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What’s Your Story?


Personal Fitness: Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle
February 2019

“For me, the Y stands for an extension of family. I

would have never guessed that before joining the Y
or working here, but now after being here a while
and being in the environment, I see and feel it
every day. Before getting a membership here, I
would have said it was just a place to exercise, but
it is so much more than that. Not only do I feel it
myself, but I see it every day with the way
members and staff interact with each other,” Dave
Toole, Towpath Trail YMCA member and employee

Eleven years ago, in 2008, Dave was told he needed knee surgery. When the
doctor suggested losing some weight to make his recovery easier, he took it
to heart. He became a member of the YMCA that year and continues to be
active in his membership today. Currently visiting the fitness center five to six
days a week outside of his job at the Towpath Trail Y Welcome Center, he has
seen drastic changes in his health consisting of better eating, weight loss (a
total of 50 lbs), and lowered cholesterol. His favorite exercise is push-up
pyramids and other similar activities recommended by personal trainers, Dave
Lingo and Scott Laudermilk. Although he has seen a lot of positive changes
already, he still aims to lose some weight, but more importantly, to keep it off.
When asked what his life was like before joining the Y he states,

“I didn’t want to admit that I was overweight and needed a lifestyle change. I
guess I was happy where I was, but at the same time, I knew that I needed a
change. And when I first started working out I would gain a little weight back
here or there and before I knew it, I had gained all of it back. I am determined
to do it right this time.”

With his friends, family, and the health conscious atmosphere of the YMCA to
support and motivate him, Dave has maintained a healthy, positive attitude
that is helping him through his fitness journey. He embraces a happier outlook
on a day to day basis, saying, “I just seem to enjoy life more.” Something he
believes to be special about the YMCA is its friendly, relaxing, and welcoming
environment that makes working out something he can look forward to. He
“I’ve talked to a lot of people who’ve tried going to other fitness centers
around here, but they’ve come back to the Y because they just didn’t like the
atmosphere. They’re not near as friendly. There is a tremendous amount of
friendly people here. It’s hard to get a workout in sometimes because I run
into someone I know and wants to chat every time I turn around. What could
be an hour long workout turns quickly into two or three.”

He advises us not to give up saying, “If you feel like you are getting nowhere,
don’t forget about your family and friends around you. Look to them for
support and encouragement.”
Above all, Dave hopes that people will see the positive impact the YMCA has
had on his life and that it’s a good place to get healthy, stay healthy, and
meet new, amazing people. He passes on to us a piece of advice that his dad
used to tell him, “If you’re going to do it, do it right or don’t do it at all.”

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good
health, as it goes well with your soul.

For further inquiries or to submit your own story, please contact the author at

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