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23. Answer the following questions.
(i) What is a crucible?
(ii) What is an overture? Why does Miller use on in 'The Crucible'?
(iii) What is the purpose of Miller's comments and explanation throughout the play?
(iv) Why does Miller open Act IV of 'The Crucible' with a scene of madness?
(v) State the significance of fifth avenue parade in July 1917.
(vi) What does fore symbolize 'The Crucible'?
(vii) Interpret 'Them that will not confess will hang'.
(viii) How does Abigail thrives on the attention of all in the court and become the centre of
(ix) What does Abigail do when suspicion that she might be pretending fails on her?
(x) Why does Abigail accuse Proctor's wife?
(xi) What are Abigail's feelings towards John Proctor?
(xii) Why does John Proctor confess his act of adultery?
(xiii) Why has proctor refused to let Parris baptize his third child?
(xiv) How has Proctor earned his death?
(xv) Why is Cheever both astonished and afraid when he finds the puppet with the needle in it?
24. Answer the following questions.
(i) What does Reverend Hale mean when he says, 'There is blood in my head!'?
(ii) What does Hale mean when he says, 'Cleave to no faith when faith brings blood!'?
(iii) What do you know about Reverend Parris?
(iv) Why is Thomas Putnam willing to speak to witchcraft?
(v) What do you know about Tibuta?
(vi) Why does Mrs. Putnam contact Tibuta?
(vii) How does Marry Warren behave towards her employers?
(viii) What does Danforth mean when he says, 'we burn a hot fire here, it melts down all
(ix) What kind of government does Salem have?
(x) How does Andover differ from Salem?
(xi) What is the the function of Rebecca Nurse in 'The Crucible'?
(xii) How does Elizabeth deal with Abigail when she comes to know of illicit relations between
Proctor and her?
(xiii) What is Giles Corey's function in 'The Crucible'?
(xiv) Why is Giles Corey expelled from court?
(xv) How and why does Giles die? Why wasn't he hanged?
25. Symbolic Significance of the Title 'The Crucible'
26. Major Thematic Concerns in 'The Crucible'
27. Character Sketch of John Proctor
28. Character Sketch of Abigail

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