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Kenya and its Demographics:

Kenya lies in the heart of East Central Africa and shares its coast with the Indian Ocean. Kenya
is also named as ‘Cradle of Humanity’ due to its extensively caring and affectionate
environment. Kenya is considered to be the economic hub for central Africa along with its
extensive transportation facilities for central Africa. Kenya shares its boarders with Somalia and
Tanzania. Kenya total holds the area of 580367 square meters and coast line of 536 kilometers,
in which 11,277 square meters is consisted of Water whereas 569,140 square meters is land.
Kenya has a strong, enriched cultural diversity which adds to its beauty but in the meantime this
ethnic cultural diversity brings catastrophe as it add on to the social conflict. Kenya is currently
presided over by Uhuru Kenyatta. Kenya faces challenges as the natural calamity hits in the form
of drought and in the form of flood during rainy seasons. Kenya holds the vast population
number of nearly 46,790,758. This huge population of Kenya faces a cautious scenario as AIDS
is on the rise in people. According to an estimate 40% of the Kenyans are below the age of 15
which reflects to low mortality rate and early marriages. Kenya shares a huge number in the list
of immigrants and also shows high acceptance of refugees to the country. Kenya holds 580,000
refugees who belong to Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia. It has 1.81% population growth rate.
Among the entire population 78% are literate. Kenya divides 25.6% of its population in
urbanized environment while rest of 75% population is rural. GDP of Kenya is 152.7 billion
among which 77.6% is spent on household consumptions. Kenya holds 5.3% of its GDP for the
educational growth and its expenditure. Among the population of each gender, 81.1% male are
educated and 74.9% of females are educated. In coming ten years, the economic condition of
Kenya will be improved as its GDP is increasing and crossing the threshold GDP of World Bank.
It holds a huge population of children which will be available as workforce in coming ten years
as they reach there adulthood, hence we can conclude that the situation of Kenya is improving
and has a bright future ahead for economic development.



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