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The character 11 in the entire movie seems not

interested in whatever is going on and gets confused in
the end a bit and he changes his vote twice. Actually, he
is playing the side role in this movie. He was not
amongst the jury members who were not taking their
roles seriously and were only making the environment
more aggressive and under controlled. He was in fact
trying to controlling other members of the jury and
calming the environment. He was one of the member
who were ready with the decision almost immediately
when the discussion started, but later on the logic and
facts were presented he changes his opinion.

He is the person who start the situation with his facts.

He plays the most crucial role in the entire movie. He is
the only member of the jury who votes ‘not guilty’ and
withstand all the pressure from the other jury
members. He stands logically, calmly and competently
in the discussion. He draws his inferences using
various analytical tools and proving if something is
universally accepted, it doesn't have to be always
correct. He was the one who felt that the accused
may not be guilty from the beginning itself. An
architect by profession, he doesn’t lose his temper
even once and faced an uncompromising jury with
bravery. He believes that there is too much
at stake to pronounce the boy guilty
without discussing the aspects of the
crime in detail.

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