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Dear Dexter,

You are so beautiful. You are so smart. You are an amazing person. I don't know what I
did to deserve you as my best friend or even remember how we met. You are someone
I will always cherish. You're such a great blessing and every day I thank God for your
mere existence. You simply make everything brighter. I'm lucky to have you by my side.
I just want you to know how much I appreciate you and how grateful I am for you. Thank
you for giving me your time.

Sincerely yours,

Jay Raphael Trio

Dear Mama and Papa,

There are not enough words to describe how thankful I am to the both of you. I know I
don't show how grateful I am enough, but I really am. You both have taught me so
much, and you going away to work and being apart from us has made me realize how
much you both mean to me. Thank you for the meals. Thank you for all the advice, even
when I don't take it. You guys are always right. Thank you for making me so happy.
Thank you for working so, so, so hard to be able to send m and my siblings to school.
That means the absolute world to me, and for that, I will never be able to repay you.
Thank you for giving me the life every child deserves, and being such wonderful
parents. I love you both for that and for so much more. But I am not sure if you know
how much I appreciate everything you have done for me, everything you continue to do
for me, and everything you will do for me. You two are my personal heroes. I look up to
both of you all the time, even when you do not realize it.

Sincerely yours,
Jay Raphael Trio
Your son

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