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Name: Rahul Bhandari

Title of lesson: Distance Formula, Midpoint, & Slope

Length of lesson: Three 50 minute class periods

Description of the class:

Name: Geometry
Grade level: High School
Honors or regular: Honors

TEKS addressed:

(a) Basic understandings.

2) Geometric thinking and spatial reasoning. Spatial reasoning plays a critical role in
geometry; shapes and figures provide powerful ways to represent mathematical situations
and to express generalizations about space and spatial relationships. Students use
geometric thinking to understand mathematical concepts and the relationships among

(4) The relationship between geometry, other mathematics, and other disciplines.
Geometry can be used to model and represent many mathematical and real-world
situations. Students perceive the connection between geometry and the real and
mathematical worlds and use geometric ideas, relationships, and properties to solve

(6) Underlying mathematical processes. Many processes underlie all content areas in
mathematics. As they do mathematics, students continually use problem-solving,
computation in problem-solving contexts, language and communication, connections
within and outside mathematics, and reasoning, as well as multiple representations,
applications and modeling, and justification and proof.

(b) Geometric structure: knowledge and skills and performance descriptions.

(2) The student analyzes geometric relationships in order to make and verify conjectures.
Following are performance descriptions.

(A) The student uses constructions to explore attributes of geometric figures and
to make conjectures about geometric relationships.
(B) The student makes and verifies conjectures about angles, lines, polygons,
circles, and three-dimensional figures, choosing from a variety of approaches such
as coordinate, transformational, or axiomatic.

The Lesson:

I. Overview
The goal of this lesson is to have students determine the distance formula and
relate this to the equation of a circle. Students will determine the formulas for
midpoint and slope. This will be done through problem-solving.

II. Performance or learner outcomes

The students will be able to: determine the distance formula and be able to
relate this to the equation of a circle. Also, students will determine the formulas
for midpoint and slope.

III. Resources, materials and supplies needed


IV. Supplementary materials, handouts.

Handout for Homework—Attached

Day 1

Five-E Organization

Teacher Does Student Does

Learning Experience Student Activity
Quickly review Pythagorean Theorem. Students are listening and answering
(assess prior knowledge) questions.
Set up problem that asks students to find
formula for the shortest distance between 2

Questions Expected Student Answers

1. What is the formula for the Pythagorean 1. c2 = a2 + b2
Theorem? 2. right triangles
2. What kind of triangles is this for? 3. a straight line
3. What is the shortest way to get from
Wal-Mart to Target?

Teacher will make sure students are on task and participating.

Teacher Does Student Does

Learning Experience(s) What the students are doing
Teacher is walking around to each group Students are working in groups to discover
assessing their progress. the distance formula.

Questions Expected Student Answers

1. What approach are you using to 1. Answer will vary depending on
solve this problem? group.
The teacher will walk around the room to assess each groups’ progress.

Day 2

Teacher Does Student Does

Learning Experience(s) What the students are doing
Teacher is listening to students’ ideas. Groups are presenting their work.
Calling on different students to give their
opinions. Students are listening and correcting their

Questions Expected Student Answers

Questions will depend on students’ Students will answer depending on the
approaches. question.

Teacher will summarize his/her

approach to help students grasp the
Teacher’s Approach:
Questions: Expected Student Answers
1. What is the first thing we have to 1. Graph the points.
2. What formula do you have to use to 2. The Pythagorean Theorem.
find the distance formula?
3. Show different triangles and ask if 3. No
the theorem can be applied to them.
4. How do you know to use this 4. The intersection made it a right
theorem? (Have them say which triangle.
sides are a, b, and c.)
5. What problem do you have using 5. No side lengths were given.
6. How do you find the side lengths so 6. By labeling the points. (x1, y1)
you can use the theorem? and (x2, y2)
7. How do you use this to find the side 7. x2-x1 is one side and y2-y1 is the
length? other.
8. Call two students to demonstrate 8. demonstrating distance.
distance between two horizontal or
vertical points.
9. How do you use these and the 9. By plugging in a=x2-x1, b=y2-y1, and
Pythagorean Theorem to find the c is what we are looking for.
distance formula?
10. So, what is the distance formula? 10. c2=(x2-x1)2 + (y2-y1)2


The teacher will ask questions to guide the review and the steps to take to find the formula.

Teacher Does Student Does

Extend / Elaborate:
Learning Experience(s) What the students are doing
If time permits, show students how this Students are listening and paying attention to
formula relates to the equation for a circle. teacher.
Teacher will assign worksheet for
homework extra practice. Students are excited to use the new approach
to find out the distance between two points.

Each student is looking at the questions and thinking about how they will solve them at home.

Day 3
Five-E Organization

Teacher Does Student Does

Learning Experience Student Activity
Reintroduce graph from first day. Students are listening and answering
Reflect on constructing a perp. line with a questions.
compass to show them the midpoint.
1. How do you draw a perpendicular Expected Student Answers
line recalling the lesson on Friday? 1. With a compass. Students will
(have them explain) explain how.
2. Is there a midpoint on this line? 2. Yes, the point where the perp. line and
the original line intersect.
3. What is a midpoint? 3. A point half-way between two points
on a line.
4. Can anyone define slope? 4. Slant—rate of change.

5. Think about the slope of this line. 5. Students will get into groups.
Can you find it?


Teacher will make sure students are on task and participating.

Teacher Does Student Does

Learning Experience(s) What the students are doing
Teacher is walking around to each group Students are working in groups to discover
assessing their progress. the midpoint formula. Once a group has it,
teacher will okay to move on to finding the
slope formula.

Questions Expected Student Answers

1. What approach are you using to 1. Answer will vary depending on
solve this problem? group.
The teacher will walk around the room to assess each group’s

Teacher Does Student Does

Learning Experience(s) What the students are doing
Teacher is listening to students’ ideas. Groups are presenting their work.
Calling on different students to give their

Questions Expected Student Answers

Questions will depend on students’ Students will answer depending on the
approaches. question.

Teacher will summarize his/her Students are listening and correcting their
approach to help students grasp the mistakes.
Explain that we rise before we run.
(example of stairs)

Teacher’s Approach: Expected Student Answers

Questions: 1. Students are paying attention.
1. Teacher will give a real life
example to explain midpoint
2. What is the formula for the 2. x=(x1+x2)/2 and y=(y1+y2)/2
3. What does the slope tell us? 3. rate of change
4. What is the formula for the slope? 4. (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

The teacher will ask questions to guide the review and the steps to take to find the formula.

Teacher Does Student Does

Extend / Elaborate:
Learning Experience(s) What the students are doing
Teacher will assign worksheet for Students are excited to use the new approach
homework extra practice. to find midpoint and slope.

Each student is looking at the questions and thinking about how they will solve them at home.

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