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Tµi liÖu «n thi tèt nghiÖp Phonetics

Ng÷ ©m ( phonetics)
I. Phô ©m (Consonants )
Nh÷ng mÉu tù sau ®©y chØ biÓu trng cho mét ©m duy nhÊt.
b, f, h,j , l, m, p, r, v, w, y
Ex: ban, fast, home……
1. M©u tù C: ®îc ph¸t ©m b»ng nhiÒu ©m: /s/ /k/ /∫ /
- Khi ®îc theo sau bëi e,i,y th× c ®îc ®äc lµ /s/ eg. cent, face, cigar, rice, bicycle,…..
- Khi mÉu tù c ®îc theo sau bëi bÊt cø mÉu tù nµo ngo¹i trõ e,i,ythif nã thêng ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ: /k/
eg. cat, come, can, picture, count, computer……
- MÉu tù c cßn ®îc phat ©m lµ / ∫ / eg. ocean, special, social, artificial, official, ……
2. MÉu tù D: /dʒ / , /d /
- MÉu tù d ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /d/ eg. do, made,bird, dirty, down…….
- D thØnh tho¶ng ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ / dʒ / eg. soldier, graduate, schedule,education…..
3. MÉu tù G /d /, ./g/. / ʒ /
- Khi mÉu tù g ®îc theo sau bëi e,i,y th× nã thêng ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /dʒ / eg. village, page, age, bridge,
origin, engineer, gym……
- Ngo¹i lÖ: get, tiger, gear, hamburger, gift….
- Khi g dîc theo sau bÊt k× mÉu tù nµo ngoµi e,i,y th× nã thêng ®äc nh /g/ eg. game, go, good,
guest, figure, drag, guard…..
- G cßn ®îc ph¸t ©m / ʒ / eg. massage, regime, mirage……
4. MÉu tù N /n/, / η /
- n thêng ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /n/ eg. no, not, natural, new, nice, necessary……..
- Khi n ®øng tríc mÉu tù mang ©m /k/ vµ ©m /g/ th× nã ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ / η /eg. uncle, drink, ink,
trunk, singer, longer, English, anger……
5. MÉu tù QU: /kw/, /k/
- qu thêng ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ: /kw/ eg. question, quiet, quick, require, queen…..
- thØnh tho¶ng qu ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /k/ eg. quay, technique, antique, liquor, queue….
6. MÉu tù S : /s/. /z/ , / ∫ /, / ʒ /
- th«ng thêng nã ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /s/ eg. see, sight, slow, cost,……
- nã cßn ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /z/ eg. has, is, because, jobs, rose,reason…….
- Nã cßn ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /∫ / ë mét sè tõ eg. sugar, sure…..
- Nã cã thÓ ®îc ®äc lµ / ʒ / eg., usual, pleasure…
* Quy t¾c ph¸t ©m mÉu tù s ë d¹ng ®éng tõ ng«i thø 3 sè Ýt, danh tõ sè nhiÒu vµ së h÷u c¸ch.
7. MÉu tù T: /t/ / ∫ / , / t∫ /
- Thêng ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /t/ eg. teacher, ten, tell, until, today……
- T tríc u thêng ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /t∫ / eg. picture, literature, century, fiture, culture….
Vµ ë c¸c tõ sau: question, suggestion….
- ‘t’ cßn ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ / ∫ / eg. notion, information, option, calculation, potential……
8. MÉu tù CH /t /, /k/, / ∫ /
- ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /t∫ / eg. cheap, chat, child, match…..
- cßn dîc ph¸t ©m lµ: /k/ eg. christmas, school, chemistry, echo, mechanic, chorus….
- Cßn ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /∫ / eg.machine, chef, chute, mustache, parachute…..
II. nguyªn ©m (vowels )

1. MÉu tù A: ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ

- / æ / ex. hat, bank, example, happen, have, camera, natural, family, fat, sad………
- / ei/ ex. paper, table, station, famous, page, cake, make, late…………..
- /ɔ:/ ex. tall, fall, call, all, already, warm, water, quarter, alter, althought, awful…..
- /e/ ex. many, any, anyone……………..
- /ə / ex. about, across, again, sofa, apartment, woman, another, banana, ……………
- /i/ ex. village, message, dosage……………..
- / ɔ / ex. want, watch, quantity, quality………………..
- /a:/ex. arm, art, farmer, harm, ask, after…………………
2. MÉu tù E: ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ:
- /i:/ ex. me, we, equal, even, these, complete, scene, extreme………………..

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Tµi liÖu «n thi tèt nghiÖp Phonetics
- /e/ ex. pen, bell, tell, went, left, expensive, better, seven, depend, telephone………..
- /i/ ex. English, enlarge, enable, enhance, pretty…………..
- / ə / ex. problem, open, kitchen, excellent, answer, teacher, writer, mother, another……
3. MÉu tù I : ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ:
- /i/ ex. ship, did, win, six, picture, fill, quick, ill, miss, listen, city, swim, big, ……
- /ai/ ex. decide, kite, drive, bike, idea, like, silent, mind, fine……………..
- / ə / ex. possible, similar, edible………………
4. MÉu tù O :®îc ph¸t ©m lµ:
- / ɔ / ex. dog, stop, shop, job, clock, bottle, box, not……………………..
- / ɔ: / ex. morning, sports, corner, short, more, before, score, bored …………………
- / ou/ ex. go, no, over, ago, both, older, told, sold, most, fold, home, hole, nose, phone..
- /ʌ / ex. wonderful, nothing, month, some, son, money, something, government…….
- / ə:/ ex. work, worse, worship, world, worm…………….
- / ə /ex. today, police, compare, second, introduce, welcome, handsome, purpose……
- /u / ex. woman, wolf …………..
5. MÉu tù U: ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ:
- / ʌ / ex. fun, bus, cut, husband, button……………………………
- /i / ex. busy, business …………………………………………….
- / u / ex. full, pull, push, put, sugar, ………………………………
- / ə / ex. upon, suggest, suppose, circus, autumn, picture, survive, future, century……
- /ju / ex. cure, curiosity, during……………………………..
- / ə: / ex. burn, burst, burglar, curtain, curse, furniture …………………………..
- /ju: / ex. duty, ……………………………………….
- /u:/ ex. rude, include ………………………….
6. MÉu tù Y: ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ:
- Khi mÉu tù y ë gi÷a mét tõ, nã thêng ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /i/ eg. gym, oxygen, syllable, myth, system,
synonym, sympathy, mystery, physics, typical ……………………
- MÉu tù y thêng dîc ph¸t ©m lµ /ai/ khi nã lµ ©m cuèi cña tõ 1 ©m tiÕt. Eg. dry, try, my, by,
- Khi y lµ mÉu tù cuèi cïng cña 1 tõ 2 ©m tiÕt trë lªn , nã thêng ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /i/. Eg. baby, worry,
happy, candy, lively …………………………………
- Y thêng dîc ph¸t ©m lµ /ai/ ë tõ cã ®u«i ify . eg. simplify, amplify, modify…… vµ c¸c tõ sau:
deny, reply, rely, apply, supply, July, multiply, ………………..
7. MÉu tù AI, AY
- /ei/ ex. aid, main, waist, wait, stain, laid, train, afraid, rain, paint, straight, tail, mail, sail,
- /eə / ex. pair, hair, air, chair, fair………………………….
- /ei/ ex. tray, play, may, stay, day…………………………
8. MÉu tù AU
- / ɔ: / ex. fault, audience, August, because, cause, caught, taught, daughter……………
- /a:/ ex. laugh, aunt…………………..
9. MÉu tù AW
- / ɔ: / ex. saw, awful, law, draw, dawn ……………………………….
10. MÉu tù EA ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ:
- /i:/ ex. tea, meal, cheap, speak, meat, easy, please, leave, peace, eat……
- /e/ ex. jealous, bread, breakfast, heavy, ready, dead, pleasure, health, head,………
- /ei/ ex. great, break, steak………..
- /a:/ ex. heart, ………………
- / ə: / ex pearl, heard, beard, earn, earth…………………
- / eə / ex. pear, bear…………………..
- / iə / ex. fear, hear, dear, near, ear……………………..


1. Nh÷ng tõ cã nhiÒu vÇn, thêng ®îc nhÊn m¹nh ë vÇn lµ ng÷ c¨n
Ex. ‘friendly Un’friendly Im’patient
Provided by: Nguyen Dinh Hung 2
Tµi liÖu «n thi tèt nghiÖp Phonetics
2. Nh÷ng tõ cã hai vÉn thêng ®îc nhÊn vµo ©m ®Çu nÕu nã lµ danh tõ hoÆc tÝnh tõ vµ nhÊn ©m
thø hai nÕu nã lµ ®éng tõ.
Ex. Ñn’joy ‘happy ‘table
3. Nh÷ng tõ cã hai vÇn tËn cïng b»ng –ANT hay – ENT thêng ®îc nhÊn m¹nh ë vÇn ®Çu.
Ex. ‘distant ‘current
4. Nh÷ng tõ cã 2 vÇn tËn cïng b»ng ER th× thêng ®îc nhÊn m¹nh ë vÇn ®Çu.
Ex. ‘father
5. Nh÷ng tõ cã 2 vÇn mµ vÇn ®Çu lµ mÉu tù a( hay tiÕp ®Çu ng÷ a) th× lu«n lu«n ®îc nhÊn m¹nh
ë vÇn thø 2
Ex. a’gain, a’go, a’sleep
6. Nh÷ng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ETY, ITY, ION, ICAL, OUS cã chñ ©m ë vÇn liÒn tríc nh÷ng tËn cïng
Ex. e’quality e’lection ‘famous
7. Trong nh÷ng tõ cã trªn 3 vÇn ( 4 hoÆc 5 vÇn) th× chñ ©m thêng ë vÇn thø 3 ®Õm tõ cuèi lªn.
fa’miliar phi’losophy ge’ography
8. Nh÷ng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ATE, nÕu lµ tõ cã 2 vÇn, th× chñ ©m ë vÇn thø nhÊt. NÕu lµ tõ cã 3 vÇn
trë lªn th× chñ ©m ë vÇn thø 3 ®Õm tõ cuèi lªn.
‘climate com’municate
9. Nh÷ng tõ tËn cïng b»ng URE thêng ®îc nhÊn m¹nh ë vÇn tríc tËn cïng nµy.
‘lecture ‘nature ad’venture
10. Nh÷ng ch÷ tËn cïng b»ng ADE, ESE, EE, EER,OO, OON, ®îc nhÊn m¹nh ë ngay chÝnh tËn cïng
Lemo’nade Vietna’mese Engi’neer
Mét sè lu ý vÒ ph¸t ©m:
1. C¸ch ph¸t ©m c¸c tõ tËn cïng víi ‘s/ es’
- ‘s/ es’ ®äc lµ /z/ khi c¸c tõ ®i sau c¸c ©m h÷u thanh (trõ 3 ©m: z, ʒ, dʒ )
- ‘s/ es’ ®äc lµ /s/ khi ®i sau c¸c ©m v« thanh (trï 3 ©m: s, ∫, t∫ )
- ‘s/ es’ ®äc lµ /iz/ khi ®i sau c¸c ©m : z, ʒ, dʒ , s, ∫, t∫
C¸c ©m h÷u thanh vµ v« thanh trong TiÕng Anh gåm:
- H÷u thanh : b, d, g, v, đ ,z, ʒ, dʒ, m, n, η, l, r, w + toµn bé nguyªn ©m
- V« thanh : p, t, k, f, θ, s, ∫, t∫ , h
2, C¸ch ph¸t ©m c¸c tõ tËn cïng víi ‘ed’
- C¸c ®éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ‘ed’ ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /d/ khi đ i sau c ác âm h ữu thanh (trõ ©m /d/).
- C¸c ®éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ‘ed’ ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /t/ khi ®i sau c¸c ©m v« thanh (trõ ©m /t/
- C¸c ®éng tõ tËn cïng b»ng ‘ed’ ®îc ph¸t ©m lµ /id/ khi ®i sau c¸c ©m /d/ vµ /t/.
- The nature of stress:
- Louder
- Longer
- More qualified vowels
- Higher
- The rules:
A/ Two syllable Verbs = Two syllable Adjectives
- oO: The 2nd consists of:
- a long vowel
- a dipthong (but /ou/)
- more than 1 final consonant
eg: refer, design, perfect
Not: visit, borrow, open
B/ Three syllable verbs
- oOo: The 3rd consists of:
- a short vowel
- less than 1 final consonant
eg: consider, determine, interpret
- ooO: The 3rd consists of:

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Tµi liÖu «n thi tèt nghiÖp Phonetics
- a long vowel
- a dipthong ( but /ou/)
- more than 1 consonant
eg: introduce, entertain, recollect
- Ooo: The 3rd consist:
- final “ate”
- final “fy”
- / ai/
Eg: concentrate, certify, calculate, criticise
I/ Two syllable nouns
- oO: The 2nd consists of:
- a long vowel
- a dipthong ( but / ou/)
eg: routine, design
NOT: student, sorrow
II/ Three syllable nouns= three syllable Adjectives
- oOo: - The 3rd consists of:
 a short vowel
 /ou/
- The 2nd consists of:
 a long vowel
 a dipthong
 More than 1 final consonant
Eg: potato, disaster, mimoza
- Ooo: - the 3rd consists of:
 a short vowel
 /ou/
- The 2nd consists of:
 a short vowel
 /ou/
Eg: cinema, camera, evidence
- Ooo: The 3rd consists of:
- a long vowel
- a dipthong
- more than 1 final consonant
eg: photograph, marigold, intellect
Compound words
I/ Noun + noun: Stress falls on the 1 noun
Eg: handbag

II/ Adj + noun: Stress falls on Noun

Eg: loudspeaker, firstclass
‘Greenhouse, ‘gentleman, ‘background, ‘supermarket, ‘superstructure, ‘blackboard, ‘infrastructure,
‘blackmail,’whitehouse, ‘blueprint
III/ prefix + stem + suffix
- No rule for prefix
 suffixes that carry primary stress:
- ain: entertain, contain
- ee: trainee ( but em’ployee)
- eer: engineer, career
- ese: vietnamese
- ette: cigarette, cassette
- esque: picturesque
- ique: technique
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Tµi liÖu «n thi tèt nghiÖp Phonetics
 Suffixes that carry primary stress before them
- tion: ‘nation, fiction,celabtation
- graphy: ge’ography
- ical: initial, potential
- ic: economic
- ion: internation
- ious: delicious
- ity: ability
- ive: expensive
- itive/ ative: talkative, infinitive
I. Identify the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest.
Câu 1: A. happen B. calculate C. add D. radio
Câu 2: A. missed B.worked C. realized D. watched
Câu 3: A. program B. ago C. sand D. dam
Câu 4: A. airports B. suitcases C. things D. calculators
Câu 5: A. shops B. notes C. mouths D. blacksmiths
Câu 6: A. passed B. moved C. wished D. touched
Câu 7: A. wanted B. needed C. picked D. visited
Câu 8: A. learned B. confused C. played D. decided
Câu 9: A.prefer B. hero C. discover D. brother
Câu 10: A. iron B. erase C. era D. rank
Câu 11: A. climate B. time C. timber D. claim
Câu 12: A. hunting B. honest C. high D. hill
Câu 13: A. success B. use C. united D. unit
Câu 14: A. books B. hats C. lakes D. roses
Câu 15: A. dirty B. guitar C. listen D. thirsty
Câu 16: A. chain B. choicer C. school D. chocolate
Câu 17: A. feather B. leatherr C. measure D. feature
Câu 18: A. Valentine B. imagine C.discipline D. magzine
Câu 19: A. luxury B. example C.exist D. exam
Câu 20: A. honourable B. honesty C. hiseric D. hour
Câu 21: A. proofs B. regions C. lifts D. rocks
Câu 22: A. helped B. saved C. lived D. applied
Câu 23: A. sometimes B. gestures C. languages D. examples
II. Find the word that has stressed syllable different from the others.
Câu 1: A. comment B. endurance C. decorate D. incidence
Câu 2: A. explaination B. experiment C. accomplishment D. discovery
Câu 3: A. birthday B. cowboy C. enjoy D. pleasure
Câu 4: A. generation B. American C. preparation D. independent
Câu 5: A. solidarity B. enthusiast C. energetic D. international
Câu 6: A. appeal B. appalled C. among D. awful
Câu 7: A. majority B. minoriry C. partnership D. enjoyable
Câu 8: A. marvellousl B. argument C. apoplectic D. maximum
Câu 9: A. bridegroom B. bamboo C. wedding D. survey
Câu 10: A. memory B. typical C. reward D. marketing
Câu 11: A. degree B. virtually C. assembly D. synthetic
Câu 12: A. authority B. eliminate C. education D. eradicate
Câu 13: A. coroperation B. technology C. preparation D. disappointment
Câu 14: A. language B. evidence C. disadvantage D. products
Câu 15: A. contract B. continent C. constant D. consider
Câu 16: A. protect B. open C. apply D. suggest
Câu 17: A. bamboo B. refugee C. chemistry D. balloon

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