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Sharing Jesus with a new generation

1. What is your first priority at the scene of an accident or emergency?

Answer: B - To check for danger to yourself and others

2. What is the best initial treatment for a burn?

Answer: C - Run under running water for up to 20 minutes

3. What is the correct procedure for performing CPR on a casualty?

Answer: D - 30 compressions & 2 breaths: rate of 100 compressions per minute

4. How should you best help someone suffering from shock?

Answer: C - Maintain body warmth but do not heat

5. What should you do if someone's been bitten by a snake?

Answer: A - Immobilise the limb using a compression bandage, rest and reassure
the casualty

6. A child is suffering from an asthma attack. What should you do?

Answer: B - Give them 4 puffs of any available Reliever inhaler (repeat every 4
minutes as required)

7. What is the best way to treat bleeding from a deep laceration?

Answer: C - Apply direct pressure to the wound, elevate and rest

8. Someone has slipped and twisted their ankle. There is pain and swelling. How could
you help?

Answer: B - Rest the ankle, apply an ice pack & compression bandage and
elevate the limb

9. How would you treat a casualty with a suspected broken arm?

Answer: D - Immobilise fractures gently and manage shock if necessary

We hope you enjoyed taking this First Aid Quiz. If you did well, congratulations! And if
you didn't do so well - don't worry, you can do a First Aid course or refresher course
through Crusaders. Just give us a call on (02) 9653 1676 (ext. 103) to find out more.

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