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Vebry: “Hi, guys! Look at this! There’s a festival!” (while showing the phamphlet)

Sekar: “What kind of festival? Where?”

Vebry: “Pasar Raya Boga Festival at Manda Krida Stadium. Let’s go there!”

Sekar: “Is that a culinary festival?”

Vebry: “Yes, if you like it we can go there together. It’s totally free”

Sekar: “Okay, but when it takes time?”

Vebry: “Its 23rd-29th September 2019

Putri: “Amazing! So we can go there now, right?”

Sekar: “Of Course! C’mon!

Putri: “Hmm.. wait wait wait. What is Pasar Raya Boga Festival?”

Vebry: “It’s a festival that show you many food. Whether it’s a traditional food or modern food.
So, there’ll be plenty of food and beverages tenant right there and we can choose whatever we
want to!”

Sekar: “That’s all?”

Vebry: “No, there’ll be a live music too”

Putri: “Wow, it seems so fun, while we eating we also can enjoy the music”

Sekar: “Okay, let’s go there right now!”

After they arrive at Pasar Raya Boga Festival

Putri: “Wow, it’s so crowded here”

Vebry: “Absolutely! This festival only exist in once a year”

Sekar: “Wow, by the way, what you guys want to eat?”

Putri: “I want Ogura, Seblak, and Es Doger”

Vebry: “I want Nasi Krawu and Iced Coconut”

Sekar: “Hmm.. I want Sop Londho and Es Dawet”

Sekar, Vebry, and Putri then getting around to buy some food. And suddenly..

Putri: “It’s raining, right? Do you guys get wet?”

Sekar: “Yeah, it’s raining and getting soaker”

Vebry: “Let’s go there then (while pointing at a shelter) hope the rain will over soon”

Finally, Vebry, Putri, and Sekar go to the shelter

Vebry: “Guys, while waiting for the rain to stop. I want to ask what do you think about the festival
Pasar Raya Boga?”

Sekar: “I think the festival is very crowded and fun”

Putri: “I think so too… but by the why let's go to Pasar Raya Boga festival next year.”

Vebry: “Okay that's the great idea”

Sekar: “I also want to come along but together with you two”

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