Soal B. Inggris

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A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, or E !

1. Which sentence uses too correctly ?

A. Don’t wear the drees! It’s too beautiful. D. Change your clothes! Those clothes are too dirty.
B. Jemma is too beautiful. She’s the prettiest girl I E. John drinks much too.
C. Dika is too smart. He never studies
2. I don’t feel very well. I’ve eaten ............ much.
A. much D. so
B. many E. enough
C. too
3. He’s ............young to vote, but old …………… to go to war.
A. too, enough D. much, enough
B. enough, enough E. too, too
C. enough, too
4. ……… you open the window a bit, please?
A. may D. be able
B. might E. could
C. able to

The text is for questions 5-7

It’s Julie’s birthday. She gets lots of presents. She gets a dress from her grandmother. It’s red, yellow and
orange. She doesn’t like it. It’s too bright.
She gets some trainers from her aunt. They’re great but she can’t wear them because they’re size 38 and
she’s size 39. They aren’t big enough.
She also gets some trousers from her mom. Thet’re nice colours but they’re too long. You can’t see her
Her dad gives her a book about cats because she loves cats. However, it’s in English and she can’t read it. It’s
Shinta, her best friend give her a T-shirt and it’s perfect! It can’t too big or too’s just right. She’s
wearingit now.
5. Whose birthday present that Julielikes most?
A. Her grandmother D. Her aunt
B. Her mom E. Her best friend
C. Her Father
6. Why does Julie not like the presents from her mom?
A. They’sre nice colours D. They’re too bright
B. They’re too long E. They’re too big
C. They’re perfect enough
7. “She gets some trainers from her aunt. They’re great but she can’t wear them because they’re size 38 and she’s size
39. They aren’t big enough”. From the paragraph we can conclude that ………
A. Julie like’s the present D. Julie thinks that the present is big enough
B. Julie is upset with the present E. Julie thinks that the present aren’t great
C. Julie wants to wear the present
8. We ……… get to the meeting on time yesterday, because the train was delayed by one hour.
A. can D. couldn’t
B. can’t E. is able to
C. could
9. He ……. Arrive at the party on time, even after missing the train, so he was very pleased.
A. can D. couldn’t
B. can’t E. is able to
C. could
10. She’s seven years old, but she can’t read yet. Her parents are getting her extra lessons.
A. The grammar of the first and second sentence are C. The grammar of the first sentence is correct while
correct and both of them show cause and effect the grammar of the second sentence are incorrect
correlation. D. The grammar of the first sentence is incorrect
B. The grammar of the first and second sentence are while the grammar of the second sentence are
correct and both of them don’t show cause and effect correct
correlation. E. The grammar in both the first and second sentence
are wrong.
The text is for questions 11-13
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein is one of the most notable and influential scientists of the twentieth century. Although he
became known as a genius of science and gained considerable fame later in life, as a child he was slow in learning to
speak, and had a rebellious nature towards the conventional styles of learning at school, which left many teachers
to believe he would amount to little.
Inspired by a compass, his “sacred little geometry book”, and classical music, his interest in science and
mathematics grew and by the age of sixteen he was writing his first research science paper, and attempting to skip
the last few years of high school to enter the Swiss Institute of Technology. He failed the entrance exam but set a
precedent in his life for thinking outside of the box and challenging the rules.
His most famous discovery is the theory of relativity, E=MC², which overturned Isaac Newton’s laws by
explaining the relation of energy and mass as a consequence of space and time. First introduced in a 3-page paper
in 1905, the theory was so revolutionary it couldn’t be proven until more advanced technology was available years
Albert Einstein is not only a word-renowned scientist who left an indelible mark On the word but also an icon
of popular culture whose name and image have come to represent genius and intellect.

11. Who was Albert Einstein?

A. A wealthy man D. A technician
B. A teacher E. A prosperous man
C. A scientist
12. Which statement is not true according to the text?
A. Einstein best theory is about relativity. D. Einstein’s become an icon of popular culture.
B. Theory of relativity explains about the mass and time. E. Einstein’s was the smartest student since he was a
C. Einstein’s paper about relativity theory were child.
introduced in 1905.
13. “Albert Einstein is not only a word-renowned scientist who left an indelible mark on the word ……. “ The word
”who” refers to …
A. the theory D. Einstein
B. a world-renowned E. the scientist
C. famous
14. Something good or value that can we learn from a biographical text is called ?
A. Moral lesson D. Language feture
B. General description E. Linking verbs.
C. Purpose of a text
15. The following are the language features of a biographical recount, except …………
A. It tells about a specific figure. D. It uses action verbs.
B. It uses words that could link the time. E. It uses simple past, present, and future tense.
C. It tells about the events that already happened in a
someone’s life.
16. Deni imagines that his cat could fly and take his ball on the roof.
The action verb on the sentence above is ………….
A. that D. could
B. imagine E. on the roof
C. fly

17. I created the presentation after I researched the materials.

The linking word of time on the sentence above is indicated by the word ………..
A. created D. the presentation
B. after E. materials
C. researched
18. This wooden table ……….. by the carpenter yesterday. (bring)
The correct verb to complete the sentence above is ……….
A. were bought D. have brought
B. is bringing E. is brought
C. brings

The text is for questions 19-20

R. Soekarno (was born in Blitar, East Java, on June 6 1901 - died in Jakarta, on June 21 1970 in the age 69 years)
was Indonesian President first the hold the office of in the period 1945 – 1966. He played the role important to
liberate the Indonesian nation from Dutch colonization. He was the Kepancasilaan excavator.he was the Proclaimer
of Indonesian Independence (was with Mohammad Hatta) that happened on Agust 17 1945.
Graduate from H. B. S. in 1920, Soekarnocontinued to Technische Hoge School (now ITB) in Bandung, and was
finished during 1925. During in Bandung, Soekarno interacted with Tjipto Mangunkusumo and Dr. Douwes Dekker,
that at time were the leader of the National Indische Partij organization.

19. When did Soekarno graduate from his college ?

A. in 1966 D. in 1920
B. in 1930 E. in 1925
C. in 1945
In Surabaya, Soekarno often met the leaders of the islam union, the organisation that was led by Tjokrominoto at
the time.
Soekarno afterwards gathered with the jong java organization (the Javanese Young Man)
A. The sentence of the first and second are correct and D. The first sentence is incorrect while the second
both of them show cause and effect correlation. sentence is correct.
B. The sentence of the first and second are correct but E. Both the first and second sentence is in correct and
both of them don’t show cause and effect correlation they don’t show cause and effect correlation.
C. The first sentence is correct while the second
sentence is incorrect.
21. Roni : I don’t know where to go on this weekend
Adit : ………………….
Roni : thank’s for your advice
The following are the appropriate advice to complete the dialogue above, except …….
A. You should visit the beach near my house. It is D. You should aks your parents. Maybe theywill
fantastic! spend the weekend together with you.
B. You should have made a plane before! Poor you E. You should go to the nearest place if you want to
C. I think you should help your parents at home spend your weekend outdoor since it is rainy day.
22. Yani : when should I return your car?
Gerard : …….. in tomorrow, before I go to my office.
A. You should return it D. I will go to the office
B. I must return it E. I am going to go to the office
C. You should go to the office
23. Dion : …… it’s time for me to catch my plane.
Ferry : Ok, but be careful.
A. Let’s go to get the plane D. We must go now!
B. Oh, it’s5 pm E. I will meet the passangers
C. I am going to the airport
24. Will-there-great-about-next-investment-in-be-Indonesia-year-opportunity
The best arrangement is …………
A. Will be there great opportunity about investment in D. Investment in Indonesia next year will be great
Indonesia next year. opportunity about there.
B. Next year there will be great opportunity about in E. There will be great opportunity about investment in
investment Indonesia. Indonesia next year.
C. There be great opportunity will about investment in
Indonesia next year
25. Olga : Are you going to visit Jenny?
Heni : Yes, why ?
Olga : …….. She like mangoes very much.
A. I will go to the market D. You should buy her mangoes
B. She will buy mangoes E. She is going to plant mangoes
C. My neighbor sellsmangoes

The dialogue is for number 26-30

Julie is very upset about her oily skin. So she asks Mary for advice
Julie : Hi, Mary, I know you’re an expert in skincare.
Mary : well, I wouldn’t say that, but I know something. So how can I help you?
Julie : I think I have an oily skin and there are always small bumps here and there on my face. How can I get
rid of them? They’re really irritating!
Mary : Well, I would suggest that you must wash your face often. Every night you should rinse your face with
lukewarm water, then pat it dry with a clean towel. Make sure you don’trub it dry. Then you apply this
cream to your face
Julie : Oh, this cream?
Mary : Yeah, It’s pretty effective in wiping out pore clogging dirty and oil. It rids your face of dead cells and
helps stimulate circulation.
Julie : Wow!
Mary : Once more, start avoiding fried food, coconut milk by now. Consume more vegetables and fruits.
Julie : I’ll keep that in mind!
Mary : Of course. Also, It is necessary to get a facial every four to six weeks for a deep cleaning.

26. What is going on to Julie ?

A. She is very upset D. She does not like fried food
B. She has oily skin and there are always small bumps E. She must avoid fruits and vegetables
C. She does not wash her face
27. Does Mary suggest something to julie?
A. Yes, she does D. No, she did not
B. Yes, she did E. No, she would not
C. No, she does not
28. Based on Mary’s suggestions, what should Julie do?
A. Keep them in mind and consume fried food D. Avoid fried food and wash face very often
B. Wash face very seldom and consume fruit and E. Consume fried food and get facial every month
C. Get facial very aften and consume fruits and
29. “Make sure you don’t rub it dry.” What is the synonym of the italicized word?
A. rob D. osculate
B. tig E. finger
C. scrub
30. What is the effect of eating fried food and coconutmilk based on the dialogue above?
A. They can cause cholesterol on your body. D. They can cause oily skin and pore clogging dirt.
B. They can make the small bumps on your face E. They can affect to your skin to be very dry.
disappear easily
C. They will wiping out pore clogging dirt and oil.
31. Waiter : Sorry sir, there’s only one porsion of chicken soup left.
Mr. Phil : Well, Sally, you got here before me. You have it …………
A. a friend in need is a friend in deed. D. better late than never
B. first come, first served E. eat to live, but do not live to eat
C. a hungry man is an angry man
32. Andy : Ryan, you look so sad. What’s going on?
Ryan : My father give me money to pay my tuition, but it was lost.
Andy : Don’t worry, I’ll lend you my money.
Ryan : Well. Thank you very much. I really didn’t know if I could count on you to lend me the money ……..
A. A faithful friend is a medicine for life D. A friend in need is a friend indeed
B. A faithful friend is better than gold E. All that glitters is not gold
C. Where there’s a will there’s a way
33. Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
A. correct D. correctly
B. correctness E. incorrectly
C. correctable
34. Vicky : Timmy, how old are you?
Timmy : In two years I will be twice as old as I was five years ago.
How old is Timmy?
A. 8 years D. 11 years
B. 9 years E. 12 years
C. 10 years
35. If there are 3 aooles and you take away 2, how many do you have?
A. 1 D. 4
B. 2 E. 5
C. 3

B. Essay
RADEN Adjeng Kartini was born to a noble family on April 21, 1879, in the villGE OF Mayong, Java,
Indonesian. Kartini’s mother, Ngasirah, was the daughther of a religious scholar. Her father, Sosroningrat, was a
Javanese aristoracrat working for the Ducth colonial government. This afforded Kartini the opportunity to go to a
Dutch school, at the age of 6. The school opened her eyes to Western ideals. During this time, Kartini also took
sewing lessons from another regent’s wife, Mrs. Marie Ovink-Soer. Ovink-Soer imparted her feminist views to
Kartini, and was therefore instrumental in planting the seed for Kartini’s later activism.
Struggling to adapt to isolation, Kartini wrote letters to Ovink-Soer and her Dutch school mates, protesting
the gender inequality of Javanese traditions such as forced marriages at young age, which is denied women the
freedom to pursue an education.
Ironically, in her eagerness to escape her isolation, Kartini was quick to accept a marriage proposal
arranged by her father. On November 8, 1903, she wed the regent of rembang, Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat was 26
years older than Kartini, and already had three wives an 12 children. Kartini had recently been offered a scholarship
to study aboard, and the marriage dashed her hopes of accepting it. According to Javanese tradition, at 24 she was
too old to except to marry well.
On September 17, 1904, at the age of 25, Kartini died in the regency of Rembang, Java, of complications
from giving brith to her first child. Seven years after the death, one of her correspondents, Jacques H. Abendanon,
published a collection of kartini’s letters, entitled “From darkness to Light: Thoughts About ad on Behalf of the
Javanese People.”In Indonesia, Kartini Day is still celebrated annually on Kartini’s birthday.

1. What does the text above tell about ?

Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. What tenses which are mostly used in the text above?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. “Kartini had recently been offered an scholarship to study aboard, and the marriage dashed her hopes
of accepting it.” (paragraph 3)
What does the word “it” refer to?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. How is the generic structure of the text?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Based on your opinion, how was the charactes of R.A Kartini on the text above?
Answer: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


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