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Monitoring techniques; Learning objectives

neuromuscular blockade and After reading this article, you should be able to:

depth of anaesthesia C discuss the different patterns of nerve stimulation for neuro-
muscular monitoring
Alexander S Wycherley
C explain the operation of a range of depth of anaesthesia
Jane L Bembridge C relate the use of neuromuscular and depth of anaesthesia
monitoring to current guidelines
This article outlines the physical principles underlying peripheral nerve
stimulation and depth of anaesthesia monitoring in relation to anaes- Nerve stimulators
thesia. The patterns of nerve stimulation most commonly used in clinical The use of a nerve stimulator to determine residual NMB was
practice are described including train-of-four, double burst stimulation first described by Christie and Churchill-Davidson in 1958.4 A
and tetanic stimulation, as well as methods used to measure motor nerve stimulator is a battery powered hand-held device able to
response. The key technologies currently used to monitor level of con- generate and deliver an electrical DC current. Current is typically
sciousness during anaesthesia are also described, namely methods delivered transcutaneously using standard silver/silver chloride
based on electroencephalography and stimulus evoked potentials, ECG electrodes. Skin should be cleaned prior to the application of
including limitations of their use. Published clinical guidelines on the electrodes to reduce electrical impedance. The negative (black)
use of both nerve stimulators and level of consciousness monitors are cathode is placed over a distal point of the nerve, and the positive
also discussed. (red) anode is placed proximally.
Keywords Awareness; bispectral index; depth of anaesthesia; The diaphragm is relatively resistant to NMB. During induc-
monitoring; neuromuscular blockade; train-of-four tion and maintenance of anaesthesia, it is preferable to monitor a
similarly resistant muscle to ensure adequate relaxation, such as
Royal College of Anaesthetists CPD matrix: 1A03, 2A04 the orbicularis oculi above the eye (innervated by the facial
nerve). During recovery, monitoring of a more sensitive muscle,
such as the adductor pollicis of the thumb (ulnar nerve), is
A range of technologies exist to allow monitoring of the preferable to confirm full return of muscle power. Other sites
peripheral and central nervous systems during anaesthesia. used for monitoring include the common peroneal nerve at the
Knowledge of the physical principles underlying these tech- fibular head (causing ankle dorsiflexion) and the posterior tibial
nologies is essential to ensure correct use and avoid nerve at the ankle (causing ankle plantar flexion). The maximal
complications. stimulus is the current required to stimulate all nerve fibres in a
given nerve, and is typically 50 mA; however, this varies
Neuromuscular monitoring
inversely with impedance (typically 0e5 kU), which is deter-
Neuromuscular monitoring is essential during all phases of mined by: electrical contact, tissue thickness, hair, moisture, and
anaesthesia, especially during recovery from neuromuscular temperature. Most nerve stimulators deliver a supramaximal
blockade (NMB). The Difficult Airway Society (DAS) recom- stimulus that is 125% maximal stimulus. A number of different
mends the routine use of peripheral nerve stimulators to confirm patterns of stimulation can be used.
reversal of NMB prior to extubation.1 A number of clinical
techniques may be used to assess reversal of NMB, including the
Patterns of nerve stimulation
ability to protrude the tongue, lift the head for 5 seconds or
Single twitch: a single square wave is applied for 0.2 ms. This
deliver a vital capacity breath. These methods are prone to in-
can be delivered at repeated intervals, such as every second (1
fluence from factors such as residual sedation and patient
Hz). Its use is limited by the need for a control twitch as a
compliance. Guidelines on the Recommended Standards of
reference before the administration of a neuromuscular blocking
Monitoring from the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain
and Ireland (AAGBI) state that whenever muscle relaxants are
used, a nerve stimulator must be available during induction,
Train-of-four: the train-of-four (TOF) pattern was developed by
maintenance and recovery from anaesthesia.2 Despite this, a
Ali et al. in 1970 as a clinical tool for the assessment of NMB
2007 survey showed that less than 10% of UK anaesthetists
(Figure 1).5 TOF is especially useful when assessing the effects of
routinely use nerve stimulators.3
non-depolarizing drugs due to the phenomenon of fade, which
occurs due to depletion of pre-synaptic stores of acetylcholine.
Increasing non-depolarizing block causes twitch height to reduce
in a sequential manner, with T4 (the 4th twitch) disappearing
Alexander S Wycherley BSc MBChB FRCA is a Senior Anaesthetics Registrar
first and T1 last. The number of twitches seen is known as the
at Leeds Teaching Hospitals, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared.
TOF count (Table 1). During recovery, T1 reappears first and T4
Jane L Bembridge MBCh BFRCA is a Consultant Anaesthetist at Bradford last. At the reappearance of T3, reversal agents may be safely
Royal Infirmary, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. given to antagonize non-depolarising agents. The TOF ratio

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 15:6 300 Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en National Autonomous University of Mexico de por Elsevier en junio 09, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Patterns of nerve stimulation

Pattern of nerve Control/no block Partial non-depolarising Partial depolarising

stimulation blockade blockade

Train-of-four 0.2ms 500ms = 2Hz

T1 Fade No fade



Double burst 0.2ms 20ms = 50Hz

stimulation (DBS)
Fade No fade


Tetanic 0.2ms
stimulation 50Hz PTC > 5 Tetanic fade PTC = 5

No fade PTC > 5

5s 3s 1s = 1Hz

Figure 1

describes the difference in twitch height between T4 and T1. TOF is less useful in determining a partial depolarizing block.
Following the work of Ali et al., a TOF ratio of 0.7 was previously Depolarizing blocks do not exhibit fade, so each twitch is
accepted as demonstrating an adequate level of reversal; how- reduced equally. If large or repeated doses of depolarizing agent
ever, recent guidelines from DAS recommend a TOF ratio of 0.9 are given, a phase-II block may develop which exhibits many
or above prior to extubation.1 characteristics of a non-depolarizing block.

Train-of-four count Tetanic stimulation: where NMB is profound, high-frequency

stimulation can be used to induce tetanic muscular contraction.
Train-of-four count Twitches present Number of acetylcholine
Tetany mobilizes additional acetylcholine from the pre-synaptic
receptors blocked
nerve terminal and increases intracellular calcium levels, exag-
0 None 100% gerating the response to subsequent stimuli. Where TOF would
1 T1 90% fail to elicit a response, single twitches that follow tetanic stim-
2 T1, T2 80% ulation may elicit a response. This is known as post-tetanic
3 T1, T2, T3 75% potentiation (PTP). The post-tetanic count (PTC) is the number
4 All <75% of twitches seen after tetanic stimulation (Figure 1). The PTC is
inversely related to the time before reappearance of T1 of TOF,
Table 1 and is specific to individual anaesthetic agents. A tetanic

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 15:6 301 Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en National Autonomous University of Mexico de por Elsevier en junio 09, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

contraction in a non-depolarizing block will exhibit tetanic fade awareness to occur. It is important to continually monitor these
and PTP, whereas a depolarizing block will be uniformly reduced clinical signs during any anaesthetic, but they are not specific to
with no PTP. Tetanic stimulation is not routinely used as the level of consciousness. Measurement of end-tidal minimum alve-
intense stimulus may be extremely painful. olar concentration (MAC) is an essential monitoring standard for
Double burst stimulation: smaller degrees of neuromuscular patients receiving volatile anaesthetic agents;2 however, this does
block may be easier to detect using double burst stimulation not guarantee adequate DoA, as MAC can vary significantly with
(DBS) (Figure 1). The ratio between the height of the first and factors such as age, comorbidity and type of surgery. For patients
second twitch (DBS ratio) correlates well with the TOF ratio. receiving total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA), no monitoring
system currently exists that can measure real-time plasma or effect
Measuring response site concentrations of intravenous anaesthetic agents.
Although visual and tactile means are most commonly used to
interpret response to nerve stimulation, studies have shown that Level of consciousness monitoring
even experienced users are unable to detect fade with a TOF ratio Consciousness cannot be measured directly. The ‘isolated fore-
above 0.4 using TOF and 0.6 using DBS.6 This is much lower arm technique’ measures responsiveness to commands in a limb
than the 0.9 recommended by DAS.1 A number of more objective of an anaesthetized patient that is isolated from the effects of
methods exist to more accurately measure response to nerve NMB through application of a tourniquet. It is recognized by
stimulation (Table 2). some as the ‘gold-standard’ against which DoA monitors are
assessed, but the research technique is not suitable as a clinical
Depth of anaesthesia monitoring level of consciousness monitor. Specialist equipment has been
developed for wider clinical use. These devices all measure brain
Awareness remains a potentially devastating complication of electrical activity, either by analysis of spontaneous cortical
general anaesthesia, leading to long-term psychological trauma, electrical activity (electroencephalogram, or EEG) or by stimulus
and accounting for 10% of anaesthesia-related claims to the NHS evoked electrical activity (Table 3).
Litigation Authority. Previous studies have indicated an inci-
dence of awareness under general anaesthesia of 1e2 per 1000 EEG-based systems
cases. More recently, the baseline survey from the 5th National The most widely studied DoA monitor is bispectral index (BIS).
Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists found an BIS measures real-time EEG in the frontotemporal region of the
incidence of less than 1 in 15,000 as self-reported by UK anaes- brain using a disposable four-electrode sensor placed on the
thetists.7 Guidance from NICE advocates the use of depth of patient’s forehead. The phase relationships and frequency dis-
anaesthesia (DoA) monitors in patients at high risk of unintended tribution of component EEG waves are processed and modified
awareness,8 though their routine use is not a requirement of using power spectral analysis to identify specific patterns of EEG
minimum monitoring standards set by either the AAGBI or the activity.10 EEG patterns that correlate with sedation and loss of
American Society of Anesthesiologists.2,9 consciousness are identified using the BIS algorithm. A dimen-
sionless number is then generated ranging from 0 to 100 (the BIS
Clinical methods value). A signal quality index (SQI) is also displayed, indicating
Clinical signs such as sweating, lacrimation, and changes in heart the reliability of the BIS value (Table 3). BIS was developed by
rate, blood pressure and respiratory pattern may indicate a studying anaesthetized healthy volunteers and identifying the
reduction in level of general anaesthesia, with potential for EEG patterns that correlate clinically with sedation and loss of

Objective methods of measuring response to nerve stimulation

Technique Measurement Benefits Limitations

Mechanomyography A muscle is placed in a static Considered by many as Bulky and impractical for
(MMG) position under a fixed degree the ‘gold-standard’ method routine clinical use
of tension. A strain gauge
detects the change in muscle
tension during muscular
Electromyography Stimulating and recording Portable and easy to use Prone to interference
(EMG) electrodes are used to measure (movement, diathermy)
electrical action potentials
generated during muscular
Acceleromyography A piezoelectric ceramic wafer Convenient with results Cannot monitor tetany or
(AMG) is placed on an isolated muscle comparable to MMG double burst stimulation
and its acceleration is measured
during muscular contraction

Table 2

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 15:6 302 Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en National Autonomous University of Mexico de por Elsevier en junio 09, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Level of consciousness monitoring systems

Monitoring system Manufacturer Technology Upper monitoring Lower monitoring Target range for
range range anaesthesia

Bispectral index Covidien, Processed EEG 100 (awake) 0 (no EEG activity) 40e60 (SQI>85)
(BIS) (Mansfield, USA)
Narco-Compact M GE Healthcare Processed EEG A (awake) F (very deep hypnosis) E
(Chalfont St. Giles, UK)
M-Entropy MT MonitorTechnik Processed EEG 91 (awake) 0 (no EEG activity) 40e60
(Bad Bramstedt, Germany) and EMG
aepEX Medical Device Management Stimulus evoked 100 (awake) 0 (no EEG activity) 30e45
(Braintree, UK) potentials

EEG, electroencephalogram; EMG, electromyogram; SQI, signal quality index.

Table 3

consciousness. BIS is the only DoA monitor recommended by opiates, all of which are known to reduce MAC and level of
NICE for use in patients at risk of awareness and those receiving consciousness. Like all monitoring devices, DoA monitors
TIVA.8 should be used as an adjunct to e rather than a replacement for
The Narcotrend-Compact M monitor is another EEG-based e continuous clinical assessment, and their use should be
level of consciousness monitor that is similar to BIS. It ana- tailored to the patient and situation. Users require appropriate
lyses raw EEG data using power spectral analysis and automated training and experience before adopting them into their routine
pattern recognition algorithms (Table 3). clinical practice. A
M-Entropy combines EEG and electromyography (EMG) to
measure the irregularity of spontaneous brain and facial muscle
activity. During anaesthesia, EEG signals become more regular,
1 Mitchell V, Dravid R, Patel A, et al. Difficult Airway Society Guidelines
reducing the amount of disorder, measured as the EEG state
for the management of tracheal extubation. Anaesthesia 2012; 11:
entropy (SE). Stimulus evoked contraction of the frontalis and
facial muscles also become more regular, measured as the EMG
2 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. Rec-
response entropy (RE). With deepening anaesthesia, SE and RE
ommendations for standards of monitoring during anaesthesia and
values fall together, but a significant rise in RE compared to SE
recovery. 4th edn. 2007. Also available at:
may indicate an inadequate analgesic component of anaesthesia
publications/guidelines/docs/standardsofmonitoring07.pdf (accessed
(Table 3).
13 September 2013).
3 Grayling M, Sweeney BP. Recovery from neuromuscular blockade: a
Stimulus evoked potentials
survey of practice. Anaesthesia 2007; 62: 806e9.
Somatosensory evoked potentials have many clinical applica-
4 Christie TH, Churchill-Davidson HC. The St. Thomas’s Hospital
tions. When specific sensory modalities are stimulated, the
nerve stimulator in the diagnosis of prolonged apnoea. Lancet
electrical activity of corresponding regions of the brain can be
1958; 1: 776.
measured. All anaesthetic agents increase the latency and reduce
5 Ali HH, Utting JE, Gray C. Quantitative assessment of residual anti-
the amplitude of early cortical responses in a dose-related
depolarizing block (part II). Br J Anaesth 1971; 43: 478.
manner. The aepEX system uses auditory-evoked potentials
6 Drenck NE, Ueda N, Olsen NV, et al. Manual evaluation of residual
(AEP) to measure DoA. A disposable three-electrode sensor is
curarization using double burst stimulation: a comparison with train-
placed on the forehead and regular loud clicks are transmitted via
of-four. Anesthesiology 1989; 70: 578e81.
earphones at a nominal frequency of 7 Hz. AEPs are evoked and
7 Pandit JJ, Cook TM, Jonker WR, O’Sullivan E. A national survey of
by averaging a large number of EEG waveforms, the software can
anaesthetists (NAP5) baseline to estimate an annual incidence of
compensate for a low signal-to-noise ratio to produce an index
accidental awareness during general anaesthesia in the UK. Br J
value related to DoA (Table 3).
Anaesth 2013; 110: 501e9.
Limitations of depth of anaesthesia monitoring 8 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Depth of anaes-
All DoA monitors rely on steady-state conditions in normal thesia monitors e bispectral index, E-Entropy and Narcotrend-
brain tissue and may be affected by any factor that leads to Compact M. 2012. Available online at:
reduced cortical metabolism such as ischaemia, hypoxia or (accessed 13 September 2013).
hypothermia. Interference may also be caused by other external 9 American Society of Anesthesiologists. Practice advisory for intra-
factors such as diathermy, movement artefact and pacemakers. operative awareness and brain function monitoring. Task Force
There is often a significant time lag between measurement and Report. Anesthesiology 2006; 104: 847e64.
display of the index value. Some systems, including BIS, are 10 Sigl JC, Chamoun NG. An introduction to bispectral analysis for the
insensitive to agents such as ketamine, nitrous oxide and electroencephalogram. J Clin Monit 1994; 10: 392e404.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE 15:6 303 Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en National Autonomous University of Mexico de por Elsevier en junio 09, 2019.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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