidney
goal (Table 5). disease in dogs and cats. J Vet Emer Crit Care 2013; 23(2):205-215.
• Then measure PTH and ionized calcium to document
inappropriate PTH levels and low or normal ionized International Renal Interest Society webpage:
calcium concentration.
• Begin calcitriol therapy; administer on an empty stom-
JD Foster, VMD, Diplomate
• Monitor monthly for hyperphosphatemia, hypercalce- ACVIM, is a staff veterinar-
mia, and alterations in renal function. ian and director of the hemo-
dialysis and extracorporeal
MONITORING therapy program at University
Follow-up care is one of the most important aspects of a of Pennsylvania’s Ryan Veteri-
successful treatment plan. nary Hospital. His clinical spe-
• As CKD progresses, determine whether new treatments cialty is evaluating and treat-
or dosage adjustments to current medications are need- ing patients with all aspects
ed. of kidney and urinary tract disease. Dr. Foster per-
• Evaluate physical condition, blood pressure measure- formed prior research on immune-mediated poly-
ment, urinalysis (with sediment evaluation), renal val- arthritis and is currently investigating new therapies
ues with electrolytes, and PCV every 4 months mini- for renal disease, biomarkers of renal injury, and
mum. nontraditional uses of hemodialysis. He received his
• Perform urine culture whenever CKD acutely worsens degree from University of Pennsylvania.
to investigate for pyelonephritis. Due to obligatory poly-

26 Today’s Veterinary Practice September/October 2013

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