Crucible Lesson Plan 5

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English 3 R

Unit 1: Looking Back, "The Crucible" Act II

Scheduled to be taught on 09/30
Created by Davison, Alisha

1) Crucible Act II Guided Notes, Due 10/02/2019
Interdisciplinary Connections
Social Studies 6.1 U.S. History, Social Studies 6.2 World History/Global Studies
Technology Integration
Technology Integration: Empowered Learner, Digital Citizens, Knowledge Constructor, Creative Communicator
Equipment Needed
Goals and Objectives
[1.] SWBAT recognize and record that stories are often influenced by the historical context of the setting or of the author.
[2.] SWBAT support claims in a discussion with researched and recalled information.
[3.] SWBAT properly cite from a variety of texts and resources.
[4.] SWBAT synthesize information from multiple sources (multimedia, infographics, articles).
[5.] SWBAT highlight and analyze important details from the text to demonstrate proper note-taking.
YouTube Video, "The Crucible by Arthur Miller | Act 1 (Betty Is Bewitched) Summary & Analysis" - Instructor will play for students and watch with them, asking them to add to their
guided notes if they feel necessary to insert more information
Learning Activities or Instructional Strategies
Students will recap Act I of "The Crucible" by watching the YouTube video for a Do Now. Once the video is over, students will discuss amongst one another the major plot points
the video failed to include that are necessary to remember while beginning Act II. Predictions made from Act I will be questioned as to whether they stand among the students who
made them, or if they have faltered. Moving into their full-class literature circle, students will make verbal predictions for Act II, as they read Act II of Arthur Miller's, "The Crucible,"
aloud together, while updating their guided notes that they have provided for them on Google Classroom. Now that students have participated in a literature circle for the first Act of
"The Crucible," they will make their own discussion points and pose questions and observations amongst one another to further their comprehension of the plot and
characterization traits that are direct or indirect. For homework, students will add to their guided notes to include anything they thought of during the literature circle, or points that
they'd like to bring up for discussion in tomorrow's literature circle.
Visual- YouTube video, graphics, guided notes outline
Auditory- read text aloud, multimedia with closed captioning, full-class literature circle, discussion
Kinesthetic- reading text from book, adding to guided notes
Linguistic- class discussion, predictions, reading parts of the play
Resources Provided
Summary and Analysis of Act I Discussion with predictions (Formative)
"The Crucible" Act II Guided Reading Notes (Summative)
Literature Circle Discussion (Formative)

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1. 3.11-12.RIA Grade 12 CPI 01
Accurately cite strong and thorough textual evidence, (e.g., via discussion, written response, etc.), to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferentially,
including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
2. 3.11-12.RIA Grade 12 CPI 03
Analyze a complex set of ideas or sequence of events and explain how specific individuals, ideas, or events interact and develop over the course of the text.
3. 3.11-12.RIB Grade 12 CPI 05
Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her exposition or argument, including whether the structure makes points clear, convincing, and
4. 3.11-12.RIC Grade 12 CPI 09
Analyze and reflect on (e.g. practical knowledge, historical/cultural context, and background knowledge) documents of historical and literary significance for their themes,
purposes and rhetorical features, including primary source documents relevant to U.S. and/or global history.
Lesson Documents
1. Crucible Act II Guided Notes.pdf

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