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Problem Set in Statistics

DBA Program

Use SPSS to answer the following problems. Refer to the attached data on Excel file. The given data
refers to the PUPCET performance of selected students.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of

1.1 Gender
1.2 Civil Status
1.3 Types of High School Graduated

2. What is the PUPCET performance of the students in the following subject areas?

2.1 Science and Mathematics

2.2 Verbal Reasoning
2.3 Abstract Reasoning

Use the following Scale

Percentage Interval Interpretation

94 - 100 Excellent
88 -93 Very Good
82-87 Good
76-81 Satisfactory
75 Fair
74 and below Poor

3. Is there a significant difference in the performance of the PUPCET Examinees in the three subject
areas when they are grouped according to their profile?

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