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Lord and sent an arrow which cut and These words of Duryodhana were lustily

severed the head of the Radheya." cheered by the others. They supported his
The poet had not the heart to impute this stand and they chose Salya and gave him
act to Arjuna who was the embodiment of the supreme command from then on.
nobility. It was the Lord Krishna that Salya was mighty of limb and as brave as
incited Arjuna to kill Karna when he was any of the warriors who had been killed.
vainly trying to raise his chariot out of the The army was arrayed under his
mud in which it had stuck. According to leadership and the battle raged fiercely.
the code of honor and laws of war On the side of the Pandavas, Yudhishthira
prevailing then, it was wholly wrong. now led the attack personally against
Who could bear the responsibility for Salya. It astonished everyone to see how
breaches of dharma except the Lord the man, who was till then the very
Himself? The lesson is that it is vanity to incarnation of gentle ness, fought so
hope, through physical violence and war, furiously.
to put down wrong. The battle for right, The battle was equal for a long while,
conducted through physical force leads to when Yudhishthira hurled at Salya, his
numerous wrongs and, in the net result, spear that went straight and struck him.
adharma increases. Like the great flagstaff at the end of a
92. DURYODHANA festive function, Salya's body lay lifeless
WHEN Duryodhana beheld Karna's death, on the field, crimson with blood.
his grief knew no bounds. Kripacharya When Salya, the last of the great generals,
was deeply moved by Duryodhana's fell dead, the Kaurava army lost all hope.
anguish of heart and said: "Moved by The surviving sons of Dhritarashtra,
ambition and greed we placed too great a however, joined together and attacked
burden on friends. They have Bhima from all sides. He slew them all.
uncomplainingly borne it and laid down The son of Vayu had nourished his
their lives on the battlefield and attained burning anger for thirteen years from the
the happy regions above. There is but one time Draupadi was insulted in the Hall of
course left to you to make peace with the Assembly. He said to himself now: "I
Pandavas. Do not, O King, any longer have not lived in vain, but Duryodhana
continue this ruinous fight." still lives," and smiled grimly.
Even at that moment of deep despair, Sakuni led the attack on Sahadeva's
Duryodhana did not relish this counsel. division. After a while, Sahadeva
"Perhaps, there was a time for that, but it discharged a sharp-edged sword-arrow
is long past. What talk can there be of saying: "Fool, here is the reward for your
peace between the Pandavas and us with great sin." It went straight and cut through
all this inexpiable blood between us, the Sakuni's neck like a sword. And the head,
blood of our dearest and theirs? If I which was at the root of all the wicked
surrender in order to escape death, how deeds of the Kauravas, rolled on the
can I escape the contempt of the world? ground.
What happiness can I hope to have in a Left leaderless, the wreck of the broken
life so ignobly saved? And what joy can I army scattered and fled in all directions,
hope to find in sovereignty, secured by a pursued and slaughtered to a man by the
peace after my brothers and relatives have exulting victors.
all been slain?" "'Thus utterly was destroyed thine army of
eleven Akshauhinis, O! Bharata, out of

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