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Date : SEPTEMBER 18, 2019

Name :

Qualification :

_______________________ is committed to providing effective assessment processes

and resources. Your feedback is extremely critical to our ongoing continuous
improvement. Please take a moment to provide us with your thoughts regarding the
assessment process, materials and your own performance. Please place a circle around
the number which indicates your rating of the following:

Assessment Process Poor Fair Good Excellent

Ease of the assessment process 1 2 3 4

Information provided to students regarding 1 2 3 4
assessment process
Completeness of process 1 2 3 4

Assessment Materials/Forms Poor Fair Good Excellent

Clarity of assessment materials 1 2 3 4

Amount of detail for your to complete the tasks 1 2 3 4
Provision of assessment templates/examples 1 2 3 4

ASSESSOR Poor Fair Good Excellent

Assessor Skills 1 2 3 4
Assessor Knowledge 1 2 3 4
Assessor Conduct 1 2 3 4

What parts of the assessment went well? Why?


What parts of the assessment could be improved? Why? How?


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